occ__Okay here is numb. 3 muzik__Screams and thrills for halloween
Hell yeah we have to give props for that little stunt. "Claps" you boys really done did good... Pulling those little pranks like you did... Now Crystal has no idea what had happened to her tag partner, but she has aways of finding out who the two boys where that were messing with her... So its all good... Don't you worry none about that...but I have to admit that was very good and very clever.. but be warned now, as fun as all this is, the time for fun and games is now over... Its time to get your wrestling gear on, suit up boys, I'm ready to play.. and its time we play my way, and the game is, in that ring... The Treat, is what I hold around my waste...So now here we are... Look at your clocks... Tick Tock, time is almost up... You have to wonder how the night is going to go... Will all hollows eve prove to be a night in bliss for Gypsy and Crystal Sweet? Or will it be a nightmare... We all know that everyone is seeing Crystal as the weaker link, that everyone feels if things go sour that its going to be her fault.. You know what... fuck you! You don't know anything... She is here busting her ass, working, and getting ready... She was there for the fun and games, but now she knows its time to get serious and is more than ready to work and really try to give the showing of a life time. So now what are you going to do, so now what are you going to say. You are all going to see that Crystal is far from a weak link... You're going to see this dominate bitch in action...
ON air
When we left off, Crystal Sweet and Gypsy where working out at the gym. Crystal wanted to get some training on with her new tag partner to see how well they could work together in the gym... Which actully worked out rather well. They sparred against each other a bit, then found a couple of guys to work out against, as they teamed up to see just how much fun they could have.
{Crystal Sweet} Doing great...
She smirked looking at Gypsy who was now getting her turn in the ring as they had been tagging in and out, working the man that had agreed to do this, Gyspy was strong, a power house diva, but she had to show other moves, because when it came to it, she wasnt going to be able to lift up a man like Dukey, but it was all working out well..
||Gypsy|| Like I told you, its going to be super easy to kick there ass.... We are just better than they are...
She laughed a bit as Crystal just smirked a bit shaking her head... She was confidnent that they could win this, but she didn't get too cocky as she was wanting to stay focused and not forget what she was having to do... She had a lot to prove tonight, and she was going to show that she was an equal member, and was just as goood, and worthy to be Tag Champion...The work out was great... Crystal was feeling great... Both of the divas are more than ready for what waits them later on...After a bit Crystal comes back in the ring, as they start working together, seeing what tag moves they could come up with together, as they give the guys in there with them now, a real work out..
{Crystal Sweet} Hmm this is a bit tougher than I thought, but I'm sure we can get this down.
She said as she had been knocked down, as she was on her butt looking up at the guy, as a move they had tried together sorta back fired, but she got back up as they went trying it again, this time Gypsy got knocked down, as Crystal helped her up.
||Gypsy|| We'll get it..
Crystal nodded as she smiled a bit, as she went moving a bit just right, as finnaly the double team moved work, and mr helper one was down on his ass, as mr helper two came in, and got hooked as well and went down, as the two of them stood there.
{Crystal Sweet} Now thats what I'm talking about!
She smirked as she looked around, helping the guys up, thanking them for there help as she was happy with how things went... They got a great work out, and went figuring out the best way to work together, as she was excited about all of this.
{Crystal Sweet} That was a great work out, I dont' think I've ever felt better... I'm so ready to kick some ass...
She grinned as she was thinking about it, as the two of them were walking down theh all as they were making there way to the locker room area.
||Gypsy||- Yeah that was a lot of fun... It would look that we will work really well together..
She smiled nodding as she was thinking about it... She smiled as she was thinking about it.. As they where heading back, her cell phone went off, she went ansswering it.. After a moment she started to speak.
{Crystal Sweet} No i'm not busy, just got done with some traning, just was going to head back to my locker room and clean up.
She paused a bit as she was listneing..
{Crystal Sweet} Of course we're ready for our match.. and ready for whatever Duke's and Collins think they can throw at us... Yeah I can use some off time.. What do you have in mind?
She said pausing a bit, as she smirked a bit thinking about it, as she saw Gypsy say she had to go, as she smiled nodding her head, as Crystal was left alone on her phone as she was talking to someone..
{Crystal Sweet} Yeah sounds like fun , I'm in... I'll be ready, thanks, see you then.
She grinned thinking about it, as she was happy that she found something to do tonight, as she went heading ot her locker room, to get cleaned up and ready for her new plans tonight, knowing she had to go out and do a bit of shopping now.
~Later on~ On Air
Crystal had no idea what had really been going on with Gyspy but after her little night of horror, Crystal was seen laughing a bit... Even though it was off the main camera, she had seen the security camera replaying what took place in the hallway... She couldn't even help but laugh at herself, shaking her head..
{Crystal Sweet} Wow those two clowns really got me good... I can't belive it... and I am a horror buff, I love to get scared as you can see..
she laughed watching herself running down the hall... She was dressed up for a halloween party that she was getting back from..

Crystal stood there, with her bunny ears and was holding her cotten tail that got pulled off, on the way back, Jax had been having too much with her outfit.. She knew he was hooked, and he couldn't keep his hands from her, but she made him behave, she didn't mind the tease so much, but she wasn't ready for anything else right now... He walked up to her, as he had seen the replay of what she was watching..
||Jax Lucas||- Wow they must be either really bored, or really desperate to get in your head.. that was kind of low...But you for damn sure have a set of lungs on you baby... and i don't think I ever seen anyone run as fast as that before.
{Crystal Sweet} Oh hush you, that wasn't funny... Ok yeah it was but still, you shouldn't be laughing at me, if you expect to get anything..
She laughed a bit as Jax looked at her, when she said that, as she laughed a bit more shaking her head some.
||Jax Lucas||- It was still pretty low though, I mean to do that, knowing that you have a lot going on, and are really focused and trying to be serous about this match up, but you know... All there messing around could bite them in the ass..
Yeah now he was sounding all serous and worried about her.. Crystal shurgged a bit still laughing... She loved Halloween so getting all scared like that was fun for her, so she didn't really mind.
{Crystal Sweet} its all good, I have to admit it was funny, and well, they can play games if they want, but I'm thinking that they now know the time for games is done... Its time to get serious, after all, what is on the line is serious.
Show Night On Air
When Domain comes on the air you see Crystal sitting there in the hall. On the steps a bit as she was looking down at her hands a bit.... She was saying something to herself but couldn't really hear. It sounded like she was singing a bit, but other than that, you couldn't really tell what it was... After a bit she looks up at the camera as she is grinning a bit.
{Crystal Sweet} Well hello there... I see you're watching me... What are you wanting to know what I'm doing... Well it doesn't take a rocket scientest to figure this out. I'm sitting here... You see, in less than an hour, I'm going to be heading out to that ring... Defending this..
Crystal moves the title that was sitting on her lap holding it up a bit as she shows it to the camera. She then looks at it as she smiles a bit, almost looking at it lovingly, as she was thinking a bit... She then after a moment put it back down on her lap as she was rubbing it. .
{Crystal Sweet} Wondering where my tag partner is? I bet you are... Don't you worry shes around. we have been more than happy to be working together and getting things ready. So you dont' have anything to worry about, nothing to put you all in a tizzy... Unless you were hoping..
Crystal laughs a bit as she sits there on the step, Shaking her head a bit as she was amused with her own statement.. she then after a moment went on talking.
{Crystal Sweet} I know some of you would love to see us lose.... Would love to see me strike out... I have been hearing it all, you all think i'm a weak link... Counting me out... You're all just sore that Gypsy saw true talent in me, knew I was dependable. She came to me, seeing the greatness in me, when she passed up all of you... You all thought, and still think you are more worthy than I am... But haha sucks to be you... Losers..
She laughs as she leans back a bit, resting her elbows on one of the steps as she was pretty impressed with herself really amused as she was thinking about it.. She then moved a bit sitting up picking up her tag title as she moved it over her shoulder a bit... She stood up. The camera moved over her body a bit getting a good look at her... She was dressed in her wrestling gear.. She had her tight tank top on, that had a bit of a vest look that had hooks up the front, or well its more of a bodice actully, but still fucking sexy none the less.... You move down her body, see her belly button showing, and some new ink as well, as you then go down to the very tight hip huggers that she was wearing, a nice black color, as you move down seeing her boots, as they were laced up, and ready to go... Oh yeah she was ready to go, and more than willing to start fighting, and defend the titles with her new buddy Gyspy...
{Crystal Sweet} As you can see, I am more than ready to put on a show tonight... I'm sorry it isn't going to be a strip show... You all got your fill of those. Tonight its going to be hell. You're going to see fighting, you're going to see a battle... The fight of a life time... I will not lay down for anyone... I will fight with all that I have... I will be walking out with Gypsy..
Crystal stood there as she smirked a bit as she was thinking about it, as she couldn't wait for the show to get started, she was more than pleased with herself... Confidnet, not cocky. Don't get them mixed up... Crystal was just very aware of her talents and with what she could do.
{Crystal Sweet} I hope you all enjoy the show... Its time for us to play..
She grinned as she saw Gyspy walking out of her locker room finally as the two of them were ready to go... Crystal started to walk off meeing Gyspy half way, as the girls giggled a bit then went off walking down the hall. The two of them talking about the match up, as they talking about just both going out at the same time, or if they should go out one by one..
{Crystal Sweet} That doesn't matter to me, I'm good with what ever..
Crystal wasn't hard to get along with, she was just wanting to get into the ring and to really kick some ass. so it was all good for her..
{Crystal Sweet} As long as I get to kick some ass, I'm all good...
She grinned as she was thinking about it, as she laughed a bit, as they headed out to the ring area, once they heard music starting to it singling it was time for the show to start, and for there match to soon take place. Knowing that they were more than ready for this, even if Ryan and Dukey where thinking other wise... |