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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/13/2011 1:26 AMCopy HTML


Well it had beena pretty good week or two for Jezzi...She had a good match up and even chased a no good diva out of the place, and now she was getting a shot at a title she didn't feel she earned... but she was greatful to be getting the shot.  The diva she was facing Ruby Cooper... She was a great competitor... She seemed to be a simlar to Jezzi.. In size, in shape, and maybe a bit in attitude.. Jezzi herself though, being a bit more held back, as she is one to watch and learn, but well hse isn't really at that place anymore, she has to work and learn, and play and learn... So this was her way of doing that, and she was looking foward to this match up and couldn't wait to see what it would be like to face her... 


"Turn those lights on"

A small voice comes on...

"okay not play the music a bit, gotta set the mood and all."

The voice said again as soft music did start to play, and it came into view a bit as you saw Jezzi standing in a room as she was dancing around a bit, as the music was getting a bit louder, some kind of 80s music that no one probably cares about... but Jezzi was seeming to like it..

"This is good training music... Good way to get ready for my match up... Don't you think?" 

She said as she talked into the tiny camera that she had set up, to watch her so she could cut this promo as she was having a bit of fun with it.  She was moving around the room, infront of the camera which was set back enough so it gave her moving room as she was jumping a bit and donig little punches ot the air as she smiled, feeling really good about it all..

"This is going to be great... I mean it, really finally a good match up... Against a diva that I can feel I respect... One that I can feel won't try anything underhanded, and could make this look really good... I know what this all means, and I know what is at steak... There is a lot on the line come Pandemonium... A chance for one of us to face The Goddess Champion... The very creepy and wrong in so many ways ...I know how this is going to look when this all comes around...

Jezzi pauses as she was thinking about it..

"We don't look like we offer much, we are a small package , but you know sometimes a lot comes in a small package, and we're going to prove that when we fight, and I'm hoping to to win, and I plan on showing even more what I can do.,.. No matter wat that... beast of a woman seems to think.

She said as she was streching there as she bent over, touching her toes as he head shot up looking at the camera as she was smiling as she was having fun with this knowing what this was all doing, she wanted her fans to be behind her, and she knew that she need al the emotional support she could get..

"But right now, I don't feel the need to worry about that champion... Thats for another day and all...Ruby Cooper is my main focus right now, and I can't wait to get in the ring to face her, and I know that its going to be a big battle up, and I can't wait for it... I really really really am looking foward to it.
She smiled as she was thinking about it, as she then stood up straight as she did a few more streches before she walks over to the camera leaning down to it..

"I'll be seeing you all real soon. "

She winks then blows a kiss to the camera before she reaches around and then turns it off, as the scene the fads to black, as BBW goes for its first commercial break....


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