Date Posted:02/24/2010 4:53 PMCopy HTML
1. Upon joining, please fill out your stats...and try to debut with in a decent time period...Only Created Superstars and Divas please... To keep it more orginal, thank you. 2. I don't want any drama here...we all have lives and other things to do... 3. If you have any porblems, concerning the fed or feel like you were treated unfairly, then just send me a pm, dont' bring it to the ooc... It'll only be deleted. 4. All shows have a 24 hr pre deadline... and a 5 rp limit 7 for ppvs. 5. If you can not rp for a show, you must give notifcation, at least 5 days before deadline... if not you will still be used in the match. 6. No Godmodeling, using, stealing, or abusing someone else character... Thats what you have your own for, so don't go using someone elses in there rp unless you have there premission. 7. Attacks are allowed... No bitching or crying if you get attacked.... Attacks must be realistic, but can not be bad enough to put the other character out, for any period of time... unless talked about. 8. No Racist crap, no raping, killing, unless worked out with characters invovled. 9.If you quit WBW... We have the right to use your character any way we see fit up to one week, after posting your leave. 1o. Rember this is fiction, so have fun... | |
