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- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Date Posted:08/25/2011 9:50 PMCopy HTML
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Just when you think I done and gone for good. Here I am, you enjoy talking shit about me, while I was gone? But lets see you run it after I knock your teeth down your throat. I belive just a little while ago you were on Johnny and myself, because we didn't really act like a tag team, but in all honestly, its loco who should be worried. Seeing as you, Joker, seem to be going thru your mid life crisis, or osme shit. You turned on your own so called family, and are now acting all buddy with Loco... Wonder how long it is before you turn on him?You can say you don't have to worry about it, or that he can trust you, but deep down, you know you're so full of shit. Is this my way to fuck with your heads? Well it could be...but if you are already thinking this, then it looks like I'm already in your head. So now what? Are you going to laugh, make jokes, look for away to get in my head, to fuck with my mind? Well go right ahead, if you hadn't already noticed, my head is already fucked up, so good luck to you there buddy! I welcome any challenge to anyone who thinks they can get to me... I know how things are now, and I know what you are wanting... So whats the limit? Hell with you I already know that as well... There are no limits anything goes... So its a free balling came.. But who is first up to the plate?
You know, Joker I should be thanking you.. If it wasn't for your bitching and crying that I wasn't here, and that I was afraid of you or some shit like that, I probably wouldn't be here right now... So yeah go ahead take credit for that...You may not be so happy if you get your ass kicked by the one you got to come back... It is very laughable. You're such a loud mouth son of a bitch, I probably would be sitting at home right now, drinking a cold one, fucking my wife, watching some racing, or some shit like that.. So thank you for giving me something to do...Making me see that I'm not ready to call it quits just yet.. Oh so not ready to leave... I have a lot more hell raising in me, even after i'm done with you and your buddy Loco.. Oh so much on my mind... but lets take care of one joke at a time... So I'm going to head into Wicked Fire with the best tag partner anyone could ask for... He is the Unfied Champion, the man I gave the Hardcore Championship too... Together the two of us have yet to be defeated...Holding the World Tag Champions longer than anyone in FWAR history...Hell the way we are going, it could be in Wrestling history... We are the greastest... Not only do we claim it, but wait and see bitch, because we are about to prove it... So fuck this shit, lets get this show on the road!
When FWAR come son the air, it looks to be another busy day in the world of wrestling...The camera is moving thru out the arena, looking to see who is all there, thru out the arena. It doesn't take long for them to stop on the figure known as Shawn Blade. He had a grin on his face as he was looking at his sister Madeline Blade, who we all know has been having a bit of fun at Jay Loco's and well recently Jokers' expence... was this attraction between the two? Maybe, or maybe Madeline just has lost her mind a bit from being bored and not able to really do much anymore... but anyways, Madeline is seen walking up to Shawn..
||Shawn Blade||- Well I'm actually surprised to see you. I figured you were off flirting with Loco..You two seem to be hanging out a lot lately.
He laughs as Madeline punches him hard on the arm. He rubs his arm but still laughs.
||Shawn Blade||- Now that is not nice to do. I'm your big brother, you're suppose to love and respect me.
{Madeline Blade}- Don't push your luck, brother
She looks at him giving him a look that told Shawn to back off, and not to even get started... If he knew what was good for him.
||Shawn Blade||- Alright, I'll be nice. So what brings you my way, Matti?
{Madeline Blade}- I'm actually here on business, seeing as you decided not to retire, and go thru this tag match up. What made you change your mind about hanging up those smelly wrestling boots of yours? Was it all based on what Joker had to say about you?.
Shawn laughs a bit at her question as he shakes his head a bit, rather amused by what she was asking. He then after a moments starts to speak, letting her know just what he thought about all that Joker was saying.
||Shawn Blade||- The think I reallly learned from Joker lately is that, the man likes to talk a lot, I mean I thought I was bad, but really this man really loves his voice... He'll spend someo of it dissing me calling me a bitch, then he'll talk me up a bit.. I mean, does he hate me or fucking love me...
He snickers a bit as he was thinking about it, as it was really amusing, but he knew what it was all about, as he went on talking again after a moment.
||Shawn Blade||- Joker is making one big mistake though, and no its not counting my partner out, it has nothing to do with Johnny just yet. but Joker is thinking that me being in this, is going to be a fun little game, but the game is long over.. and the face that he acts as if he knows whot he fuck I am... So the man sees me come to work every day, we've fought before, that doesnt' mean shit...I don't give a damn if he respecs me or not... It has nothing to do with what he thinks about me...Its about how I run my own fucking show, about how I do my own thing... If i want to lay back a bit, and watch others run there glory for now I will, If i want in the main title hunt.. I will, after all I"m the one who made the Unfied Championshp, It was me, not Johnny, or any other bitch running this show...
He paused a bit as he stood tehre lookingat Madeline who nodded her head thinking about it, she knew all that Shawn has done in this company, way back before Dark Carnival was even apart of it, long before Loco even knew what FWA was...
{Madeline Blade|- But it would seem Joker is having a lot ot say lately about you, and your little return...
||Shawn Blade||- So Ronald McDonald is running his mouth Again... Tell me Madeline when isn't the man shooting shit out of his mouth that no one cares about what he says most of the time, because all he is doing is shooting off steam, trying to get attention, or crying because he isn't getting much attention.
He just laughs as he was thinking about it.
{Madeline Blade}- Well do you feel that Matt Ward is going to have something to say or get invovled because he was turned, or actually refused to hold the title by Crystal Sweet?
||Shawn Blade||- There is no way in hell, that I was going to let Wart replace me in anything... What Crystal did was probably the smartest thing any FWAR owner has done around this place lately...and its no offence to them. Hell when Matt was told no, did Matt fight it? No, did Matt try to talk it out, No? The bitch ran off crying and hasn't been seen around the arena since...Oh yes thats really a man for you right there...
Shawn laughs unable to help himself as he was thinking about it, as he looked at his sister..
||Shawn Blade||- Matt is nothing but a little bitch, something that not only I have proven time after time, but hell the man proves it about himself each and every show he is booked at... No one takes him serious, because the man is a fucking joke... but thats enough on Matt, hes not about this, and isn't worth really thinking about.
He grins a very smuch grin as he stands there thinking about it. Yeas sure JOker was taking all the credit for him being back, but when Shawn saw Matt Ward stepping up to take his spot, Blade was already making his way back... Joker just fueld the ass kicking for himself first... Lucky little bastard isn't he?
{Madeine Blade}- Okay lets give the clown boy a rest for a bit and move onto to the other man who seems to have more to say....Who seems to have a thing against Johnny Camaro more than you.
||Shawn Blade||- Hell from what I"m seeing, most of the heat is on the FWAR poster boy, Johnny Camaro.
Shawn chuckles a bit as how he was hearing Johnny being bashed on...Oh yeah Shawn was shore Johnny was just crying about it now...
{Madeline Blade}- It would seem they dont' hold any real respect for Johnny, feeling that he is putting, you, or well holding you back... How do you feel about that?
||Shawn Blade||- You mean how do i feel about being Johnny's bitch as one or both of them may have put it?
Madeline nods a bit as she can't help but giggle some about it, as Shawn can't help but laugh himself as he was thinking abou tit.
||Shawn Blade||- Mattie, you know me better than anyone... If i'm anyones bitch, its Alexandra's not Johnny's as big and strong and muscly as he is, just not my type...
He jokes a bit, as Madeline shakes his head telling him to get serious as he nods then goes on talking ab it.
||Shawn Blade||-People seem to think that Johnny is holding me back.. Not letting me, I guess branch out.. but does anyone actually stop to think that I'm happy , or content where I am, hell I"ve been here since day one, maybe I"m just wanting to watch and see others do , scratch that, let others try to do what I have done in this company... Just because i'm back now, doesn't mean I won't take my place back at some point.. Just right now, I'm enjoying the view right where I am... I do what I want, I fuck when i want, and I fight who I want, when I want... So I know what they are trying to do... Thinking if they can make me feel like I"m being pushed back, or that Johnny is holding me back, that I'll attack him, or put a weakness in the Worlds Greartest TAg team... and you know what... Thats a jobber move right there... Come from men who are suppose to be legends, who are suppose to be so great.. Hell I mean all Loco does is talk himself up... When no one fucking cares..
He laughs thinking about it, knowing it was true.
||Shawn Blade||- Loco you can spend all that time looking thru thos old FWAR archives, and shit, but it isn't going to change a thing..No one knows you here.. YOu may think you are a big wig, but you're not...You may be a big name, or even a legen in other places but just like we tell everyone else who comes in here with big egos, you aren't nothing...
He pauses a moment as he was thinking about it.
||Shawn Blade||- Actually strike that, you are a bit better than nothing, I've seen what you have done here, and I know that you gave Camaro a run of his money, Who knows how the match would of gone, if it didn't get messed up.
Shawn laughs a bit thinking about it, as he was standing there... He looked at his sister Madeline who was just hsaking her head a bit.
||Shawn Blade||- but you have proven just how much you don't know, or how much you don't care... Something you and Joker have in comon..Your little rants about taking the F out of FWAR, because its a war... I bet you feel all clever but it show you , you're not an orginal, it show you, that you dont' care.. because , its not about taking the F out, its about the Reborn... you see I'm an orginal.. I"m an FWA oirgina.. and that is Fusian Wrestling Alliance... Thats what it is all about.. the Rebirth came later on, much later.. And to feel the rename is more important than the orginal, just for your little word play , shows you how much of a jerk, how much of a joke, and how much you just don't matter...
{Madeline Blade}- So I take it you disagree with them... When they say that they are the real voice of FWAR..
Shawn laughs as he looks at Madeline, not an amused laugh, but you can see a bit of anger on Blades features this time as he stands there thinking about it..
||Shawn Blade||- Yeah the voice of FWAR, sure they are... and Joker is Miss America too...
Shawn just laughs as Madeline seemed a bit amused by that as she laughed a bit, as after a moment Shawn goes on talking.
||Shawn Blade||- LIke i said they have already proven that they are much less than that... Yeah sure they rate higer than Wart.. and jokers biggest claim to faim is he fucked Crystal and then got his ass kicked by Crystal when she got bored with him and kicked him to the curve... So they are buddies again... but now you also have her... she gave Johnny his push, saw the talent in him, and helped him get on the right path, and a path he has stayed on with out her help... When ever Crystal stops helping Joker... Hes nothing.. this time hes clinging to Loco... needing someone to help him get back up in ranks... and Loco.. the mans Loco alright, but thats because hes a legend in his own mind... So what this all comes down too is two things really... One is to show Loco that as good as he is... Hes not better than me... two... as much as they rip on Johnny and think he issn't good enough... or that hes holding me down, holding me back.. Hes still better...
{Madeline Blade}-Not being a bit cocky, there are you brother?
||Shawn Blade||- Damn straight I"m being cocky.. .and I've earned that right... I'm not saying I've earned it because I am a Hall of Famer...ITs because I"m a hall of famer, and I've proven my woth..
{Madeline Blade}- Um but Shawn, so is Joker and Loco...
||Shawn Blade||- I know this! but the reasons i'm in there, the reasons why there is one main title instead of two.... Thats all my doing... I set a path not just for a few but for many... I may have been laid back lately, I may have not shawn the work what it is , I truly am in a long time... Why? Because there has been no need.. but Loco and Joker are begging for it, they are wanting to see me at my best... Well they will find out after Wicked Fire it will be something you will down right regret!
Shawn grins a bit a he looks at his sister as he was thinking about it... it was going to be one hell of a battle, a match up that will never be forgottoen..This will be a big part in FWAR history, but who will get the outcome of choice... Who will get the win? Of course its all on the Worlds Greatest Tag Team!
||Shawn Blade||- As much fun as this has been by darling sister, I really need to go, I have a busy day a head of me...
He smirks as he looks at her as he then starts to walk off heading down the hall way, to his locker room...He knew he had a lot of time on his hands. For right now any ways. As hs is getting ready to walk into his locker room he is stopped by how very own Tag Partner.. The man who seems to be getting a lot of negitive heat from the team that is wanting to take the two of them down... Shawn smirks a bit as he looked at Johnny, wondering what the man was up too...
||Shawn Blade||- Hey man, whats going on?
He grins a bit as Johnny walks up a bit more, before he starts to speak to Shawn... Looking rather amused himself.
{Johnny Camaro}-Just checking in on the other half of the Worlds Greatest Tag team.
We both have a smug look on our face...Oh yes we know its true. so of course we aren't shy about hiding it... We the champs.. Oh yes.. we the champs...
||Shawn Blade||- Ah , well I"m doing just perfect. I see the two jokes are thinking that they pretty much already have us defeated... Its funny you know... That they are thinking themselves as Champions already, and yet the match hasnt' even started yet...
They both laughing, knowing how foolish the two of them were, how foolish enough to think that they were so far ahead or had such an advantage.. but it would slap them soon..It was all just a matter of time..
||Shawn Blade||- I am so looking foward to this little match up. Its about time somoene really put those two clowns in there place... Teach them a bit of a lesson... in humilty... Not sure that it would sink in or anything... but well we'll have fun beating it into them.
He laughed a bit as he was thinking about it, as Johnny nodded and grinned....
{Johnny Camaro}- I don't think beating them is going to be the problem...Its going to be teaching them enough so that they'll learn there place when it comes to us.
||Shawn Blade||- Not a problem, we'll just take the time to repeat , and repeat, each and every abuse... Each minute that goes by... We'll make sure to imprint on them. Every bruise and scare will be a reminder of what we will teach them on Wicked Fire.
Shawns grins as he thinks about it, as this was all sounding pretty good... The two of them talk a bit more as they were working out when they were going to hit the gym, wanting to get some training in, and a bit of warm ups before they actully did compete at wicked Fire... As much a Shawn goofed around most of his time at the arena on the camera the man did spend a lot of time working out... How else do you think he looks so damn hot? Its not like he just woke up every morning all beautiful for you people... He trained every morning, and even more so when he had a big match coming up.
{Johnny Camaro}- So tonight after work right? we'll be hitting the gym, working on some of those new moves we were talking about?
Shawn nods looking at him as he was thinking about it.
||Shawn Blade|| Yeah, its all go... Right after work tonight we'll all go, Alexandra is coming she is wanting to work out a bit as well, she is planning on going after Dee and getting her Women's Championship back.
Johnny nods, it wasn't often that Alexandra wasn't with them anyways, so it wasn't as if he wasn't use to it...
||Shawn Blade||- Soon we'll all be back up to where we where... Even beter... I'm going to go after Frost come Mayhem, get back the title I gave him...but first we take care of the Clown Men. or Boys,...Yeah but anyways, tonight after work, we all hit the gym, and work on some new moves... Wicked Fire is going to be Great!
They talked a bit more about plans for the night, and things to get ready for Wicked Fire as they were wanting to make sure all was set,.. After a bit more the two of them part ways, Johnny walking back.. So now Shawn walks into his locker room looking around a bit he hears the shower running as he smrks a bit, the camera is behind him a bit. He creaked open the door so you could see the silloute of Alexandra in the shower, he grinned a bit...Then turned looking at the camera...
||Shawn Blade||- First its time for this dirty boy to get cleaned up though...
He grins walking into the batrhoom and closing the door behind him, as the camera isn't let in for this little show... So we all know that things are going down, we all know how ready. The ball has been set, and played... It started with them, but when its all done and said, it will be finished by us... Play, and have fun... Joke and flaunt, but when the times comes... Your games will be forever your down side... . | | |
