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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:07/19/2013 12:14 AMCopy HTML

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Oh so it looks like I'm out and about again, I am allowed out of my cage to play.... Why?  Has someone done something bad?  Have I done something good?  Hell it's only because they are needing ratings, needing a filler, and it looks like I got lucky... Oh well that also means ACE has gotten unlucky... Haha...Cocky little bastard aren't I?  Well then again I enjoy being this way... It is far more amusing than being like all the other big bad dark monsters out there... Why can't I have a since of humor, why can't I enjoy myself at the expense of others... It's a fun way to go about the day... It really is, some of you should try it... I mean yeah sure being dark is fun and all, but well when everyone is doing it, its about time you go out and look for a new way to do things... After all everyone wants to stand out, and look like they are one of a kind, but how do you do that, when the in thing seems to be goth, emo, punk, or dark and scary...So I'm gong to go down this road and see what kind of fun I can have... Will I always be this way?  Probably not, I'll get bored and want to try something else. So lets keep this going, it's my play time and well I'm choosing to have some fun right now... When FWAR comes on the air, we start the show tonight out in the arena... The cameras move back and forth, looking to the fans who are yelling, and screaming, as they make faces at the camera, knowing that there mug is now on TV.  After a moment or two of going about this way, the scene seems to pause as the lights cut and after a moment..."Remedy" By Seether blares out through the arena... The crowd goes quiet as the views then go up to the titan tron as you sees caps and shots of Jacob Night... With out much more of a delay the man himself, Jacob Night walks out on stage, he grins a dirty toothy grin as he stands there looking around a bit... It has been sometime since this man has been seen in the arena... He doesn't waist a moment as he starts to stomp his way down the ramp way and heads to the ring... Walking up the steps and climbing right in the ring... The audience looked shocked to see him out there...Knowing that there isn't a match set for right now...He walks around posing a bit as he has a grin on his face, looking to be rather amused right now. He went getting himself a mic as he raised it up and then went on speaking as soon as his music cut.

||Jacob Night||-So here we are, standing out here in the ring, on this very hot summer night... Great day to be in Georgia. 

He laughed knowing that it has been nearly 100 degrees out there, but that didn't seem to bother him, but if you look around at the people in there, some of them looked to be a bit on the sweaty side... He brought the mic back up after a few seconds.

||Jacob Night||- So I figured while you're all out here doing nothing in this heat, I would come out, shoot those pyros off and make it even hotter in here for all you fools. Talk a bit about my up coming match on Terror... Make a bit of fun, seeing as I"m facing a man who has finally won a match in this company... Feels good doesn't it?  I'll make sure it doesn't last for you.

He chuckled a bit as he was hoping to put a quick end to this mans winning streak, well not really a streak yet, but put an end to it before something can start up,knowing the man was probably thinking that things were finally going to turn around for him, maybe just maybe he could be a somebody here... 

||Jacob Night||- ACE , I hear you have a lot as far as life stories go... You're back round comes with a lot of crap... Anything you can use to make you look somewhat good I guess... Not that anyone around here really gives a bit... but I hear you're a military brat... It's kind of scary to see the shitty job you do, wrestling here...Knowing that you are suppose to at one time have protected this country... good thing it wasn't all on you, and that there are a lot of actually good soldiers out there who can do there job and yours. 

Jacob grins a bit as he was thinking about it... not that mattered or anything, but it did make one think on it... Hearing what he said he did... I guess anyone can add what they wanted to there backstory, not like anyone fully checks those...right...

||Jacob Night||- I'm about to do this world a favor come Terror... I'm going to show them that you're no American hero... Because if they had to look up to someone like you... I bet a few would be leaving this country... God Bless America.. 

Jacob laughed as he went dropping the mic as he was shaking his head a bit thinking about it, he could hear the boo's from the crowd as they weren't impressed with him, but he didn't seem to overly care as he was still laughing, very much amused by what was going on.  Knowing that it was only going to be getting better once Terror came...His music hits once more as he stands there a moment longer then climbs out of the ring as he walks up the ramp and right to the backstage area, heading back to his locker room as the show fades out to a commercial break.

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