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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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Date Posted:11/03/2020 4:04 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 11/17/2020

Match 1
Jayden Vs. Kitty Granger
Stipulation: Submission Match
Summary: The battle between FAB and the Misfits continue as we see Kitty taking on Jayden.  Can Jayden make up for the not so good night that FAB had at Halloween Hell?

Match 2
Daniela Martinez w/ Scarlet De Luca Vs. Ronan Morgensen W/ Mikah Castile
Stipulation:  Singles
Summary: Daniela has been asking for action for a bit...  Crystal has no problem with giving it to her... Let's see if Ronan is as eager for this match up!

Match 3
Andrew Parker W/Jayden  Vs. Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black
Stipulation:  Singles
Summary: Parker was able to seal the deal along with Matthew Taylor in a very strange ending to the starting match at Halloween Hell.  Tonight he is still waiting for his chance at the X Division Title, as he takes on someone he knows rather well... Vincent Underwood.

Match 4
Will Murdoch Vs. Frost
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Not having the victory that he had hoped... Will isn't giving up, as he continues on as he faces Hall of Famer Frost... Can Will continue on his path of victory?  Or will Frost leave him cold?

Match 5
Valissa Oreza Vs. Blair Black W/ Vincent Underwood
Stipulation: Contender for the Women's Championship
Summary: Oreza came very close to winning the Women's Championship... Just that Halloween Hell was not her night... Let's see if she can make Terror her night as she faces the unpredictable one Blair Black.

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor Vs. Jacob Night 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Taylor is already moving on to face the woman in the main event... Though he has to share with Andrew Parker... So why we wait for this to take place, we give Matthew a different challenge here on Terror.

Main Event
Lily Khaos Vs. Joe Marshall
Stipulation: Falls Count Anywhere
Summary: Lily now has a target on her back after Halloween Hell... She doesn't seem to overly care as she goes into Terror ready to face Marshall... Let's see if she can't wake him up a bit. or just end up burying him even more.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Terror 11/17/2020

Date Posted:11/14/2020 2:11 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 11/17/2020

Match 1
Jayden Vs. Kitty Granger
Stipulation: Submission Match
Summary: The battle between FAB and the Misfits continue as we see Kitty taking on Jayden.  Can Jayden make up for the not so good night that FAB had at Halloween Hell?
Winner: Kitty Granger
FAB and Misfits seem to be having quite the battle as of late.  Angelique came up a bit short in her fight against Aimee... Will history repeat itself as FAB member Jayden takes on Misfit member Kitty Granger?  As far as Jayden sees it, thats a big no.  She goes right on the attack right off the start as she goes after the knee of Kitty Granger.. Trying to take her down and out right away.  Knowing that this is a submission match up.

Kitty was able to use her good leg and kick Jayden back off her.  Connecting with her face, as it gave her a moment to get back out of the way and get some breaths... Kitty then pulls herself up as she is limping a bit, but is able to stand up... Jayden knows the damage has been done and just needs to go back at it.   As Jayden goes back to the knee, Kitty is ready, as she jumps up and with her good knee putting it right in the back of Jayden.... Coming down a bit on the bad leg as she holds it some, rolling a way again... Jayden is up , a bit slower, but is up as she goes over to Kitty, grabbing her hair, picking up and hitting a Spine Buster, and knocking the wind out of her... 

It looks like Jayden was about to go for a Boston Crab, grabbing her leg and trying to flip her over... Kitty struggles fighting and is able to reverse it, grabbing the ankle, pulling it up, as Jayden falls.

Kitty moves quickly as she is able to grab the other leg and go into a Walls of Jericho type move... Jayden tries to fight it, but in the end has no other choice up to tap out... Just as Diamond and Frank rush into the ring and start to attack Kitty... 

Diamond tells Frank to pick her up as Kitty by this time is a rag doll... Jayden is up and looking at Kitty... As she talks trash to her, holding her face a moment, then slaps her hard across the face... Frank then turns her up and hits her with a neck breaker, while Jayden then adds insult to injury, tweaking the knee, as she locks in a submission and Kitty has to tap, even though the match is already over... 

Aimee and Roxanne come running down the ramp way to the ring to save their friend, as FAB takes there leave as the damage as been done.... They are all grinning and laughing at the handy work as the girls are watching and checking on their friend, as it is very clear this was far from over.

: Backstage the fight continues as FAB and The Misfits are going at each other once again... It takes security, and backstage crews to break it up... Finally you see Hope Sweet showing up as she was just coming out of her sister's officer.  She announces that at the Holiday Bash, FAB will take on the Misfits for the Women's Tag Titles... All of FAB and all of the Misfits will be allowed to take part in this match up... Something that has never been done in a tag match in FWAR...With that she orders for them to go their separate ways, as Hope watches them leave, then heads off herself..

Match 2
Daniela Martinez w/ Scarlet De Luca Vs. Ronan Morgensen W/ Mikah Castile
Stipulation:  Singles
Summary: Daniela has been asking for action for a bit...  Crystal has no problem with giving it to her... Let's see if Ronan is as eager for this match up!
Winner: Daniela Martinez.
Ronan is looking to get herself back up on the winning side of things as she is eager for a win here... Just as Daniela was eager for a match up.  The ladies are locking it up as it starts out as a test of strength first.  Ronan was able to back up Daniela into a corner.  Which didn't last long as Daniela broke the hold, by brining her knee up to the mid section, and making Ronan hunch over.  Daniela goes and takes a hold of her neck, pushing her out into the middle of the ring and hitting a neck break, sending her face first into the mat.  Daniela goes for a pin early on, but Ronan is able to kick out just before the three...

Daniela gets up, pulling Ronan up with her, as she hits with an upper cut.  She then hits with a chick kick.  She went down on her back... Daniela then goes up high feeling like she can put an end to it... Scarlet is cheering her on from ringside.. While Mikah is telling Ronan to get up... 

Daniela goes up high, and as Ronan gets up, Daniela hits with a missile drop kick... Taking Ronan down once again... Daniela once again goes for a pin, and gets the win this time... A very happy Daniela gets up, raising her hands up as Scarlet gets in the ring , celebrating with her friend as Mikah reaches in and pulls Ronan out shaking her head a bit, as Ronan isn't able to get over her losing streak yet...

Segment: The scene opens up with a fight going on backstage... This isn't a fight out of anger... This is a Hardcore Match up as Drew is seen fighting with Spencer Carter... Who as of late hasn't really had much to do... .So he went giving himself something to do.  Catching Drew off guard as he had been chatting with a crew member backstage.  The fight went on for a bit.. As Spencer then sent Drew face first into a wall...
Walking around Spencer sees a table with food on it... He dumps it all off, picks Drew up, which isn't easy, but he is able to slam the man through the table... He then gets down pinning Drew, as the ref runs up... Shocked at the mess, but gets down, pinning, 1 2 3!  As spencer Carter is the New Hardcore Champion!  With out wasting any time, Danica comes into the scene already holding the title, and pushes Spencer off down the hall, as they make a quick and hasty leave from the .

Match 3
Andrew Parker W/Jayden  Vs. Vincent Underwood W/ Blair Black
Stipulation:  Singles
Summary: Parker was able to seal the deal along with Matthew Taylor in a very strange ending to the starting match at Halloween Hell.  Tonight he is still waiting for his chance at the X Division Title, as he takes on someone he knows rather well... Vincent Underwood.
Winner: Andrew Parker.

Parker had his focus about him as he was taking on a man he knew well. Vincent was able to toss him around for a bit.  As it had been Jayden taken one of the baby duckies that distracted him enough as Blair had went right after Jayden taken her down to get the baby back... Of course Andrew took this as his chance and with two knees to the back, yanked the man right down to the mat as that was the start of the end.  

The ref was able to separate the ladies out side of the ring.

Segment: Backstage you see Andrew walking backstage with Jayden after winning his match up against Vincent.  Feeling rather smug and proud of himself.  Not to far off was Matthew Taylor who had been speaking with a crew member.  Andrew with Jayden attached at the arm walks up to him as Taylor just turns looking at him.  A few words are said back and forth, as both men are both gunning for Lily Khaos and the XDivision Championship... Parker wishing Taylor good luck in his up coming match, patting him on the shoulder before the couple walked off, leaving Matthew Taylor there just to watch for the moment.

Match 4
Will Murdoch Vs. Frost
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Not having the victory that he had hoped... Will isn't giving up, as he continues on as he faces Hall of Famer Frost... Can Will continue on his path of victory?  Or will Frost leave him cold?
Winner: Will Murdoch.

In a rare treat we actually saw Amari Rose walk out with Will Murdoch for this match up.  She stayed ringside while he got in the ring... He seemed pretty pleased with himself as she was cheering him on through out his match against hall of famer Frost.  Though Frost was making sure he was really having to put the work in, as Frost did get a near pin on the man.  Which put Will's head fully in the game... Amari is ring side yelling for Will to get back up and to get in the fight... Which he starts to do.  Not that Frost still wasn't giving him hell as Frost had him down once again , as Frost went to go up high, but Will was able to roll out of the way, and get up as Frost hit the mat hard.  Which was what seemed to be the turning point for Frost, and a good point for Will as he was able get the upper hand.
Will leans down grabbing Frost picking him up and slamming him back down... Looking to want to put an end to this as he has had enough of this, knowing that Frost has come close one to many times to defeating Will.  Something Will just can't have...  He waits for the timing to be perfect as Frost is starting to get himself up to his feet , as he then sets up and hits Texas Size Hangover(Double Underhook Spike DDT).  This looks to be enough as Frost is down.. Will gets down as he pins Frost, as the ref counts 1 2 3!  Giving Will a hard fought victory over Frost!  Will gets up as the Ref holds his hand up as Amari joins him in the ring, clapping her hands, impressed with his performance.

Segment: As things are getting ready for the Contenders match for the Women's Title... The camera pans to see Angelique sitting by herself as she is texting on her phone... She actually has a smile on her face and is laughing a bit, her feet swinging back and forth.  As the usually mean girl looking diva isn't looking so mean... It doesn't last long as soon she hears Jayden coming up to her, as she puts her phone away grinning as she looked up at Jayden.  Jayden asking her what's up, as she shakes her head and says she's just looking at clothes... Jayden looking at her a little suspicious, but just shrugs it off and tells her that they have things to do... Angelique nods hopping down to meet with Diamond to cause some trouble...

Match 5
Valissa Oreza Vs. Blair Black W/ Vincent Underwood
Stipulation: Contender for the Women's Championship
Summary: Oreza came very close to winning the Women's Championship... Just that Halloween Hell was not her night... Let's see if she can make Terror her night as she faces the unpredictable one Blair Black.
Winner: Valissa Oreza.
Blair was already still feeling upset from earlier in the night, as she had made sure to leave the children back in the dressing room while she was in this match herself.  She knew that Vincent was going to be cheering her on from the locker room.  The match was going pretty good for the most part... As Blair was showing that she could take control, even with her small size she had Valissa on the defense through most of the match...
It wasn't until FAB's music hit and the ladies of FAB started to come out on stage that Blair was losing her focus and was wanting to get at Jayden for what she had done... Valissa grinning was more than happy to take advantage of this... While Blair was yelling up at them, Valissa using Blair's shorts , rolls her up and gets a quick pin... and the win...
Valissa gets up, pushing the ref away from her, celebrating her victory, knowing that she was going to be moving on to face Juana on her own.. She looks up at the stage at FAB as the girls look to be laughing and grinning, amused that they had caused Blair the match up.. As they they turned leaving the stage, feeling like they had done their job.

Segment: Backstage you Kai walking around backstage.. As he is very much looking for Eddie... After what had happened on Neophyte, and how Eddie had hurt Roxy... He wasn't happy... Though before anything can be started backstage, you see Crystal standing back there stopping Kai right off the start... Shaking her head...Letting him know that Eddie wasn't here tonight, as she had told him to stay way, seeing he didn't have a match.  Kai would just have to wait to get his hands on Eddie another day... Which didn't make the man happy, but he did turn off and walk off..

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor Vs. Jacob Night 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Taylor is already moving on to face the woman in the main event... Though he has to share with Andrew Parker... So why we wait for this to take place, we give Matthew a different challenge here on Terror.
Winner: Matthew Taylor
Taylor is looking to keep on his winning ways... Even if it means taking the monster Jacob Night down... Knowing that a loss her tonight would not look well moving forward....  He goes right on the attack and is able to dodge most of the blows from Jacob... Even hitting in a few high flying kicks,  as he works on taking Jacob down.  Knowing that it wasn't going to be as easy as typical guys.  His size puts Taylor at a bit of a disadvantage, but by how he was handling it, seemed like he wasn't bothered by it and knew just how to handle it.
Jacob was able to get ahold of Taylor, and toss him into the corner.  Jacob attempting a bit boot, but due to Taylor moving out of the way, results in Jacob being hung up... Taylor jumps up high, and then using air, hitting a kick to the face , knocking the big man down.. Not attempting a pin yet, knowing it was too early... As Jacob was still moving around.
Taylor is once again looking at the turnbuckle.  He returns back to it, looking to put and end to it as he climbs high...  He stalks a bit watching as Jacob is still down,  So he turns , getting into his finisher Breathless(Phoenix Splash).  Now Taylor goes for the pin, and gets the win over Jacob Night!  Holding his head, as he gets to his feet as the ref raises his hand in victory, as he is looking forward and showing he is very much ready to fight and win the X Division Championship!.

Segment: Backstage you see Lily stretching a bit, getting ready to head on out.  Santiago walks up to her, as he is all smiles and friendly greeting.  Giving her a word of advice to watch her back.  As he has had his run ins with Marshall in the past in another company.  She nods grateful for the tip and advice... He goes to wish her luck, then says she isn't going to need it... Giving her a hug, then pushing her off down the hall as she laughs, heading on down the hall, making her way towards the ring..

Main Event
Lily Khaos Vs. Joe Marshall
Stipulation: Falls Count Anywhere
Summary: Lily now has a target on her back after Halloween Hell... She doesn't seem to overly care as she goes into Terror ready to face Marshall... Let's see if she can't wake him up a bit. or just end up burying him even more.
Winner: Lily Khaos.
Lily was excited to be out in the ring for this match.. Knowing that soon she would be defending her X Division Championship against two men.  She was ready to show off a bit and get a bit of practice in at the same time.  She made her way out first, as she stood up on stage holding up her title... As she was about to start to head down to the ring... Joe attempts to attack her from behind , but she sees it just in time as she hits with a super kick. knocking Joe down on his ass.  She stands there looking at him a bit, as she shakes her head a bit.  She then leans down pulling him up, and rolling him down the ramp to the ring... He gets up and starts to try to hit her with a few punches, actually lands one and knocks her back into the fan block, but she is able to dodge the next one, as she moves sliding into the ring... She then takes off her title , tossing it to the ref who hands it out... 

The match officially starts now as Lily waits for Joe to get himself together and get his ass in the ring.. Which he finally does... Only for Lily to run and drop kick him right out of the ring... She gets out out as she stands up on the apron... She then does stomp right to his face, as she grins hearing the noise he made.

Feeling that this was going to be over really soon, she gets up and goes over to him, as she goes back up on the apron, climbing up on the turn buckle going up high... She then hits with a swanton bomb type move, as she lands it, hits it, and then pins Joe, as the ref has to count it outside the ring... Giving Lily another victory.

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