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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:08/04/2009 1:29 AMCopy HTML

crystop.png picture by xxbadkitty

OOC;; Enjoy my pretty people...

crysmiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

They say life takes a turn for the worse before enternal bliss comes to you... Well now here we have it... Allies gone, but enimes seem to have an endless supply.  Here I now stand alone... but yet those who come at me, are in greater numbers.... I now start with the God of Chaos, or better known as Thunder... I shall take him on, knowing that I am alone.. but i have to watch  becareful for he fights with allies, and friends... A demon like god at his side... He who clams to see with in. but I swear he has other powers of his own... He cast darkness and fears... So becareful.. I need to watch out... No way of hiding, no way of getting out of this... Nor would I if I could... Just not with in me to back down.  Am I stubborn?  Or am I asking for tihs?  What ever it may be.. I am here, and I will not leave.  I put myself in this place... Even though when it started it wasn't alone... It was a war of stables, a war of talents. not its all breaking down... Coming apart... I am the only one left... I have os much to do, so much to build, For I will not let us fall.. We will go on, we will not stop... You laugh and taunt feeling you have this, thinking you are up and beyond my grasps... I may not have your freakish strength, but I do have a greater mind than you.  I will use what i have to my advantages.. I am a thinker... and you my friend are a stinker!  Ah yes I said it.. and I will prove it.. You are big and bad.. but you can not move fast.. I can.. You can not think when your mad.. I already tested and saw that.. I know how you work, and I know how you think... You don't...

Now here we are... at my arena.. My place.. my ring.. my rules... You wait and you will see... I know what you are all doing.. A group with four has split, as its now two and two.. Lock and Sterling have gone there own ways.. As you have stayed with him... Hellraiser. 

||Hellraiser|| This has to be the easiest match of your life... I mean look at her..

Thunder and Hellraiser are in there locker room looking at videos of Crystal Sweet... Yeah I'm small, I dont' look like much.. I'm nicely filled in many places, but when it comes to it... I have a bit more built that what Savannah has...

~Thunder~ She will break easily.. I'll make her snap like the little twig that she is..

His laugher is loud, but a bit sinister at the same time... His wee little goddess is on his lap holding onto him, as she hears what he says as she doesn't speak, just plays his arm candy right now as she knows that the boys are talking and getting ready for things to come..

||Hellraiser|| What a shame that her man is suffering his own fate right now, he won't be able to see what you do to Crystal... Won't be able to watch the torement...

Ah yes evil at work right here isn't it.. Now that you have seen this... YOu have gone into the world of chaos and question... This is FWAR's Twilight Zone... Its is not for the weak or faint.. but if you can handle what you have seen, then lets move on... For there is more to come..

Here we move to an normal day, in the Terror General Managers office... But today anything but normal can take place...You get closer move in a bit more as you see first lips, then move back.. a smirk... Move back more.. its a man... He seems to be rather a mused... Well its Drew... why shouldn't he be.. .He just had himself a fun time with the cousin to Crystal.. and not just any cousin , and Identical cousin... Talk about Akward...

|Drew Stevenson|- You know that I"m good for this, and besides after Mayhem you may not even be able to do your job, so Destiny had to make sure that someone was there to do it..

Oh snap.. did he just say that.. Crystal turns looking at him glarring seeing the amused look on his face... Oh this man was all business as she stood there.. She had the womans championship on her shoulder as she was standing there looking at him..

{Crystal Sweet}-Let me tell you something, screw boy.. I'll be around to do my show.. You are here, only until Joker returns after that, I don't care where you are... Could be out on your ass for all I care..

|Drew Stevenson|- Aww now that isn't nice... I'm starting to think that maybe you dont' like me... or is that you dont' like not being in control.. I mean, you dont' like to be out of the loop last to know... Does it still eat at you that your sister, went ahead and hired me with out even asking.. Or is that you're more focused on Thudner than you where your own family, and wern't there when you were needed? 

Crystal looked at him when he said that as it did make her think a bit... Crystal was a busy woman, and she had a lot going on, but all she did was always for the greater good, for the best of the federation, she always put her career and this place ahead of everything else.. She looked at him, as she juss sighed a bit then turned around and walked out..

|Drew Stevenson|-See you around partner..

The scene fades out, as you can see him amused as now we're back in the inner turmoil of it all... Here we have now thus far.. Two men amused with the idea of the end to Crystal Sweet.. Enjoying the idea that she may be broke and half.. Then move to a man who has nothing against a woman, who seems unwilling to even look and see what he can offer her... So much on my plate... So much to deal with... Who knows what way I should be turning right now... I guess more will come later.. For its not even close to being over... I shall go on.. Until my time is over.. Until I see the light and the bliss before me... I know I"m not dead.. but come Mayem... Will the light be closer than ever before?

crysbottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

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