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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/03/2011 2:59 PMCopy HTML

crystop.png picture by xxbadkitty


crysmiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

The Mavrick may be feeling pretty cocky as he was standing there looking at Crystal.  Playing games by trying to sneak up behind her... Crystal just wasn't the type to let little kid games bother her... She just smirked as she stood there, but she shook her head... No she was done playing with him for now... She was a Women's Champion and needed to defend her belt.

{Crystal Sweet}- No... I will not accept your challenge... You see my sister Destiny has already booked me... Against who?  I do not know yet, but that will be who ever wins on Mayhem.  I am the Women's Champion and I have a title to defend... Unlike you, Mavrick who can just run around like a little jerk, and pretending you're something big.

She smirked as she looked at him, he may think there is more to this, but Crystal could care less... She just didn't see it as worth it right now..

{Crystal Sweet} And as for that little bit with Johnny and his Hardcore Title.. That was all your doing... If you didn't get into the mix i would of never came out to kick your ass... You interferred, if anyone caused him the belt... It was you... 

She laughed as she looked at him, she backed up a bit, as she dropped the mic then took her leave from the ring, but taking the mic once again as she was walking backwards up the ramp.

{Crystal Sweet} If Siefer was smart... and that stable was as good as it thinks... They would be kicking out the weak link....You... because you're only going to bring it down with that hot head of yours... The inability to not get invovled in stuff that doesn't concern you...Oh yes you are for sure a weak link.

She laughed looking at him as she turned off walking up the ramp way, refusing to give him what he wanted... As he just stood out thier in the ring now alone as Crystal went into the back and was soon sitting in her office, amused by what had just taken place... 

crys5vq2.gif picture by foxy1350

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