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  • Rank:Bronze Member
  • Score:40
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  • From:USA
  • Register:11/27/2009 1:05 AM

Date Posted:06/10/2011 10:35 PMCopy HTML


So it would seem that people are thinking Jezzi isn't on the ball, or that she isn't taking this match up all that serious... but she is.. Right now as we are working things out she is in the gym, she wants to train. she knows that Luke is a force all his own..While Jezzi,well she isn't so much.  this girl knows that she has to train and stay in shape, so while she was waiting on luke to show up, she was going to get a bit of a work out...

{Jezabel Jezzi}- Lukey and I are going to win this match up... Those former champions are going to suffer another loss, and then come Summer Reckoning, that gold will be ours.

Jezzi smiled as she was working on some streches, as she was very much focused...She knew that in the match up she really only had to worry about a very angry Desiree, and Luke would be more than able to handle Matt Ward, as the man didn't seem much of a threat, more worried about some other man more than his own match up..

{Jezabel Jezzi} - might as well take a moment and do this.

She said getting up as she grabbed the little crama, she had gotten it from Luke who thought this would be a good way for them to do promos and small web shoots for the online fans... Oh he was so smart.. She set it up as she then stood back a bit.

{Jezzabel Jezzi} Well as you can see, I am here at the gym, getting ready for the big match up tonight.. Oh am I ready.. I'm just waiting for Luke to get here, then the two of us are going to tear this gym up, then later tonight we're going to tear that ring up as we win our first tag match together.

She smiled as she stood there as she was thinking about it, she boucned up and downa  bit, her feet not leaving the ground as her feet just were streching and moving a bit as she was standing before the tiny little camera...she starred at it a moment as she then picked it up as she walked around the gym a bit to a spot in the back that had a sparring ring... she then put it down as she hopped up on the edge of it, and sat there.

{Jezzabel Jezzi} You see this ring... This behind me.. This is only a sample , a small sample of the large ring that I and my partner will be in tonight... Now I know that Desiree is very bitter about losing, and you know, I don't blame her, I hate to lose myself, but it does happen, and Desiree you should get yourself ready... because you're going to lose again tonight. Now who's fault for losing will it be?  Why it'll be ours... Lukes, and myself.. We;ll be the ones to blame for your loss, because we'll be the ones kicking your ass, then waiting for our spot at the Pay Per view, when we face the new champions...or if you win them back before them, we'll be beating you two all over again.

Jezzi smirked a bit as she was sitting there thinking about it, her legs swinging a bit back and forth as she sat there..

||Luke||- Jessica?

She heard him calling out as she hopped down smiling... waving to him, so he would see her as she picked the camera up as it was in her face.. She blow it a kiss.

{Jezabel Jezzi}- See you tonight... Its going to be one hell of a show.. and we're going to drop those x champs, before they even know what hit em!

She smiled then turned off the camera as she ran over to where Luke was waiting for her as she smiled looking at him telling him about the promo she did, for the net and fans for thier match up tonight, then after a bit the two of them went getting there working out, started so they could be ready, but not too tired for tonight.


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