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Date Posted:04/03/2020 10:21 PMCopy HTML


Ever wonder what it feels like to be plagued?  Probably not any longer.  As this virus tears through the world.  No one is longer safe, no one is longer sound as everyone is now effected... Fear, anger, confusion....World Wide panic.  That feeling of terror spreading through your body... Wonder if Death will come to you, or will it let you be?  Do you feel like you are marked, chosen for the six under?  It's funny that the media tells you to maintain social distance.... To stay with in six feet apart from each other...because if not, you'll be six feet under ground... Irony really when you think about it.  Now that the world is such unease, what is everyone to do?  Many are finding themselves out of work, sitting at home...Not considered essential...While those who are still clinging to their jobs, running and leaving their loved ones to work and maintain the status of a working government.   Part of those still working are the FWAR talents and some of its staff.  Though there have been many changes, it doesn't change the fact that the show has to go on...Provide entertainment to the masses, feed the vultures so they are able to stay home and be amused....Sounds like all the pleasures one could really stand being in the spot that they are all in...

The scene opens up in the darkness of night... You can hear the outside life chirping away...The moon is nearly full but not quiet... The air is warm, but brisk at the same time... Standing in the middle of the night you see two figures....Around the two figures you see what seems to a graveyard...Not very original, not all that creative... Just the place where Elisabeth felt like being... This was a bit different than what one would expect them to be opening at... As you see around them aren't old graves... They were fresh, some just filled , and some waiting to be filled...Elisabeth is standing over and empty grave as she is just starring into it... The camera moves over as there is no clue as to who is holding it for the duo....The person is just wise enough to keep it quiet... Inside the grave is just the lift to put the coffin in...Which means that a funeral may be taking place tomorrow, or sometime soon...

||Elisabeth Adams||-The world is on fire...Can you see it?

The woman speaks as Elisabeth Adams doesn't move away...Behind her is no surprise....Of course it would be Wolf Heathen... As she doesn't venture far with out  him... The two are a match made in hell... Though it is uncommon that you see Elisabeth in action...It has been many years since she felt the desire to step in the ring... 

||Elisabeth Adams||- Is this the end of days?  Has the world finally sinned so much, that god is looking to start with a clean slate?  Or is this the time to be dancing with the devil?  Has he finally be able to steak his claim on all the souls...Well all the demons and monsters come up for a night of play, while the human remains cover the worlds?  I feel the firing burning...I feel the sin rising...Who will be next to lay cold in the ground?

She pauses as she was standing there thinking about it... As it was really uncommon to hear her speak so much, as she often just was a silent being next to Wolf Heathen... His support, his push... His bloody lover... She was now standing looking to be more than just his vision of bloody pain...

||Elisabeth Adams||- I still hear the screams... I still see the faces of those who are tormented when I close my eyes.  Every man and woman that has ever crossed our paths... That has tried to stand up to us... I can recall the pain... I can recall the regret, the realization of the grave mistakes they have made...Wishing they could turn back the hands of time... 

She looked up a bit, feeling a hand go around the back of her neck... The squeeze of approval from behind her, as he likes her remembering, and enjoying what she has said thus far... 

||Elisabeth Adams||-I hear the the talk, I hear the rants... I feel the anger, the aggression towards us... It brings me joy, it fills me with glee...

Though as she was saying it, and you could feel she meant it, the joy was there, but when you looked at her features, at her face, there was nothing that showed any of it... She was just starring into the camera once again...Holding Mary clutched to her chest..

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Re:The Plague(Wolf Heathen & Elisabeth Adams)

Date Posted:04/04/2020 12:58 AMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Just a little something to get us started.

Ever wonder what it feels like to be plagued?  Probably not any longer.  As this virus tears through the world.  No one is longer safe, no one is longer sound as everyone is now effected... Fear, anger, confusion....World Wide panic.  That feeling of terror spreading through your body... Wonder if Death will come to you, or will it let you be?  Do you feel like you are marked, chosen for the six under?  It's funny that the media tells you to maintain social distance.... To stay with in six feet apart from each other...because if not, you'll be six feet under ground... Irony really when you think about it.  Now that the world is such unease, what is everyone to do?  Many are finding themselves out of work, sitting at home...Not considered essential...While those who are still clinging to their jobs, running and leaving their loved ones to work and maintain the status of a working government.   Part of those still working are the FWAR talents and some of its staff.  Though there have been many changes, it doesn't change the fact that the show has to go on...Provide entertainment to the masses, feed the vultures so they are able to stay home and be amused....Sounds like all the pleasures one could really stand being in the spot that they are all in...

The scene opens up in the darkness of night... You can hear the outside life chirping away...The moon is nearly full but not quiet... The air is warm, but brisk at the same time... Standing in the middle of the night you see two figures....Around the two figures you see what seems to a graveyard...Not very original, not all that creative... Just the place where Elisabeth felt like being... This was a bit different than what one would expect them to be opening at... As you see around them aren't old graves... They were fresh, some just filled , and some waiting to be filled...Elisabeth is standing over and empty grave as she is just starring into it... The camera moves over as there is no clue as to who is holding it for the duo....The person is just wise enough to keep it quiet... Inside the grave is just the lift to put the coffin in...Which means that a funeral may be taking place tomorrow, or sometime soon...

||Elisabeth Adams||-The world is on fire...Can you see it?

The woman speaks as Elisabeth Adams doesn't move away...Behind her is no surprise....Of course it would be Wolf Heathen... As she doesn't venture far with out  him... The two are a match made in hell... Though it is uncommon that you see Elisabeth in action...It has been many years since she felt the desire to step in the ring... 

||Elisabeth Adams||- Is this the end of days?  Has the world finally sinned so much, that god is looking to start with a clean slate?  Or is this the time to be dancing with the devil?  Has he finally be able to steak his claim on all the souls...Well all the demons and monsters come up for a night of play, while the human remains cover the worlds?  I feel the firing burning...I feel the sin rising...Who will be next to lay cold in the ground?

She pauses as she was standing there thinking about it... As it was really uncommon to hear her speak so much, as she often just was a silent being next to Wolf Heathen... His support, his push... His bloody lover... She was now standing looking to be more than just his vision of bloody pain...

||Elisabeth Adams||- I still hear the screams... I still see the faces of those who are tormented when I close my eyes.  Every man and woman that has ever crossed our paths... That has tried to stand up to us... I can recall the pain... I can recall the regret, the realization of the grave mistakes they have made...Wishing they could turn back the hands of time... 

She looked up a bit, feeling a hand go around the back of her neck... The squeeze of approval from behind her, as he likes her remembering, and enjoying what she has said thus far... 

||Elisabeth Adams||-I hear the the talk, I hear the rants... I feel the anger, the aggression towards us... It brings me joy, it fills me with glee...

Though as she was saying it, and you could feel she meant it, the joy was there, but when you looked at her features, at her face, there was nothing that showed any of it... She was just starring into the camera once again...Holding Mary clutched to her chest..

||Elisabeth Adams||- When one is angered,but yet with no real direction, or idea what to really say or do... They turn to insults... I wonder if they feel by calling names, doing the trashing, do they think it will increase there odds?  Do they really think it gets under the skin?  I would think so, as it seems to be a common thread.

Elisabeth pauses a moment as she was thinking about it...Knowing how most do things, how most feel like they need to talk about those they face off against in the ring...It wasn't anything new, or was it anything that has ever proven effective either.

||Elisabeth Adams||- Antonio Guerrero.... 

She says his name then pauses....

||Elisabeth Adams||- You seem to think that your words have meaning?  That you actually carry any merit or worth in our eyes...I am sure you are going to say something to the contrary... Then you will think of some what you feel are witty insults... As you seem like someone who can't go on unless you do so...

She feels a pull to her hair, as Wolf yanks her head back as she looks at him... His grin shows as he makes it hurt as he pulls her hair...Showing how they did things... They do not feel the need to make the sing in the words... They make the sting physical... 

||Elisabeth Adams||- You may not want to think of me as a woman when we get in the ring... You may not want to see me as feminine... That is fine... If it makes you feel of less than a sinner, then so be it... I feel no guilt in making you raise your hand... Nor does it phase me to know that you are a man...I look forward to the pain you think you can cause me... I look forward to hurting... It will make the pleasure even greater, when I bring you to your knees... When I stand before you , in front of you... The Blade of Mary...

She pauses pulling the head off of Mary as the large and very sharp knife is now exposed...The camera pans in on it, getting a close up...Before panning back as Elisabeth goes on talking.

||Elisabeth Adams||- The Blade of Mary will make you bleed for me... Giving into my lust... Giving into my desires... You won't give willingly, but I will make you give me what I truly want...Your blood...

With that Elisabeth stops talking... Wolf leans down biting her neck hard as he looks into the camera as doing so... This is not a love bite, not a tease, as she stands there as the blood starts to run down her neck...His teeth sinking in, as he shows his claim to his to his Bloody Queen....


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