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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:07/30/2009 4:34 PMCopy HTML

BPtop-2.gif picture by foxy1350

Version Blood Passion; Catalina Cruz- I loved these pictures and just started working with them until I got this.. I thought it would make a perfect version.. She is so pretty.. and is the face to my Destiny Sweet Character.. Who is a strong and powerful person in many ways, as for running and being all business is concerned...

Who Am I?  I am Christina, i am 25 and have been designing for a little while now, finally just learned to do graphic stuff... I have a daughter who has just turned 4 on March 27th, and her name is emily.. I work at Papa Joes.. I love my job and I love my daughter.  I'm an activer Efedder, most of you know me as Crystal Sweet.. Been rping now for 12 years.

What I like: Wrestling: Undertaker, Kane, Khali, Randy Orton, Ken Kenndy, Finnley and Hornswoggle, Batista, Trish, Lita, Mickie James Melina.. Music: JOSH GROBAN, Nickleback, Godsmack, TLC, Gwen Stefani, Fergie, Most Country mucis, R&B. Books: Christine Feehan, Anne Rice,Steven King, Tess Gerritsen, Any books really on crime or horror, or super natural.. Movies: P2, Pirates of the Carribean set, One Missed Call, Vampires, Dracula, and many many more.. TV Shows:  Foresinc Files, Law and Order, SVU, CSI, the orginal and even Trial by jury, Charmed, Angel, lot of other crime shoes like homiced, Body of Evidcne...

What I don't like: Kelly Kelly, Jillian Hall, Santino, Chavo, Vickie Guerreo, Mark Henry, Swagger , Michelle McMool, Maryse, or any dumb diva like that.. Music: I hate Heavy Metal, I like music about raping and killing, or about drugs..  Moves: Romance's really,  I don't like people who think they are better than everyone else, or who are mean, and self centered. You want my time, then be nice, thats all it takes to be friends.. (So if you go requesting, and you see this, i dont' think you really should.. I hate them and really hate working with those faces..)

Who are my friends? Online: Kristi, Bob, Dustin, Keith, Emily, Austin, Ashley, Mick  Offline: Ruth, Danielle, Deb, Mike, Amanda, Brian, Leah, Bredan.

Who are not my friends: You know who you are,  I give everyone a chance, but its always up to you if you stay that way or not...

BPrules.gif picture by foxy1350

1. Only 4 Pending Request at one time.. If anymore I will Delete..
2. Be detailed in what you want, I will not gues, unless you give me freedom too do
what I want..
3. Make sure to tell me what you want, after all I'm not a mind reader.
4. DON"t Bother me on messenger for a request, or ask me over messenger for one..
5. Do not bump your request, unless told too, I do have a life and other things to do,
if you can't wit a day or so, then don't bother to request from me
6. If you don't comment back, saying thank you or what not, I will delete your work,
and will not do any more request for you.
7. Only high Quality pictures, no excuses, I will not go hunting for you... I Do not do
male banners that well, but I will give it a shot, if i can't do it, then you'll need to go to another desinger.I do not do Stable or tag banners! .DO NOT GIVE ME LINKS!!! ONLY PICURES!!!
8. For Banners put:  Queen of Seduction
9, Be respectufl and decent to me, or you will be banned
10. For HtmL's put: Seduction's Gift
11. Only one request per Requester at a time, you can request banner and layout at
the same time, but that is it, to be fair to everyone else..
12. Pick a button, down below, and put it on the request, I want to see it on anything i
make for you, to credit me of course...

Those are my rules if you can follow them, then good , feel free to request, thank

BPTheform.gif picture by foxy1350

1. Name: The name your momma gave ya..
2. What do you want... Banner HTML or MSN layout
3. Where will this be use?  Must have link.. or no request
4. Poser: Tell me the name of who you are using.. If you dont' want to here.. send it to my inbox.. just incase i have problems with the pics
5. What do you want it to say: Easy what do you want written on it
6. Extra:  Anything that you want... A color that you don't want, or dont' want me to choose the color of your request...
7.What HQ pictures do you have for me?  Only High Quality Picture!!!
8.You Are... Fill in with my code..

Bpbutton4.gif image by foxy1350
Button1.gif image by foxy1350
bpbutton2.gif image by foxy1350
bpbuton3.gif image by foxy1350


BPbottom-1.gif picture by foxy1350

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