Date Posted:06/21/2021 11:44 PMCopy HTML
| Picture Base: Tommy End AKA Aleister Black Real Name: Damian Jacobs Ring Name: "Demonic Monster" Damian Jacobs Alias(es): @DemonicMonster Date of Birth: June 13, 1995 Born: Washington, DC Residing From: Washington, DC Height: 6'5 Weight: 2'43 Theme Music: Requiem by Avenged Sevenfolds In Ring Attire: Like the picture, but all black! Favorite Match Type: Anything that deals with fire, chaos and destruction. He purely love making destruction for everybody. Crowd Status: Heel Gimmick: A supernatural entity that doesn't feel any pain. He doesn't show any emotion beside taking pride into causing destruction and carnage upon his victims. He is similar to his brothers Kane, The Undertaker and Cerberus, Whose are known to play mind games and control very evil supernatural powers like flames out of nowhere. He is truly a demon without a shadow of remorse for absolute anybody. Wrestling Style: Brawler, Striker, sometimes high flying moves In Ring Tendencies: He isn't a team player. He only likes to dominate and hurt everybody that comes into his direction. If he involves with a group? He only going to play nice for a little while until he stabs them in the back. Strengths: He mostly relies on his experience from the past to help him get the advantage over his opponent. He is a type that will use anything to get destruction and what he wants. Weaknesses: He have a little temper that tends to get him lose more matches. Other than that? I have no idea of what his weakness could be. | Moveset: {At least 10} - Brainbuster - Roundhouse kick - Single Lifting Underhook DDT - Firearm Carry facebuster - Diving Knee Drop - Jumping Dropkick - Springboard 450 splash - Corkscrew Senton Bomb - Corner Clothesline - Multiple strike combinations Submission(s): {No more than 3) - Demon Claw(Iron Claw) - Demon's Wrath(Double Hand Chokehold) - here Trademark(s): {No more than 3} - Pele kick - Modified dragon sleeper hold (some times standing cutter) - Finisher(s):{No more than 2} - Destruction Massacre(Spin kick) - Blood strike(Double stomp)
| Entrance: The lights went into pure darkness where there is only bit of spotlight aiming at the stage. The camera turns to the ramp way as you can hear Requiem by Avenged Sevenfolds hit the pa system making the fans know who it is now as the man who was standing in the spotlight as it's wasn't the same demon that people comes to know, It's was entirely a different image of the man who hid behind the mask as he was now coming to show how dangerous and evil he can be, For he is now back to showing his true face. Damian Jacobs But the mask was totally different from it as it's was open mouth piece while the mask look like the something out of the horror film as he started to walk down the ramp while people are trying to get their hands onto him to say that they had touch their idols as Damian kept his eyes set onto the ring while thinking of what he is going to say when he get into the ring. He stop at the ring as he started to reached toward to the ropes until he stop to look at the ring announcer who seemly thinking of getting out of the ring as she rushed out of the ring as Damian walks toward to the steel steps then goes under the second ropes to enter into the ring. He started to walk toward to the rope demanding the microphone to be handed to him as the microphone given to him in his gloved hand as the music stopped without any warning as Damian Jacobs stood there while the fans giving their cheers and boos toward to him. He waits for his opponent to come out. | Biography: He is the youngest brother of The Undertaker, Kane and Cerberus and older to his youngest sisters. His childhood hasn't been all fun and games at all when he was growing up. He was set on fire in the hands of his brother The Undertaker in the funeral palor along with his brother Kane early days. When he was in his early teenage age of 20, He came to seek revenge on Cerberus for all of the pain he has felt all these years of growing up with him being the older brothers. Demon Ryan knew that Cerberus was wrestling in a company called WCW-Warzone and Revenge, Costing him the match with his the arch nemesis Jenna McMahon by helping his older brother who had told him that he wasn't the one who started the fire that cause their family to be burned by burying her alive ending the feud between them both until Demon Ryan and Cerberus set their eyes on upon each other throughout the msn days. They had fought against each other from time to time and teamed up time to time as they were the ones who had created a stable called Corrupted Crypt until they both disappear in their own ways. During the return of Demon Ryan who has been forced to removes his mask by losing a match against Hope Sweet in hopes that people were ready to accepted by them which didn't happen that way. At this time, He went by his real name Damian Jacobs who was forced to make his destruction once again by terrorizing entire FWAR's roster once again like his old days by taking apart each person one by one which he had faced the likes of SVD, Johnny Camaro in so many different matches known to man. He had some face to face with another rising demonic monster who has been setting the world on fire as it's was Wolf Heathen who has scarred him to a point that Damian to dun the demonic mask once again and now, It's was time to unleashed pain, suffering and destruction to everybody that tries to get into his way! This was surely wasn't going to be the end of it as now, He was back being known as Demon Ryan. Over the past few months, He has experienced some amount of success until the match with Lorcan Balthazar in the main event of Terror on 6/22/21 as he was at the point where a chance must be needed. What type of change it going to be is anybody guess. Achievements/Accomplishments: Honestly, I don't remembered this character's achievements. It's been that long with this character existence
FWAR*2020 |
