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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:10/10/2010 1:41 AMCopy HTML

Jezzitop-1.gif picture by BloodPassion

Title: Life Lessons
OOC: Here

Jezzitop-1.gif picture by BloodPassion

Things have changed a bit, and it would seem that Jezzi has changed herself... No longer feeling like that shy girl who didn't know where to turn, oh no this time around she was the girl who knew where she was heading and just what she was wanting... All she had to do was work to get it... Something she didn't mind doing at all. Burden had shown her that she didn't need the Jasonation, nor anyone else who was wanting to hold her back... That she did have talent she just had to learn to voice herself to really make herself known... She was a main eventer, all she had to do was prove it... And that is just what she was going to do... Mainly on her own, but she would do it...


As FWAR comes on the air you see commercials for the fWAR show Mayhem and you can see the superstars and divas al doing there thing a bit, as they are being shown up... You can't help but watch it a bit as you think about all the things to come...Well we all can see that Hope is looking ready for this.. She seems to be on her game, now we just have to wonder if the other team is on there a game or not... Chris Burden and Jezzabel Jezzi is getting ready as well, she didn't know much about AJ, but she didn't rightly care, this was only a minor thing as she was looking foward to what would be taken place after Mayhem... She grinned thinking about it...

{Jezzi} Yeah this is going to be good..

She smiled as she was standing in the hall thinking about it, she hadnt' seen Burden in awhile but she didn't mind it, it gave her time to work on her own and do a few things to get ready.

{Jezzi} I'm sure he'll show up when the times comes.

She smiled thinking about it, as she couldn't wait to get into the ring and couldn't wait to hopefully defeat the team of AJ and Hope Sweet... She walked around the locker room pacing a bit as she was thinking about it...

{Jezzi} its a fresh start for me, I'm sure going to love this, and i"m not going to screw it up.

She smirked as she was thinking about it as she couldn't wait to get into the ring, she couldnt' wait to have her fresh start, to start over and see just what will happen for her now... Better things now that she has a say in them a bit more...

Jezzitop-1.gif picture by BloodPassion

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