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- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Date Posted:05/28/2011 2:27 PMCopy HTML
ooc;; I just wanted to say for one, Bo, I love your role play it was so cute, and very fun to read...
Two: I am using someone in my rp who is not a member in this federation but I do have the okay, thank you and enjoy! |
So after the Buffy moment things are starting to get back to normal. It was nice to see that Bo was that creative and that ready for things. Even if she knew that she has back up right now, she also know when the big fight came to, it would her alone... Drusilla... Now if there was any vampire chick to be it was her... She had it all... She was beautiful, could see the futrue , and was out of her damn mind... Do what a honor to be depictied into her a bit...So now here we have it, all sets ready well the other one faked her break down, but giving it tribute to another federation, what a low blow, what a bite, I hope the owner doesn't let that stand and makes the crazy bitch show up or fire her... but thats not even my issue, oh no, I'm wanting to be the Women's Champions so thats wehre my focus is going to lay... So its time to get this all going, because this real show is just a day away... My time, when I stand holding the women's Champion is so close, I can't let it slip me, I can't let it leave me... For now it is my time...
````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` When the cameeras for Anarachy Enterprise comes on the air...its not in the arena, its outside in the nice beautiful sunny day... Crystal was sitting out sighing some autographs laughing a bit as she had some co workers with her... it was just a fun and good time as she was sitting there.
||Crystal Sweet||- I know, right that guy was like in love with you.
She laughed as she saw the fan leaving the line a bit as he kept looking back at the diva sitting next to her. She sat there working a bit more.
{Diva} Oh joy for me..
They laughed as they went signing stuff, after a moment Crystal was looking around a bit, and down the street she noticed a man walking wearing shakes and a hat, just trying to cover himself a bit, but as soon as he looked over at Crystal she smirked knowing who he was... She got up, as she headed off to where he was.
{Crystal Sweet} Well hello past lover...
She laughed when he smirked looking at her, he grabbed her arm, pointing to a private area not wanting to be seen out here... To close to this place as she just nodded and laughed a bit..
{Crystal Sweet} Thats fine, you're going to help me with an idea I have... but I'll keep your location secret until you sneak off into the night again..
She laughed as he raised a brow looking at her, but she just left with him, leaving the autorgraph session early to worl on a match promo... Knowing this was going to be a lot of fun. Bloody Fun!
In the darkness...
"Shhh you can do this"
"I don't want too"
"Shut up, yes you do, you know you do"
You hear the two of them going back and forth, and then a bit of a female giggle as then a growl a bit, an unhappy groan, then nothing for the next few minutes...
{Crystal Sweet} Well hello my lovies..
The lights come on a bit, a dim right light, as you see a large velvet bed, Crystal is there, in a very sexy gloth outfit, very sexy as her hair is down around her, and then behind her its the one and only Nova Cain, dressed in a very hot sexy man outfit... Looking very goth and vampire like... She smirks back looking at him.
{Crystal Sweet} Yeah so , hes no spike, and even puts Angel to shame... but I couldn't help but take part in my own little vampire series... YOu see , Bo you connected me to Drusilla... Probably my favoirte.. So I"m going to do this..
She points sets her glare into the camera, pointing her fingers out, and then to her eyes...Then starts to quietly say
{Crystal Sweet} - "Be in my eyes.. Be in me..." See what I see, hear what I say...You know my skills you know my talents... You may bell the slayer is on your side... but I have already seen your future, so i know your fate...
She giggles as she stands there, grinning, the cameras look back to Novas who smirks a bit watching Crystal, but more or less starring at her backsside a bit, probably more than actually listening to her speak..
{Crystal Sweet} - I have you in my eyes....
She stops hearing a barking from far away..
{Crystal Sweet} Shhh grr. bad doggie..
She laughs a bit, as she focus's her attention again, knowing that Drusilla was very much off her rocker, something Crystal could play very well... She was more able to hold up to both parts... Dangerous, deadly beautiful... OUt of her fucking mind... Mental ablities.. To make people do what she wants, just by looking into her eyes, knowing the future... Oh yeas, a vampire to be..
{Crystal Sweet} One diva already down and out... for she no longer wants to play with me... Thinking to fake some drama, to blame it on others... She drinks her soul away, but infact ehr soul is alredy gone... No wheres for her to go, no place fo rher to hide.. So run little lamb, run very far..
She smirks..
{Crystal Sweet} Look back at the past... see the hot man behind me...Loveers no more are we... but friends we shall be... Playing is always fun... to remmet is always there... Coming into the night, we shall play..
Nova smirks hearing parts of that, fuck though if he knew what the hell she was saying, as she was acting rather strange right now, but hell if Nova could play it was all good..
{Crystal Sweet} Little Bo Peep lost her sheep.. And she didnt' know where to find them? Keep looking Bo, for they are not in this ring... You will not find them in the Women's championship...You get those lambs to close to this slauter, and their pretty white coats will be a dark shade of red... They will be soaked in the blood that will spill...
She grins standing there, as she licks her lips a bit, thinking about the blood, she wasn't wearing fangs or anything, nto feeling the need to go that far, and hell, that was just too much for her, but for right now this night ti was all fun, she turned getting on the bed near Nova.
{Crystal Sweet} You see my dark one.. You see what evil deeds I have planned..
He nods.
{Crysal Sweet} Don't you wish you could be part of it..
"Oh yeah"
Crystal Smirks as she looks at him.
{Crystal Sweet} To bad..
She smirks as she then pushes him back, as he falls off the bed, as she moves rolling ontop of him as he sat there shaking his head, holding her though as she laughed.
{Crystal Sweet} YOu don't play in this grave yard... but feel free to watch, and lurk around another dark alley, I owe you a few beers.
She laughed kissing his cheek as she then got up walking off the camera leaving him there, a bit shocked but laughing as he knew she was going to do something crazy, the cameras watched him a bit then faded off to black for a commercial break.,
Later on during the day you see Crystal Sweet dressed more normal now, as she is wearing a pair of hip hugger jeans, a pink tank top that says play boy bunny... Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail her bangs hanging down a bit. the camera looks down her boyd looking at those jeans that just hugged her so nicely then down to the heel style sandles that made her look taller...
{Rebecca Keys} Crystal!
Crystal looks around a bit, hearing her named being yelled by a female voice... Usualy when her name is being yelled at by the same sex, she knows to duck for cover... She sees the interviewer running towards her as she smiles looking at her.
{Rebecca Keys} I was hoping to find you, Miss Sweet... Can I get a few moments of your time. I'm hoping for an interview.
Crystal looked at her thinking about it then nodded her head feeling this would be a good idea to get things rolling for tomorrow night.
||Crystal Sweet||- Yeah alright, and interview is just fine, Go ahead and ask away.
She smirks a bit looking at the young woman as she was thinking about it, as she stood there, waiting to see how things were going to start for her.
{Rebecca Keys} Well you are now less than 24 hrs away from facing two divas in a triple threat cage match... For the Women's Championship. Do you feel ready for this? I know that you have already had some sour words for Snake eyes, and even though respectful but you are doubtful on Bo's activty in this match up?
Crystal chuckled a bit when she said that as she was thinking about it, yeah Bo showed up and she was glad she did, but that still didn't say anything against her point, she made a show for a match, how long would it last? How often would you see this great diva around the federation? She still wasn't sure about that.
||Crystal Sweet||- Snake Eyes is just a coward, no talent bitch..Hell now she'll pull not being able to show, for some reason, maybe when shes out of the hospital she'll have a little note from her doctor, saying I'm an aloholic, and I can't let Crystal Sweet beat on me..
She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it, as she just shook her head a bit.. She had no respect for Snake Eyes... She was useless..
||Crystal Sweet||- As for Bo Riley. oh her promo was cute and very fun, couldn't help but counter on that, and I hope when the video is cut, she enjoys it.. But I still dont' feel as if I'm going to lose to her... Am I saying she cant' wrestle, no, I'm just saying I can beat her.. and come Tomorrow evening, I'm going to do just that.. I plan on being Anarachy Enterprise's frist Women's Champion, and I'm also hoping to keep it for sometime.
She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it as she stood there a bit.
{Rebecca Keys} Does it worry you, or scare you a bit, to be fighting in a cage match though?
She held the mic to Crystal as she was thinking about it, and then after a moment she started to speak.
||Crystal Sweet|| Every match has its risk, of course some match ups are worse than others, but I go out each and every night, putting my body on the line, risking myself, so the way I see it, is just another great night, to fight, to kick some ass, and win some gold...
She smirked as she looked at Rebecca as she as thinking about it, knowing what this match up was going to be like, knowing that it was going to be one hell of a show, but she still wasn't worried about not winning, Winning was just something she was going to do.
{Rebecca Keys} Well thank you for your time, Crystal. Good luck in your match up.
Crystal smiled softly.
||Crystal Sweet||- Thank you.
Crystal then after a moment went walking off heading down the hall as she was making her way to her locker room to get ready for the rest of the day, knowing that it was going to be a busy one for her. | |
