Date Posted:07/29/2010 3:12 PMCopy HTML
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<tr> <table width="100%" cellspacing=10 cellpadding=10 border=2 bordercolor=#000000> <tr> <!--LEFT SIDE--> <td width="34%"><font size=4><center>FWAR News </center></font><br><br> <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" scrollamount="1"><center> Its a hot summer that is for sure, but nothing is hotter than the going ons in the FWAR... Loco seems to have lost his mind, after attacking and burning Madeline, he came up short against Xtreme, Destiny Sweet seems to finally be showing a bit as FWAR news has more than confirmed that the engaged owner is with child... When is the wedding date? rumor has it, its in a couple weeks... New talent coming in and some old talent going out... Look to see who is the big dogs here in the FWAR. Love in the air.. It would seem as if David Matheson has taken a liking to his friend and co worker Sarah Boston.......</center></marquee> </td> <!--MIDDLE--> <td width="33%"> <center>Welcome to FWAR</center><br> <br><br> <center>Where the big boys come to play</center><br> <center>Where the divas are as deadly as they are Sexy</center> </td> <!--RIGHT SIDE--> <td width="34%"><font size=4><center>Georgia City Reality</center></font><br><br> <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" scrollamount="1"><center>Hells Kitchen is open and looking for help<br> If you're in the mood to party, then stop in at Players Club<br><br><br> Police, Fire, FBI, Remember we are here to help you<br><br><br> Need some quick and yummy eats then stop down to Lickable Sweets<br></center></marquee> </td> </tr> </table> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
