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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:12/31/2012 4:23 PMCopy HTML

Topic : The End Draws Near

ROLEPLAY TITLE - The End draws near
Someone can reply if they want.. ITs good either way just wanted to get something out , bored with nothing to do.

What a waste of a year.. Nothing great has really happened...I'm am not pleased with anything... Not even where I stand right now... It hasnt' been a fun time at all...A little bit of destruction here and there... Some blood spilled, but nothing like I really wanted too... No one seemed to hang around long enough.. and now here I stand by myself... With nothing to really do... I guess I could go take care of Dealer... Seeing as thigns are still unfinished there, and he doesnt' seem to be pre occupied with anything himself... So I guess that means I would being doing us both a favor.. But who knows... My so called friend Micah has gone her own way and hasnt' looked back... She didn't like my kind of attention... With the men she is chasing I guess she feels I cramp her style... I'm sure there are other play things out there... Other things to bend... To break... New meat has been coming in almost daily so it will be fun to see who will remain, and who will run off before things get to hard for them... Right now I just sit here in my locker room waiting for my time to come out.. Waiting for them to give me something to do...

||Jacob Knight||- It's just a matter of time... Things will go right soon enough..

I grin thinking about it.. I'm not in a hurry, I have never been one to rush anything.. and i'm really not about ot start now.. .I don't get pissy or upset when things do not go my way... I just look for another route.. Another way to do things.

||Jacob Night||- The New Year brings hope for all... Maybe a chance for redemtion.. A chance to start a new... Isn't that something we all want?

I have my best conversations alone.. I know what I say is true... I dont' need to sugar coat it.. Or to worry about lies... I just say what is fact... I continue to sit here awhile while hearing others outside waiting, and getting ready for tonight... I have nothing to do... but that doesn't mean I won't make my presence known here tonight on Terror.. After all it's a night that everyone wants to be remembered...

||Jacob Night||- And Remembered I shall be..

I laugh a bit thinking about it.. As I can't wait to see just what tonight brings for me...For everyone before me... Oh what fun it shall be..

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