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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:11/26/2012 4:47 AMCopy HTML


Warning: This roleplay may contain things not suitable for everyone. There may be some violence, there may be some foul language, hell there may even be some sexual content. So all you single-minded people out there...TURN BACK NOW!!! You've been warned...


RP Title:

The Hunting Trip

Roleplay Inspiration:

Hunting Season

Mentioned and Used:

Read and See




No one yet


The Sweets


Bang Bang Baby


here it is

What better way to lean to be tough than being out in the great outdoors… I have spent a lot of time out here growing up… Yeah I may look like I’m some city girl but I was actually raised out here like this… A tough farm girl who is more than capable of handling a fire arm….I know what its like to hunt for your meal, to spend all day and nearly all night out waiting for that right moment… Do you know what its like? No, well don’t worry, you’re going too, because this time, I’m taking you with me… Just for you, I’m going to do a web video and record my day, so you all can see just what its like to be me…Or to be apart of something I enjoy doing this time of the year.. It may not be pretty, it may not be glamour’s, but this is apart of life… So maybe you’ll learn something… You know learn something about being tough, about standing up and taking abuse because you know it leads to a greater end… Sounds a lot like being a wrestler doesn’t it? That’s just what I’m dong and just what I’ll be doing at Decadence when I fight three men for the Apex Championship… A title that I hope to win… No a title that I will win.. I will go thru anyone and everyone to the top dog in the business… I’m going to show you my skills, I’m going to show you how focused, how tough, how determined I am, not matter what happens, I will not give up I will not give in… I always get what I want… From a deer to the Apex Championship, I will have it all!

When UWR comes on the air… You are not watching from the UWR arena.. Oh no just like planned the scene is opening up in a dark room… After a moment an alarm is going off as the clock says 3 am… but there is no one sleeping in the bed… but a hand touches the clock, turning it off, as you see Crystal walking past… she has jeans on, and a bra on so far… She is reaching for a tank top shirt, and then another shirt, and then finally putting on a heavier shirt, as she buttons it up… She then pulls her hair back into a pony tail, and then kneels down in front of the camera as she smiles waving a bit.

||Crystal Sweet||- Well good morning my fellow fans… I’m sure you are wondering what in the world I’m doing up this early? Well you see today I’m actually taking the day off from training at the gym, don’t worry I’m still going to be getting ready for my match up against those big bad boys, but today I’m going to do it a different way..

She smirks as she points over to a gun case behind her, as she winks a bit..

||Crystal Sweet||- Today I have some real fire power.. And I’m about to go out hunting…

She grins as she reaches for her things, getting some gear she had, and then grabbing her gun, as she then leans down picking up the camera as she was taking it with her… She walked out of the hotel room and then down the stairs and out of the hotel building… She goes to her car, putting her camera on the hood while she goes putting her things in the back seat, she then takes her camera and gets in the front seat as she installs’ it on the dash. She gets in and buckles up as she starts the car up, she smiles looking at the camera as she starts to speak a bit.

||Crystal Sweet||- I see this as a bit of a relaxation before my big match up against , John Cena, Matt Ward, and Dante whatever his name is… Do you all like what I found to relax with… A powerful weapon, vast wilderness… It’s going to be great, I can promise you that much.

She says as she turns her attention to the road now as she pulled out into it, as she wasn’t done talking though, but she didn’t need to look at the camera, as they knew what she was doing, and where she was going anyways.

||Crystal Sweet||- It may not seem like it, but I have been putting a lot of thought into this match up… I know that if you follow me on Twitter, you can hear me saying how I am going to be the new Apex Champion, and stuff like that… I received some not so nice emails lately about that as well…

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it. Yeah they weren’t so nice, but she didn’t really care as she found them all amusing..

||Crystal Sweet||- I see that some of you are stuck in the ice age, when it comes to Women fighting men… It really does make me laugh, I mean I actually have to hand it to Vince the old pervert, at least he doesn’t openly discriminate against women fighting men… Or else I would be in a lot of trouble, and a true Apex Champion wouldn’t be getting her shot at the Pay Per View…

She laughed a bit as she was thinking about it, thinking about the three men she was fighting, now she hasn’t heard a word from them, she doesn’t know how they stand with her even being in this match up, but honestly, she didn’t really even care…

||Crystal Sweet||- Then I see there are a lot of John Cena fans still out there, I guess even though he left his original company and came here, they must have followed him… Which is fine, but don’t’ be blinded by that gimmick I mean really… He isn’t anywhere’s near the man he is on the screen there… He’s less than that now… He’s not the big shot anymore… I am.. I’m the real deal, I’m the big name… and I’m the one that everyone has to worry about in this company.

She grinned as she was thinking about it, thinking about all the mail that she had gotten lately, as she was amused by it, she stopped at a red light as she went looking at the camera..

||Crystal Sweet||- To really spell it out… What I’m saying is that it doesn’t matter who you are, who you think you are, who you use to be… When you come up against me, you aren’t jack shit.. You don’t matter, you won’t matter, and you won’t get passed me… I’m the brick wall who will knock you flat on your ass each and every time!

She grinned as she then after a moment went on driving again, as she drove probably for a good half an hour , talking a bit as she did so, talking about her match, then going into the hunting speech after a moment as she soon parked her car as she smiled happy to be out where she was needing to be..

||Crystal Sweet||- Well here we are… The perfect place, its still really dark out, so we have to be careful where we step, but I have everything set up, so we can just perch and wait, for the beasts to come out and play with us.

She smiled as she got out of the car taking the camera with her, as she got her gear and her shot gun, as she went hooking her hunting license tag to her jacket, and then getting her tags for the deer, as she then went closing and locking up her door as she went heading into the woods to get to her already marked out spot. As she is walking thru the woods she brings the camera up a minute..

||Crystal Sweet||- Now I know I’m not a big boy, but I’m a real woman, and I have the perfect spot set up for to get a big one, if they pass thru… But of course they will.

She put the camera back down showing what she was walking thru as she finally made it to a tree that had a flooring to it, she climbed up it, and then started to set her stuff up, she then laid low waiting as the morning sun started to rise, as she just waited staying quiet for the most part, talking every now and then..

||Crystal Sweet||- I’m patient, I know how to take my time and wait for what I really want… Just like I will do in the ring… I’m in no hurry, I’m not going to rush them, I’ll let them wear themselves out before I go in for the kill..

She said as she was looking thru the scope of her gun, as she was watching a deer coming into the clearing… It was almost a perfect shot, but not yet…

||Crystal Sweet||- Just a little bit closer baby…

She smiled as she was watching and waiting.. The deer stopped as it was eating some grass… It then raised its head up looking around… Crystal didn’t move, she didn’t’ take a breath as she was waiting… then finally! The deer took a step, getting into sight, into the line… and BOOM… Crystal shot her gun.. And then the deer collapsed hitting the ground… Crystal smirked as she sat up, looking at what she did..

||Crystal Sweet||- I always get my prize..

She got down from the hideaway, as she took the camera with her, going up to the deer she shot, as she grinned looking at it, it was a perfect buck… She leaned down putting the tag on it, as she moved the camera over it..

||Crystal Sweet||- Patience wins this race, and skill, and determination, played its roll, just like it will at Decadence… My time is now… My time is tomorrow.. As long as I’m still standing and breathing.. I will be the main attraction..

Crystal smiles into the camera before shutting it off, so she can work on taking care of the deer, dragging it back, to where it needs to be… but her message is sent, her message is clear… Crystal Sweet is here to take the gold.. And she won’t let anyone stop her… No one will claim or tag what belongs to her… and the Apex Championship awaits her!

Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Phantom for the use of Christina as Crystal Sweet. If you are caught claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and fed to the dogs. The designer and the person using this layout is not sponsoring any real life people and events. It's a mere concidence.

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