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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:10/27/2011 10:43 PMCopy HTML


Danicatop.png picture by Adrenaline_Rules

Well after leaving FWAR I felt that there would be better things for me out there, but after some time, I have discovered that FWAR was the place that was for me… Thankfully after talking to the owners, they were more than willing to give me another chance… So of course I couldn’t wait to get back into the swing of things… What better time than at Halloween Hell… Im not talking about the costume contest either…Oh no I’m wanting to play along at the Battle Royal… Already so many have entered, and its rumored that even more will be doing so… So of course I had to make sure I get into this fun time… I know others may have some crap to say about my time not here, but you know what… Fuck you! I’m not here for any of you, I’m not here to please any of you losers…Oh no I’m here for myself… Oh yes I’m a selfish bitch, deal with it… Im here to win on my own, im here to make my own name. I care not to make friends, or to find the love of my life, Im just here to kick ass, piss people off and see what I can make of my day. If you have a problem that is tough shit… Get use to what I have to do, get use to what I want to do… I am so planning on running this shit my way… I hope you ladies truly know just what you are in for now that Im running this party! Haha…


So well we all have taken some time off, and things seem to be looking fairly well. So why are we wasting time with what everyone else is doing… When we need to be looking right here, right at Danica grey…Yeah I know it’s a name that hasn’t been heard in sometime, ah yes its so nice to be back… Of course when one is gone for a period of time, when they are bound to return, changes of course are made…

{Danica Grey}- Yeah I so think you need to get out of my way and let me on in, before I fix your face with my boot!

Danica said as she stood there glarring at the security guard before her, as he was being a real dick and pissing her off… She didn’t care what he thought his job was, it wasn’t to annoy the divas while they were trying to get to work.

Security Guard: Well I’m sorry ma’am, Im not sure if you’re suppose to be here…No one told me anything about any Danica Grey being at the arena today… So you’ll just have to wait, or come back once we get this straightened out…

{Danica Grey}- You know very well who I am, and you know that pissing me off is a bad thing right? I mean for real, its totally bad for your health…

She looked at him glarring a bit, as she wasn't really in the mood to fuck around with stupid people.. This guy really needed to just fuck off and let her do her thing, finally he just nodded letitng her go, seeing that she was very much serious about kicking his ass if he didn't let her on by.

{Danica Grey}- You're damn right , you're letting me by... You're so damn lucky I'm not in a mood to beat the sorry life out of you.

She said as she just went walking on past him , heading into the arena as she was thinking about everything looking around.  It had been awhile since she had been walking down these halls... It was a lot diffrent, not really the design, but the fact that there were a lot of people she didn't even know anymore.

{Danica Grey} Holy fuck, who the hall are all these , jack offs?

She said not caring to keep it quiet as she was just shaking her head a bit , as she just went on her way, knowng that she had to get things going.... She knew that in just a few days Halloween Hell was going ot be taken place and she was really wanting to make sure she was apart of that.. This Battle Royal that was signed for the Pay Per View was going to be a perfect way to start things for her... It would be stellar for her to win that, on her first night back, and her second match, beating the living hell out of the Women's Champion... Oh so much awesome right there...After a moment she grins seeing her locker room as she pushes it open walking in.

{Danica Grey} Now this is the shit i'm talking about right here... Now I can get down to the business...First I get ready for the day, then I go on to getting ready to kick some ass at Halloween Hell... Oh baby FWAR is going to be in for one hell of a night really soon!

She said walking in as she closed the door behind her, so she could get ready for the rest of the day... but now everyone is knowing that she is here... Knowing what wicked things that she is up too... Its just a matter of time before Halloween Hell is here... Lets see how many people are going to be ready for this...


Later on that evening Danica was seen emerging from her locker room as she was making her way down the hall she had a grin on her face as she saw a woman walkig up to her with a mic in her hand... Figuring she must be an interviewer. she held her mic out as Danica just grabbed it from her.

{Danica Grey} Get lost, bitch, I don't need you to do this, I can do it better on my own.
She smirked as she was holding the mic as the woman just walked off, not all that pleased with this as Danica didn't seem to care  as she raised her mic up and then started to speak.

{Danica Grey} Okay so you all should know who the fuck I am... but for those of you are too stupid to know anything.. I am Danica Grey.. I am here to beat some stupid bitches... And I'm going to be starting at Halloween Hell... Thats right ladies, I'm going to be taking part in the Battle Royal... Oh I am so looking foward to it too... I see a lot of new divas here, and I hope that you all have the guts to take part in this... I would love to kick all your ass's.

Danica laughed a bit as she was standing there thinking about it, as she was really amused by this, she couldn't wait to get things started.  She stood there holding the mic that belonged to someone she didn't care about as she then after a moment started to speak once again.

{Danica Grey} Call me cocky, call me a bitch, fuck I really don't care what you think about me.... I'm going ot be letting my actions speak a lot louder than my words are right now... and my words are pretty fucking loud right now... Right... Haha, so awesome.

She smirked standing there as she was having a good time right now, but knew that all good things have to come to an end... at least for now anyways.

{Danica Grey} Consider this your wanring... You are all on my hit list... I don't care who you are, how nice you are, how much of a bitch you are... What kind of whore you are, none of that matters... Only the beat down you'll be getting soon...

She laughed tossing the mic down as she grinned standing there, as the camera just focused on her a moment before she then turned off walking once again down the hall, as she was still lauhing a bit, as she was really looking foward to things that were to come...
Danicabot.png picture by Adrenaline_Rules
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