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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/06/2010 1:42 PMCopy HTML

Yeah this word game was turning into crap alright... So now Eve was wanting to talk about how big and bad she was... She fought against Randy Orton.. Well she had seen Orton since he had left the WWE a few times and a lot of the time, he wasn't the legend Killer that the WWE made him out to be, so she wasnt really all that impressed as she was thinking about it.  She wasn't taking anything away from Eve but she wasn't going to buy into her crap either.. She was looking foward to this match and wasn't going to let Eve talk her down... Oh now it just didnt' work that way... Let Eve worry about taking her sun for ice cream, enjoy the easy and simple part of life when she can.. If she thinks by putting her son in this thatt its going to make things easier on her in the match up, she is sadly mistaken.  It just doesn't work that way.  Eve has made one big mistake in this match up and that is thinking Melina isn't as dangerous as she is.  Thats a mistake that she'll be regretting once the show really gets started...Yeah shes a nice diva, Melina has been known to be really easy going lately but that doesn't mean she is a push over, nor does it mean because she doesn't fight men that she isn't just as tough.. She just sticks into her gender her area... She has one goal in mind and that is to be the Women's Champion, and she isn't going to give up until that belt is around her waist....

When FWAR comes on the air you see the cameras moving around the TBW arena...Looking to see what action will be taking place.  There is just so much going on, that the federaion isn't wanting to miss a thing. so now its going on..A lot of great matches have been booked for the very first show, so you have to wonder just who is up and ready for this great battle.

||Melina||- Yeah don't worry Robert, its all going to be just fine...I know , you worry to much, I can handle her.

Melina soft laughter got the attention of the camera as it went looking and then finally focused on her a bit as she was seen siting on the steps, a bit she was leaning back against the wall as she was streching her legs out on the railing just relaxing, it was pretty early in the morning and no one was really around yet so she wasn't worried about blocking anyones way.

||Melina||- Yeah Yeah, I heard what she had to say, so what she had been in the ring against Randy Orton..I'm not all that worried about it, hell the way Randy has been since he left the WWE, I'm sure I could kick his ass too.

she said trying to calm her brother down.  Yeah her family wasn't all very happy with what she did for a lving, but they accepted it more than they did when she first started, she smiled as she was sitting there, it was nice to talk to someone, even though it was just on the phone.

||Melina||- I don't know, maybe, I'm nto worried about it, I don't care if she is his daughter or not, I have every right to talk or say what I want, and I have the right to think what I do about her... She hasn't proven anything to me that she is any better than what I'm thinking, but time will tell... I'm not worried about her cheating, nor do I care if she feels like trying...I'm ready for it and I have no problem with beating the living hell out of her.

Melina smirks as she was sitting there a bit, she was really feeling ready for this match up and knew that it was going to take place later tonight, so she was here early.. She had did a bit of training really early this morning and probably would do some more before the show started tonight, just to make sure that she was all ready for it.

||Melina||- Alright, Robert, I better get going and do some work here.. I'll talk to you toniight, after i'm out of work. Love you, stay out of trouble.

she smiled as she said her goodbyes to her brother as she was gonna go and get ready for her day, clean up and then see what else is gonna be going on around the arena before the show starts tonight... She knew she was ready for Eve and she knew that she stood a good chance at winning this, it was going to be one hell of a show and she really couldn't wait to get things started... She was on her way to being women's champion, knwoing that Eve was just the first step to get to where she was wanting... Needing to be.

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