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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/15/2020 3:58 AMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Just doing a bit more

Well life in Toronto has been pretty exciting.  Not just because of the new career.  The life has been a total restart as well.  It kind of actually felt like she was in a totally different part of the world honestly.  Even with things being more restricted due to Covid, she was still seeing life was a lot different here... She had a few days to her self before she had to meet with the man who called him self CJA and with a tester trainer, I guess one would call him.  So she was taking in the sites the best she had been able.  Which was trying out some neat food places, taking in some other sites.  Not much of a shopper she didn't feel the need to really hit anything like that.  She did enjoy a nice walk, as she had herself covered up with a mask on... Just looking around taking it all in... Well after a day of fun, Ryder knew she needed to get her head back in the focus state.  As she knew why she was here.  Once again she was in her jammies, on the bed in the hotel she was staying at.  Once again on social media and checking on the talents of TXW... Looking to see just what has been going on, what they were all saying.  In away studying who they were and how they were some.  Realizing she was coming into a mad house... Oh that was exciting. 


The next day Ryder made her way to see this Sinn guy about getting looked at to see if she had the stuff that CJA had noticed in her...Or someone had seen and reported to the man... She really had no idea... She just knew he had reached out to her... Spook some mighty sweet words and gave her an offer she really couldn't refuse... 

{Sinn}- You must be Makayla

The rather deep voice called out when she had walked into the gym as she looked around a bit.  Seeing the large man as she looked up at him.  Nodding her head.

||Ryder Whitlock||- Yep, but go by Ryder... Ryder Whitlock.

She said simply, not really to correct him as he hadn't been wrong... It's just not who she was now... Makayla was the past she wanted to leave long gone, and Ryder was the fighter and the woman she was wanting to be now.  Sinn didn't seem to care either way just telling her to move her ass.. She went over talking and then hearing him out... He explained how he did things, how she was going to do things , as she nodded.  Once she was in gear and ready to go he put her in a training ring with someone already waiting. 

{Sinn}- Show me what makes you so impressive... 

He said standing there... Arms crossed.  She didn't give him a second glance as he did look kind of matter of fact... Not to interested... Maybe he didn't see what the other saw, maybe he was looking to her size and shape... The fact that she looked like she could get lost in a crowd... Well that was changed as soon as she was in the ring... Taking the band from her wrist, putting her hair back into a pony tail.. Life sparked with in her and the fire was there... That wasn't to sway she didn't end up on her ass a few times, but she did get up, she did adapt and she was able to take down in decent time... Sinn with out a word looks to the side nods as another sparring fighter comes out... This one was more rough... 

{Guy}-Come on baby, is that all you got...

Ryder shakes it off as she gets back up... She looks at the cocky guy who isn't much bigger than her actually, but he is a fast little shit, as he does hit her again, but is able to put an arm up to block, hooking and takes him down, her first then connects with his face, as she then was about to do it again.

{Sinn}- I've seen enough.

That stopped Ryder as she stood up, she looked rather roughed up, but didn't seem to mind it as she walked to the ropes looking down at Sinn who was looking at her , not speaking for a bit as she wasn't sure what that mean, as she then just dropped herself and got out of the training ring..

{Sinn}- You need work...

Well that was kind of a duh statement but she held that in.. She knew that.... This was new terrority to her as she didn't do this kind of fighting, but she was willing to try , just like she told CJA on the phone, before she agreed to come here...Now was this man telling her that it was a waste?  No he wasn't as he just said what he saw..

{Sinn}- He's waiting for you... Get cleaned up... I'm sure i'll see more of you.

He said simply then walked off... Ryder raised a brow a bit as she watched him go... Waving a bit as he didn't see it..

||Ryder Whitlock||- It's been a real pleasure...

That was a charmer right there... She took a breath shaking her head as she went walking to get changed and cleaned up... Knowing she had to do this contract signing... At least she had been on the right track, and was getting places now.


The meeting with CJA  was a bit more pleasant.  As whatever the big man had said to him over the phone before she arrived must have been what he had been wanting to hear.   She was greeted and let in... With almost open arms... Of course keeping distant and well he was still the man he was... She stood there a moment as she was listening to him speak... As she was glad that he was pleased with how the session went... Though she didn't see it as anything all that good as she had still been man handled for the most part...

{CJA}- You will work on your weak areas, which right now is just  learning the basics... You are on the right path though... Just listen to me and my trainers tell and teach you... 

Ryder nods as she was thinking about it... She sat down as she went over the contract.  It all seemed to be good to her... Soon she was signing and it was all set.

||Ryder Whitlock||- I look forward to getting started... Actually excited to get started.  

Oh yes, she was looking forward to getting to work... Getting to the ring and really starting it.  She wanted to do what she had seen others here do, she wanted to get in the ring...; Work on making a name for herself, and then making it big.  There was a few more words, but then soon it was done and over... Then just like that she was a part of TXW... 


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