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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/23/2010 3:45 PMCopy HTML


The sun was coming into the window, Sydney moved streching a bit, as she moved she felt an arm pulling her away, she smiled a bit as she looked over seeing Mason laying there sleeping beside her... She knew it was early but she had to get up, she had a lot to do... She smiled as she leaned into him a bit as she kissed him softly.

||Sydney Sweet||- Morning... I need to get up..

She laughed a bit as he just had her pinned a bit under his large frame, he grumbled out something that she didn't really hear... Knowing he wasn't really wanting to get up yet.. The large hotel bed was very comfy, she smiled as she wiggled free a bit.

||Sydney Sweet||- You stay in bed, you don't have to be into work anytime soon, I just have to get my physcal and stuff done..

She finally got free as she smiled looking down at him... They had been staying in a hotel whenever they have been wanting to sleep together, Sydney not pushing anything to move in, as she was happy with how things were and was just happy to have him... She streched as she walked into the bathroom, droping her nightie on the way, as she knew he was awake enough to watch, as she stepped into the shower turning the water on... She cleaned up washing her hair then her body, as she made sure she was all nice and clean, she then turned the water off steppig out as she wrapped a towel around her, she walked out as she went to walk past the bed to get some clothing, but he grabbed her, pulling the towel off her before she made it on the bed as she gasped then laughed out as she looked at him... Before she could protest about running late he was kissing her, and then growling a bit as she smiled looking at him...

{Mason Caine}- You're going to be really late...

He grinned as he pulled her closer kissing her again, as soon the bed was a shaking and a rocking, and you could hear the loud moans coming from Sydney, as it was the best way to wake up in the morning...It was a few hours later before Sydney was up and cleaned up again and this time dressed.. She was siting on the end of the bed as Mason was still laying there as he watched her, she looked at him.

||Sydney Sweet||- I'll see you at the arena later baby, I just have to get this physcal done for work, then I'll be there.

She said as she leaned in kissing him before she got up, and then went heading out the door to let Mason rest a bit then clean up before heading to work...


Later that day, Sydney was sitting in the doctors office, they didn't mind tht she was late, as they were able to fit her in anyways, she had done pretty good on the physcal, and was just waiting for the blood work to come back, she was in a good mood feeling really good then after a moment the doctor came in.

-Doctor Bryan Madison- Well Miss Sweet, you are in great shape, very healty..

He paused as he smiled softly looking at her, as she smiled back looking at him, as she could see he had a bit more to tell.

||Sydney Sweet||- Thats great... What else ?

She said as she could tell that he had more to tell her, then he told her to wait a moment then soon he came back with another woman, as she was a bit confused.

-Doctor Bryan Madison- Miss Sweet, this is Emory Potter, shes handles all pregnacy..

Sydney sat there frozen when he said that... She didn't register it really all at first until the doctor started to talk again.

-Doctor Bryan Madison- Your blood work came back all healthy , and that you are also pregnant... Now Dr. Potter is an OBGYN, and prenatal care doctor, so she will help you set up all that you need and will help you out thru your pregnacy if you would like her too...

Sydney sat there opened mouth for a moment as she wasn't sure what to say at first, then finally after a moment she started to speak out.

||Sydney Sweet||- I.. I'm pregnant...

She was a bit pale when he said that, as she wasn't sure what to think, hell she didn't even know how Mason was going to take this, then again, she wans't sure if she was wanting Nova to really find this out, knowing just how mad he would be, as he hated her , thinking she was trying to take Mason away as it was... After a bit, she was finally allowed to leave, as she headed out to her car.... She stood by her car as she pulled her phone out and was thinking about calling Mason, but then again he didn't really answer the thing, cause most of the time it was misplaced so she sighed as she put it back in her pocket... She looked at her watch seeing what time it was.

||Sydney Sweet||- Hes at the arena by now...

She said as she then pushed her hair back as she went getting in the car, she sat there a moment, just in awe about it all before she then went turning her car on, buckling up and was soon driving off down the road, heading to that place she called work, she bit her lip as she saw the buidling just infront of her, wondering how things were going to go..... She knew she would tell Mason first, figured it was the right thing to do... She parked the car getting out as she locked it then slowly made her way inside.  She went walking around as she made her way to the lockerroom that Mason usually shared with Nova...She tapped on the door as she heard the noice as she opened it seeing them in there.. She saw Nova roll his eyes not happy to see her, as she looked over at Mason, who made her smiled just by seeing him... She took a breath as she walked in a bit.

||Sydney Sweet||- I know you're both busy, I'm just wanting to speak with you for a quick moment, its important..

she siad as she looked at Mason, but then Nova spoke up, stopping Mason from leaving as he glared.

{Nova Caine}- Dont'... She knows work time is not fuck time...

Sydney just glared as she looked at him, not wanting to put up with his damn mouth right now, as she had to much on her plate...

||Sydney Sweet||-Shut up Nova, I'm so not in the mood for your crap right now... This is importat I need to talk to Mason..

Nova moved infront of her, as she glarred right back at him as Mason stepped in, and took Syd's hand telling Nova he owuld just be right outside, and to calm down, as Sydney smiled a bit, looking at Mason.. They walked out into the hall as Mason closed the door leaving him in there, but not seeing it didn't really close as Mason looked at her, knowing something was up...

{Mason Caine} Whats wrong Sydney?

He looked at her as she looked back at him as she was thinking about how she was suppose to tell him.

||Sydney Sweet||- Well you know how i had that doctors appt today? 

He nodded...

||Sydney Sweet|| I had to get a physcal and some blood work, and all that..

{Mason Caine}- Yeah I remember, everything okay, are you sick or something?

He looked at her a bit concerned now seeing how she was acting, as she stood there, playing with her fingers a bit, as she was thinking about how to tell him, but soon Nova came swining the door open as he glared..

{Nova Caine} Wil you just hurry the fuck up already we have things to do, and can't spend all damn day looking at your ass...

Sydney turned glarring as she looked at him.

||Sydney Sweet||- Will just shut up for five seconds, I"m trying to tell Mason I'm pregnant..

She gasped as she had just blurted it out like that, not how she was wanting to tell him, as she bit down on her bottom lip as she turned looking at Mason, not sure what he was going to say as he stood there stunned just starring at her in awe, as she looked back at him, not sure what he was going to say...


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