Rank:Bronze Member
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- Register:11/27/2009 1:05 AM
Date Posted:08/29/2011 6:49 PMCopy HTML
Well we all know that everything happens for a reason, and that usually things are bad or good, being how you make it... but what do you do, when you really don't have control, or any say in what is really going on... Like the tropical storm that was in New York.. Yeah I may not have been born and raised in New York, but I have a lot of close friends, so thats where I hurried off too when i heard it was pretty bad there... What can I do? Maybe not much, but I'm there... Just like when it comes time to fight... Brit, don't you worry I will be there.. Why? Because I may not have had any control in that sneak attack, but I do have control in what happens in that ring... You may have thought I was an easy target. You think i"m a weak link here.. Just wait and see what I have planned for you... You will never again call me a weak link, hell when i'm done with you, you may be too embarressed to show your face around the Bare Bones arena... When things start to come to light, the camara is showing as Jezzi is moving a bit showing some of the floods that are infront of her... We all know that some places were hit harder than others...Some places were damaged, destroyed and then flooded, but what makes this great is that where you see all the damage and heart break... Here you see people, working together rebuilding and moving on with there life... What a line of inspiration, a way to really carry and move on... Something that can be used in a big career, and something that a lot of people should learn from... So lets move on with our story... you see here we are in New York...and the camera is rolling watching it.. Jezabel Jezzi is moving around a bit, as then after a moment its her voice that you can hear.
{Jezzi} Well fans this is Fonda, New York... This is where in just a few days the Fonda Fair was suppose to be held... It isn't looking like its going to happen now, but there are people around trying to clean it up, hoping to be able to do something about it...
She paused a bit just looking over the scene a bit as she was thinking about it..
{Jezzi} The storm is over, but there are some threats... There is a damn not to far from here that is looking like it may give out, praying that it doesn't.. but you never know...
She stopped again as she was thinking about it. She then moved a bit as she was sitting on something that showed the over flowing river behind her.. She knew she had to cut a promo for her match up back in Ohio...
{Jezabel Jezzi}- Now to get on task about something else... I know seeing me here in New York, you all could be thinking... Does this mean I won't be back at the Bare Bones Arena, for my big match up on Sept. 3rd? Oh don't go thinking that at all, and Brit don't think that I have forgotten about you. Its just right now, I'm dealing with something far more important than you. You attacked me for no reason... Other than your own gain, at something you havn't even been around for... Thinking you are so important and big, but your ass isn't even around, you don't show up to work, you only ran your mouth , after you cheap shotted me...
She just shakes her head laughing a bit as she was sitting there thinking about it...
{Jezabel Jezzi}- You're like a Hurricane..You know, get all big and going... The more you're talked up, the bigger you are... but as soon as you hit.. you show your true strength, which in this case, isn't strong at all! your power is gone as soon as we see you in person... You may blow some hot air, but like the people here.. They are moving on, and gettting on with there lives...Its nothing but another day to them... Yeah sure they have it a bit harder, but they don't seem to let that stop them... They keep going, just like I"m going to do when I beat you.. I"m going to keep going and make my way to the top of the BBW company... Unlike you though, I don't see them as stepping stones... These are brave and hard working talents.. Unlike you, who is weak, and pathitic!
She smirks a bit as she was standing there thinking about it....She knew how she felt about this match up she was getting into. It was so important to her... She was tired of everyone seeing her as weak and useless... It happened every place, and now that she was at Bare Bones, it was a new place just getting it self up a bit, and here she was getting it to... So she was going to do something about it now, she was wanting to be taken serioiusly, and was wanting to be seen as a challenger, not some freak, or little girl... Yeah she was the Punk Princess. but this Punk Princess could kick some ass, and it would be just what she was going to be doing, when her and brit got into the ring together!!!
{Jezabel Jezzi}- Now as fun as this has been.. I really have a lot of work to do... I want to help my friends here, and then soon i'll be making my way back to Bare Bones... So get ready fans, I'll be more than ready to really kick it! and kick some ass!
She smiles, blowing a kiss to the camera before she shuts it off... It was a start of things, and it was her way of feeling ready and making a little statement to start things. She knew she was ready to get into the ring, and she was feeling really good about this, and couldn't wait to get her revenge! | |
