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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/10/2009 5:41 PMCopy HTML


//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUAL CONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

2.jpg Crystal picture by foxy1350

Rp title:???
People used/Mentioned:???

You are very lucky, for you are getting another day of the Domain World, with Crystal Sweet... Seeing what the diva does in her daily life... What is this diva doing today?  Well after being told that she was in the Pay Per View, she had to make sure that her outfit was ready... After all, she was going up against a diva who has been apart of the Domain forever and a day... So she was going to step it up, and well she was going to bring it all... Even a keen fashion sence... So now where we are in the top shop as Crystal is standing there waiting to pick up her outfit from the dry cleaners...but oh no what is this... Something isn't right in the perfect world of Crystal Sweet? 

{Crystal Sweet} What the hell do you mean you don't know where my things are...

Fuck you have to be joking... That was some expenisve gear.. I needed it for the show... I glear looking at the cleaner as I wasn't very amused at all.. I look back at the cameras who have been following me around for awhile, as they are for the frist time seeing the side of me I don't usually show, but I'm pissed.

{Crystal Sweet} Damn, that outfit cost more than what you make in five years you little bitch.. You better get your ass back there and find it.

Oh hell yeah, you better belive that man went running into the back after I said that seeing how worked up I was getting, when he is gone I then start laughing a bit..

{Crystal Sweet} This is fun..

I turn a bit looking at the camera, a bit amused, but still wanting the outfit, but knowing it isn't htat big of a deal, still have a few days before the Pay Per View, and well if it comes down to it, I'lll just got and find something else.. but he doesn't have to know that..

%^Blood Passion made for Christina and her use as Crystal Sweet need a layout request one at Layouts_R_Us..Thank you.

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