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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:05/20/2011 1:41 AMCopy HTML

ShawnBladeRP.png picture by CPDesigns_74

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Well it looks like everyone is having something to say, well nearly everyone.. it would look like HHH's brother is pretty damn useless right now... Well anytime actually but oh well... It'll be fun to beat the living hell out of the Game, and then the two goth freaks, Gunner and Damian... A family beat down... Fuck like we would even give them a chance to beat myself and Camaro...Yeah Camaro is cocky and probably thinks he doesn't need me, but I'll show his ass too.  I'm a power player and I'll always be that way... I love the action, I love kicking ass... I may not always look like I'm serious but once that bell rings I'm in the zone... The same that it has been for years and the same that it will always be... I dont' care what the new generation brings, what changes may come, but the only thing that is truly known....Is that I will never change, I will always do my thing... I'll piss off some dumb fucks, fuck some hot chicks, and when the day is done, I"ll be a champion in one shape or form...There may not be the greatest friendship but there is an understanding and respect between the World Tag Champions.  So now that we have shit started its time for things to really get going... After all this is one hell of a promo..

When FWAR comes on the air you see the camreas moving around the hall as they know that Terror isn't all that far away...A big tag match has been set my way, we alll have had a few things to say, I meyself can't help but make jokes.. I mean come on...Look at what they put before me and I can do know other... but now its time to be serious.. Now I need to really focus and get ready...

||Shawn Blade||- Come on baby, stop wiggling., you're going to make me mess up, or you're going to fall off... I am almost there....

You can hear a giggle as the camra moves closer to the sounds as they go into the locker room of Shawn Blade and Alexandra Callaway... Oh wat a scene it is, as she is sitting on Shawns back, as he is doing push ups...

{Alexandra Callaway}- Come on baby, you can do more...Keep pumping baby, you can do it,  

He grins a bit shaking his head, sweating a bit , from having been doing this for awhile, but this was fun, what better way to train then with the help of the pretty one... He does a few more, already doing about 50 of them as he then moves back, as she falls on her ass a bit as Shawn laughs as he is up on his knees..

||Shawn Blade||- Aww I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt that hot little ass of yours.,

He teased as he rubbed her ass a bit, as the two of them went getting up, he kissed her as they were standing there.. He then streched a bit more as he was thinking about what he was going to be doing now, he then grinned as he knew what was going on in the hall and figured he would get his little interview in as well.

||Shawn Blade||- You wait here baby, I have a few things I need to take care of, then I'll be right back...I just need to have a little solo session out there... With Terror coming up really soon I need to make a statement... Need to let everyone know I"m ready to fuck some people up....

He pulled her against him, as he kissed her deeply then went leaving her in the locker room as he walked out looking around.. Yeah Damian and Gunner ment up, Triple H has spoke his shit, and even Shawns own partner ran his mouth, Shawn didn't really speak out just yet but he knew he would have a few things to say... Hell he felt like he was just a add on here, he got pulled into this match up because of his partner running his mouth...Not that he cared, but fuck, give a bit back here... Shawn was a big part of this team and he helped  defend the title as a major power player, so what the fuck is with all this Me ME ME attutude that he as going on... Shawn goes on walking a bit more as he sees an interveiw spot set up..

||Shawn Blade||This thing ready yet?  I have some shit I want to say, so it better be damn ready.

He said as the man nodded, probably too afraid for it not to be ready, but lucky for him it was.. Shawn grinned as he walked over to it standing in the right place.  One of the interviewers were starting to come over, but he just pushed the man away not needing any help....Knowing that he could do this on his own...

||Shawn Blade||- I hear a lot of crap being talked about this match that I am... I'm sure everyone is having a fucking good time, OH i know that I have been... Come Terror it isn't going to stop either... Fuck I have a big red bastard to face again, this time Damain you won't be pushing me out of the ring...Oh I plan on kicking your ass personaly, making sure you're not thinking you're better than what you really are...Knock your ass down a peg or six.

He laughed as he was thinking about it.. Oh yes though he was wanting him a piece of Damian after that match up last week... He then after a moment went on speaking.

||Shawn Blade||- Then we have your little nephew the boy who wishes he was your boy wonder... Remember Incest is not a game for the whole family.. So you fuck freak make sure your mind is on what needs to be done... You guys can screw arounbd later, but Terror we have some real business to take care... So you better be on your game, because I plan on brining one hell of an ass kicking.. I'm going to be busy, but i"m going to love every mintue of it..

He laughed thinking about it as he was thinking about who was next, thinking about the game, knowing that he couldn't count out Triple H, couldn't forget about that man... He knew Triple H was good when he was in WWE, but then again this wasn't anything liike the WWE, this is where you actually choose your own fate..

||Shawn Blade||- Triple H...Oh triple H... Don't you think that I forgotten about you.. I havn't oh I havn't... I know that you're one cocky fuck... Thinking that you have this, but hell your brother is even smart enough to now show up... Or well he is acting like it...He pulls you in, then is going to leave you to the wolves... Sounds like something your family would do. 

He laughed a bit as he was thinking about it, knowing that it was true...HHH was never one to really care about anyone but himself, so Shawn wasn't shocked to belive that his own little brother was the same way.. It was actually funny and even ironic for this to happen to HHH..

||Shawn Blade||- If you were smart, Hunter you wouldn't even bother to show up... You might as well take your debut off, hell you should just turn your weak ass around and make your way back ot the WWE, at least there you can fuck the WWE and get what you want..

Shawn laughs as he walks off heading down the hall as he was very much amused and couldn't wait to get back into the ring, knowing that Terror was going to be one hell of a show, but losing the World Tag Titles wasn't a part of what Shawn was going to do...Oh know, it wasn't going to happen..Not on Terror , not anytime...

ShawnBladeBottom.png picture by CPDesigns_74

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