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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:08/31/2009 1:31 AMCopy HTML


//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

crystal002zv5.png picture by foxy1350

|Crystal Sweet|..Sorry about that.. I wasn't sure if i was going to have my third no show, so I wasn't really putting a lot into it, or giving much to go off, I hope this one is better for you to work with.. Good luck :D And Thank you so much for rping for the match up, just makes me so happy..

Well hell nothing like being ripped down, by someone who actully is worth your time in the ring... Hell I guess it happens to everyone... After competeing for so many years.. Its nothing knew to be called the low dog, little girl, or even told that you're not worthy... Its all acts of desperation though... Knowing that someone is going to be coming.. Yeah they are new, but like it or not, i'm a threat to you... and what do I see when I saw Paytons little scene... Yeah someone is having a few issues... And doing a bit of my homework, its easy to see that she was scorned by a man... Of course it had to be the man I was talking too... Hell I dont' care about these things..I didn't make my way to The Domain to screw around and see who I can fuck with...Its more than that... You think having to fight me is a slap in the face.. Well wait, until you feel what it really feels like when I slap you in the face, and give you something to really be sore over..


Am I cocky? No, I'm just knowing what I can do... I havn't yet really cut a promo, or givien an interview on just what I'm thinking... As far as getting into the ring with the so called great Payton Parker.. but dont' worry, I'll have a lot to say just in a little bit.. I don't want anyone to think I'm not here to stay, or that I cant' play with the big dogs.. I'm far from a little girl...You may think I"m a rookie, a Jobber or just some chump who is coming here and won't last... I said it once, I said it twice, and I'll keep on saying it.. I am here to stay, and be an orginal Domain Bitch, Bud Bytch, what ever you want to call yourself.  You're about to go up against "The Baddest Bitch"  Ok now here we are, the show is getting ready... You see cameras going all over the arena now as it is almost show time...

||Crystal Sweet||-Hey you get over here.. 

I look at some greasy little man who is standing there with a camera in hand... I curl my nose a bit... Oh hell no. for get it.

[Camera Man] Hello miss Sweet... What can I do for you..

Oh god he is checking me out.. Oh hell no, get the fuck away from me... I have to back up away from him a bit, but he moves closer, as I then put my hand up, making him stop, before I end up hurting the pig, as I shake my head... Oh hell no this isn't happening...

||Crystal Sweet|| On second thought I change my mind... You go take a bath, and I'll go out to the ring...

I push the smelly asshole away, as I go on walking down the hall... I know what I"m wanting, and I know how I'm wanting to do things... Mr. Smelly just isn't going to work into all of this... So much going thru my mind as I'm thinking about my match up tomorrow... Oh what a joy, Payton actully had something to say...Nothing all that useful, or great to say, but hell at least we know shes here... Of course how could we not... She's running at the mouth, moaning and groaning over some man who dumped her, probably for something better...Hell lets not get into that.. That doesn't matter... All I know is this drama queen better be focused on me tomorrow night, because I'm going to be all she needs to worry about for awhile...  Yeah I got my push, but I worked for it, and I plan on pushing myself up, and up, and right on over this bitch, and make my way even further to the top... I know its just a matter of time before I do so... The time is starting tomorrow... but of course I"m going to run my mouth tonight.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Commerical Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

New Moon hit the big screen November

Diablo 3 set to come out.. Some year or another

Watchmen... Who will save the heros from themselves

Friday the 13th Hes back... and you're time is running out... beware of the hockey mask

What the hell am I doing...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Commerical Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When the show comes back on, the camreas are no longer screwing around in the back area.. Oh no, not when they know that I'm going to be making my way out to the ring... Of course they are wanting to be out there to catch all the action that will be taking place. After a moment the lights go out... flashing a bit, before "Straight Out of Line!" By Godsmack blares... The crowd gets up looking up at the stage area... A few know who this is, seeing her a couple times already....Others havn't really been paying attention... Hell and they call themselves fans... fuck they don't know shit... As the  music is playing... I, the very sexy and deadly Crystal Sweet... Yeah, I am playing that a bit.. haha, but I am sexy, not really all that dealy, but hell it could happen...Well anyways, I walk out on stage.. A smirk curves my lips as I stand there looking around. After a moment I then walk down the ramp way, as I get a postive reaction from most as I work on making my way to the ring.  I jog a bit up the steps before walking on the apron.  I then after a moment in a very sexy, and pleasing to all you boys, manner crawl in the ring.  Yeah I have a lot to say, and what better way to say it, than right out here to all of you people, right out here in the ring...

||Crystal Sweet||- Give me a damn mic..

I'm leaning on the ropes with my hand out, waiting for a mic... Duh, you dumb ass's I can't talk with out a mic.. Hell is this the best, this place has to offer in worders... I just shake my my head, as I grab the mic as its handed to me... I don't even thank the idot as I just walk over, waiting as the lights come back on, and then the music stop... I grin a bit looking around the arena  bit at everyone who is there.  I then finally after keeping everyone waiting a moment, I raise up the mic and grace you all with my voice.

||Crystal Sweet||-Well hello my lovely fans.  I thought I would come out here tonight and talk a bit about my match up... Now as most of you smart people know I have a match.. but for the rest of you, well not so smart people... I have a match up against the "Ultimate Bitch" here in the Domain...

I laugh a bit when I say that.. I can't help.. Oh I'm not laughing in disrespect.. I know she is something to be taken serisously.  She has done so much, for this place... you have to respect that.. but really that is all you have to respect and take in to account.

||Crystal Sweet||-Now I'm actully going to start this with the last thing she had to say, or well worry about... Now I know that you are worried about going up against me... Now dont' miss take that.. I know that you have it on your mind... Thinking that maybe my sister Hope is going to get into this... but I dont' play that way.. If I can't win a match up on my own, then I have no problem losing on my own.  Even though losing isn't going to be a problem.  I can, and shall win on my own.  I like to play dirty just as much as the next girl, but not in that way... I'll do it on my own..

Oh thats right, take it in, I never said anything about fighting fair, but I'll fight on my own.  I dont' need my sister to interfere and help me out... I'm more than willing and able to take Payton out on my own.  I want her to see I'm not just some no talent hoe out here... Or some shank running around trying to get fucked and then get to the top by spreading my legs... Fuck that I train hard and work hard every damn day.

||Crystal Sweet|| You can call me ugly, try to trash me, bring me down.  None of that is going to matter.. When it comes right down to it.. The only thing that i'm going to make you see is that when facing me, It won't be a slap in the face to you, unless I'm actully slapping the taste right ouf of that mouth of yours.  Don't get me wrong.. I am honored to be facing you, to be actully making my way up the ladders so to speak, but don't take that bit of respect as a rookie not knowing what she is up against.  I know very well what I'm doing, and I'm more than capable of taking care of myself in the ring..

Oh yeah, I have every bit of confidence in my ablities, and I know I'm going to get this.. I'm going to keep on working and digging.. I'm going to do what I have to make myself known.  I want everyone in The Domain/Bud what ever you want to call it... I want them all to know who I am, to know my name... To know that I'm not just some blond, some big tittled bitch, who every man out there wants to fuck...Oh yeah I know you do, you're starring at my pictures, probablly jerking off to my posters and camera shots as I"m speaking... You know who you are.. I dont' even have to give names... You're all that well known..

||Crystal Sweet|| I'm just going to come out and say it.. I dont' just want to win... oh and I do want to win, I mean I want to win, so damn bad... You know like a fat kid wants candy... Like a pimp needs a whore to bitch slap.. .Like dog needs a bone to chew on... Oh no its more than that... I need this, I need to be on your mind.. Oh Payton you may think I'm not worth your time now. 

I pause a moment, as I grin thinking about i.. Oh yes this is hot, this is gold.. I am so ready to go, hell I can't wait until tomorrow night.. Oh god, I am so ready, I'm going to win this bitch! Hell yeah!

||Crystal Sweet|| But after tomorrow night, you're going to see that... I'm worth all the time in the world... I may not win any championships soon.. but what I will earn and win soon enough is respect.  I will be respected here.. Not just because I demand it, but because I have earned it and worked my ass off for it...

Thats all that needs to be said.. I drop my mic and kick it over to the corner so it can be taken out of the ring. I stand there for a moment looking around.  A hand on my hip as i'm leaning to one side a bit looking around, very pleased with my words and actions thus far... Oh yes I know its only begining.  After a moment "Straight Out of LIne!" blares once again.. I don't waste the time, as I drop down and roll out of the ring.  Deep in thought about my match up as I walk up the ramp way, and to the stage, I stand there a moment looking around.  I move my hair back out of my face then go off walking off stage and then heading to the back..

//The End... For now WooWhoo! //

©.caramel kisses. Made for Christina by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

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