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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/08/2009 4:16 AMCopy HTML

CStop.gif picture by BloodPassion

Title: Its my Time
OOC: Yeah I know it sucks, but trying to make it good, or at least look like its a challenge.


They say good things come to those who wait... That with work and effort that all works out well.. but you know sometimes if feels like the harder you struggle and strive, the harder you fall and hit your face on the pavement... When do you find enough is enough, when do you feel like you wont' take it any longer...Now is the time to act is it not?  Or do you continue to just sit back and watch everyone tell you how it is, or how it is going to be?  When do you take control of your own life?  Now.. Now is when.  You can't wait or hold back any longer... Oh no you have to stand up, you have to really things go your way... If you can't do it by being nice, then do it by any means possible... Take what is yours, take what you should have... Make the respect you.  Its not done or over... You can't let them keep laughing at you, thinking you are a joke.. Now get your ass moving and step out, step up, and get the job done!

Yeah well that whle Pay Per View tag match was a waste of time... Can we say screwed... Of course we can.. Something that Crystal thought was in her grasp and in her control turned into shit so fast it wasnt' even funny, and instead of setting up for a rematch with her tag partner she is thrown into signles match up.. Yeah what the hell is up with that.. Oh well I gues its just dealing what is thrown at you, but this is like consparcy hell here...Lets see what is going to happen this week... As Crystal seems to be getting a chance at another Championship, lets see how close she can get to this one.. This one starts with Ryan Collins... Yes a very great and talened super star in The Domain.  There is no doubt about it.  He has shown many times that he is to be respected, and not taken lightly... So now here we are working this the way it should be... Crystal would of never thought that she would really be going up against this man in any type of match up, but now for the second week in a row here she is face to face with this man... Or well she would be soon..

{Scene 1)
On Camera

When the domain comes on the air, it is all on camera of course... You see walking down the hall.  She has her wrestling gear in hand as she was making her way to the mighty Domain Gym... Where she was planning to work out and really get hersef going... She had a lot on her mind, and was needing to really and focus.  Yeah no one thought her as a threat, no one cared about her being there or what not... but Ryan didn't beat her... She wasn't the one pinned... So at least she had that much.. Yeah the books say it was a loss for the whole team, but she still remained unpinned... she was tired of the bullshit going on around here. Ryan was right, no one took her for a threat not even he did... No one thought she was worth to much of an effort, easy to beat... Week after Week shit seemed to not go her way.. but you know... Crystal was still here and was still working and trying to keep herself alive, to make things better..

{Crystal Sweet} I have a lot of work today... but first I'll be heading to the gym.  I want to work out and get ready for my match up.

She said thinking about it.  She had a couple hours to do that, four at most, then she had to go and head out to a autograph signing, that she would deal with later.  She didn't want to skip out on that, knowing it wouldn't be fair to the waiting fans.. But she had so much on her mind, she wanted to make sure she was ready for her match up, ready to not just face Ryan Collins, but she was wanting to beat him.. To make him eat his own words, and well she knew right now the way she was, it probably wasn't going to happen, but she would take care of that, she would make sure to get herself ready for hm, and anything he would dish out at her.

{Crystal Sweet} Thanks..

She said as someone was holidng the door open for her as hse walked into the gym.  She was looking around a bit, it wasn't packed or anything, which was good for her, she was glad that she wouldn't really be bothered or anything.

{Crystal Sweet} Hey, Joe, I'll be using the back of the room... give me about an hour then send the trainer over..I want to work on some warm ups before really doing anything out of the way, as far as sparring and what not goes.

The man at the desk nodding as he smiled looking at Crystal as she smiled back a bit then went on to the back by herself.. She sat her things down in the coner a bit, as she then sat down on the mat.. She went putting her ear pieces in and turning her music on as she started to do some streches and warm ups.  As she was working out, one of the Domain interviewers came into the gym looking around... He grinned seeing Crysta in the back as he sleetered back there to her.

{Jerky Interviewer)- Hey Crystal how does it feel to know that most of the talent such as Ryan collins things your a joke, not even a threat, or having to worry about when it comes time to face them..

Crystal didn't answer as she just sat there working out, as she wasn't going to pay him no mind or anything, she just focused on her music.  She moved as she was working on some streching bending over a bit, as she then felt a hand smack her ass, she turned growling as she looked at the man.

{Crystal Sweet} I knew that would get your attention... Such a fine little ass too..

He said as he squeezed her ass a bit as she slapped him right across the face as he just grinned a bit looking at her.

{Jerky Interviewer} Aww now that isn't nice.. You know if you were more free willing you would probably get more smiles your way... You should loosen up..Just think about your match up.. You laying your back and getting pinned... but the way you're looking now, you seemed to be needing to spend more time on your back... Damn woman your Bitchy...

Crystal moved as she looked at him as she pushed him away a bit igrorning him, as she didn't want to listen to the crap coming from his mouth as she was thinking about it.

{Crystal Sweet} Why don't you just get out of here.. I have nothing to say to you, or to anyone... I don't care what Ryan had to say in his so called promo, I don't care what he or any of you people think of me... I'm not here for you, I'm here for myself..Now if you wouldn't mind, I have a lot of things to do, and am wanitng to train to get ready for my match up..

She said looking at the man for only a moment as she then went turning her back to him, she wasn't going to give him anymore time, she was more than done with all of this shit..  He must have finally gotten the hint, or well the brain cells to realize that he wasn't going to get an interview as he finally turned and left... She smirked a bit as as she was watching him go.

{Crystal Sweet} I'll deal with this like a profession, I"m not going to be talking shit, like they are all wanting and expecting... Let them think I'm not worth the time, or I'm not a threat... They will all see. 

She sighed thinking about it as she was focused.. She went on working out on her own for a little bit, then after an hour or so, the other trainer came over and started to work out with her, just like she was wanting.

{Trainer Jim Bob}- You ready to start working out, or do you need more warm up time?

He asked as he had seen her little issue a bit ago and wasn't wanting to rush her, if she wasn't ready yet, but Crystal nodded her head, as she was ready to get things going and to start working out... She was wanting to get as much training in today as she could, and jerk man there already slowed her day down, just by messing in her space like he had.

{Crystal Sweet} Yes I'm ready, we can do this.. I need to start this.  I have a match up to get ready for... I'm not gonna be laughed at anymore, I'm not gonna stand by and be anyones bitch... The time for being nice and proper is done.. I want to beat the living hell out of him, and give him the match of a life time.

She stood there looking at Jim Bob as he could see how deteremined she was, how bad she was wanting to fight and wanting to be ready for Ryan Collins and show him just what she could really do... That she was a threat, that she was a contender here.... She was wanting to show them all.

{Crystal Sweet} Come on Jim lets get started...You're not getting any younger.

She smirked teasing as she looked at him, as the two of them got into the training ring in the back of the gym.. She smiled looking at him as they were getting ready, then when he said go, she charged at him, as she grabbed him, he twisted and knocked her down, but she moved quick, grabbing his leg as she knocked him down with her.  She then moved rolling a bit, as she quickly got back up to her feet.   He wasn't down long either as she smiled looking at him as he seemed a bit shocked but grinned back.

{Jim Bob} Ok I'm not taking it easy on you now...

They both laughed when he said that as they went sparring some more, as Crystal was trying to pick up some new tricks as he was teaching her some new moves, that would help when she went one on one against Ryan.  She knew that it would take everything she had to defeat him in the ring, and she was going to do just that, give him everything that she had.

{Crystal Sweet} Yeah those are nice, I like those moves.. Thank you.

She smiled after a bit when they started to calm down and where now just sititng in the ring as they both were worn and tired as she smiled looking at him, as she was pleased with how things went, and liked that she had learned a few new moves.

{Crystal Sweet} I can't sit here all day.. I need to get going, I have a lot on my agenda today and don't want to be late... Thanks again Jim.  I'll see you same time tomorrow.

She said smiling as she then moved rolling out of the ring, as she went grabbing her towel, as she rubbed the sweat from her face, and then went getting her gear gathered up as she then went heading out of the gym and to her locker room.

{Crystal Sweet} Wow I really  need a shower.

She noticed after the hard work out that she was covered in sweat as she headed to her locker room, as she went right into the bathroom to shower and clean up and then she would head out ot her next location.

CSbott.gif picture by BloodPassion

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