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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/24/2012 1:10 AMCopy HTML

I crave the blood, I see the blood… You can not hide it from me… You think me evil , you think me unholy… Of course you are right. If you think you can see the light deep inside my body. Glowing from me, you have mistaken … You can’t not help one who enjoys the darkness so much… Who craves and yearns for the blood of others… No Angle no matter how holy they think of themselves can ever take away what I desire so much.

When I was nothing but a child.. I had some wicked things come my way.. You could say I was corrupted from the start… Let down at birth.. My father giving me away first.. Sending me into a foster home of such evil, of such pain and sorrow… One where a mother was beat, one where a Childs laughter can not be heard…

{Wolf Heathen}-Tell them how it really was… Tell them my queen on how god was not there for you.. Tell him of the day the darkness first arrived in you..

The scene opens up in a dark room, a candle in the middle of it showing the only light, but Wolf’s voice is the only thing heard right now…

{Wolf Heathen}- Let them know what they all ponder… Tell them my queen …. Tell them…

The scene then is broken into a figure as Elisabeth steps into the light, her features hidden into the darkness but her face is made out.

||Elisabeth Adams||- I soon go into a battle as it is being called. I am going up against an angle… A warrior of god. He wishes to punish me, to banish me in a since… To make me suffer for turning my back to god… Well I think its time to talk about this a bit… Seeing as I am not one who is normally one to speak so often.

She pauses a moment.

||Elisabeth Adams||- Learn something Michael… You act as if you are a man of great experience, but I shall prove to all that you are a man who knows nothing… Nor will you be able to compete against me in the ring, but you will not break me any other way… I have suffered great torments in the past… Even as a young child I have suffered… While your god turned away from me.. While he let a child and a household crumble… God turned his back on me from the start of birth.. I was already a dark soul.. And I loved it from the very beginning.

She grins as she thinks about it as she stands there

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