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Date Posted:12/11/2023 2:12 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 12/12/23

Match 1
Kabuki Dragon Vs. Shawn Blade
Match Type: Hardcore
Stipulation: Hardcore Title on the line(if he has it still)
Summary: Kabuki may want Lorcan , but right now he has to work to it as he still at lease two men short if he is hoping to take part in Hope's Hardcore Playground... 

Match 2
Denzel Brown W/Roxanne Marshall Vs Alan Derrick.
Match Type:  No DQ
Stipulation: NOne
Summary: Both men are looking to make that climb as both seem to be having struggles making it to the top.  Let's see who will emerge from this.

Match 3
Daniel Khaos W/ Angelina Acid  Vs. Balor W/ Sienna & Lilith
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Khaos is looking to make a return, while the younger group of Balor, Sienna, and Lilith seem like they are out to send messages of their own.

Match 4
Luke Hansen W/Will Murdoch Vs. Ciara Fierce W/J.T Marshall
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Luke has returned with his partner, but he won't be seeing any tag action this time around, as he looks to face former champion, Ciara Fierce who has been having issues of her own with SINN.  Let's see if she can keep her mind in the game, or will the mind games continue.

Match 5
Dante Carter & Danica Grey Vs. Johnny Mercer & Isla Daughtry
Match Type: Tornado Tag
Stipulation: None
Summary: Dante is looking for a bit of pay back, after the way things had gone on Neophyte, so he has his sister in law backing him up as he faces the team of Mercer and Isla.

Pre Main Event
Mason Caine Vs. Gabriel Hunter W/Jasmine Sweet
Match Type: Street fight
Stipulation: None
Summary: It is time for Mason to get his chance to get his hands dirty.  Let's see if he can at least not piss off his brother in this match up and get the victory.

Main Event
Kitty Granger & Dean Creed Vs. Amara Matthews & Gage Steele
Match Type: TLC style match up
Stipulation:  None
Summary:  Table Ladders and Chairs Oh My!  Pin fall to win, but lets make it fun as Kitty is looking for her payback, and Dean is happy to make it happen as they face off against the New Women's Champion, and the raging Cajun who seems to have upset his old stable mates.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Terror Results 12/12/23

Date Posted:12/11/2023 2:13 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 12/12/23

Match 1
Kabuki Dragon Vs. Shawn Blade
Match Type: Hardcore
Stipulation: Hardcore Title on the line(if he has it still)
Summary: Kabuki may want Lorcan , but right now he has to work to it as he still at lease two men short if he is hoping to take part in Hope's Hardcore Playground... 
Winner: Shawn Blade
This was a hell of a match up and both men were really going at it with each other.  Kabuki looking to really jump start his career here in FWAR, while Shawn just seemed to be enjoying himself.  There were weapons all over, though Kabuki seemed content with mainly just using the butt of his sword.. Which nearly knocked Shawn out, but he was able to kick out.  
It would take a hit to the head with a fire extinguisher from Shawn to Kabuki.  Knocking the big man down and out, Shawn crawled over, as he made the pin, holding his leg up... getting the very shocking win... Showing that he belongs in the PPV match up at The Holiday Bash... Shawn walks over as he then picks up his Hardcore Championship, holding it up as he looks at Kabuki, talking a little smack, as he is looking very much ready to win some more gold.

Match 2
Denzel Brown W/Roxanne Marshall Vs Alan Derrick.
Match Type:  No DQ
Stipulation: NOne
Summary: Both men are looking to make that climb as both seem to be having struggles making it to the top.  Let's see who will emerge from this.
Winner: Alan Derrick.
This match was a quickie, but the fans were loving the short back and forth between Denzel and Alan, before Alan took control of the match up.  Anything was go, as it was soon lights out to Denzel when Alan pulled out a chair...
1 2 3!  just like that Alan seems to be on his winning ways as he stands tall in the ring raising his arms high in victory.  Roxanne is seen helping Denzel out who is not looking all that pleased with how things went down, as he holds his head, leaning on Roxanne, glaring at Alan..

Match 3
Daniel Khaos W/ Angelina Acid  Vs. Balor W/ Sienna & Lilith
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Khaos is looking to make a return, while the younger group of Balor, Sienna, and Lilith seem like they are out to send messages of their own.
Winner: Balor.
As much as Khaos was looking to put a rookie in his place, Balor was looking to stake his claim.  It was more about debuts, and more about just winning.  Both men were wanting to send messages of their own.  It would be Balor who would pull the shocker win... Something that neither Khaos or his wife was expecting... Nor did it look like they were going to handle it well, but both Sienna and Lilith climbed in the ring, willing to take it up a notch if that is what they were wanting... 
Thinking better of it, and feeling like the young talents weren't worth their time they took their leave from the ring and headed up the ramp... Not even bothering to stop up on the stage before heading to the back.

Match 4
Luke Hansen W/Will Murdoch Vs. Ciara Fierce W/J.T Marshall
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: None
Summary: Luke has returned with his partner, but he won't be seeing any tag action this time around, as he looks to face former champion, Ciara Fierce who has been having issues of her own with SINN.  Let's see if she can keep her mind in the game, or will the mind games continue.
Winner: No Contest, SINN came down getting involved.
This match didn't even get to take place as SINN had messed with bus that Ciara used to travel and get ready in.  Driving off with it, while J.T had left the bus for a moment.  The camera's do show the bus speeding off pretty reckless as Ciara is getting tossed around inside... J.T is seen running out there yelling, but it doesn't stop... Not long before it is out of site.
Back in the ring you see Luke and Will both standing their looking pretty confused with what they had just seen, then both laughing as Luke was given the win, seeing as Ciara ended up being a no show..

Match 5
Dante Carter & Danica Grey Vs. Johnny Mercer & Isla Daughtry
Match Type: Tornado Tag
Stipulation: None
Summary: Dante is looking for a bit of pay back, after the way things had gone on Neophyte, so he has his sister in law backing him up as he faces the team of Mercer and Isla.
Winner: Dante Carter & Danica Grey
Dante was looking to get a bit of pay back for the cheap shot that happened to him in his last match... Which is what brought this tag match up... Isla looked very much ready to get involved, just as Danica was very much content with helping out her brother in law.
It would be a lot of back and forth, but in the end Dante would be the one to stand tall as he was able to pin Mercer and get the big win.. Feeling slightly justified, and ready to move on to his next challenge... While Mercer and Isla were yelling and talking smack to Dante, as it would look like these two may not be done with the current X Division Champion.

Pre Main Event
Mason Caine Vs. Gabriel Hunter W/Jasmine Sweet
Match Type: Street fight
Stipulation: None
Summary: It is time for Mason to get his chance to get his hands dirty.  Let's see if he can at least not piss off his brother in this match up and get the victory.
Winner: Mason Caine.
*Backstage before the match you see Macy talking with Jasmine as she was on her own for the moment.  She speaks with, telling her that she is needed a moment and to follow her... They walk to one of the conference rooms as Macy opens the door to have her go in... Jasmine starts to walk in, looking confused stops, before anything could be said, Macy pushes her in.
It is a few moments later that it looks like Jasmine is walking back out, as she is fixing herself a bit, with a smile she winks at Macy before she walks off.*
The match is a strange from the start as Jasmine doesn't seem to be herself with Gabriel as she is ringside but not as vocal just walking around as the match gets started... Hunter feels something is off but can't place it and really doesn't have time as the match gets started.  There is a lot of back and forth and you see Gabriel getting the upper hand for a moment, as Jasmine then jumps on the apron, causing a distraction, but jumps back down saying she's sorry... Every time she does this, it lets Mason get the upper hand, which he is able to keep as he fighting back pretty hard now... Jasmine walks around the ring pulling a few things out, as it is allowed... She tosses it a few weapons... Looking at first that she was pushing them to Hunter, but she pushes to hard and they end up closer to Caine, who grins and uses them...
It doesn't take long after some brass knuckles to the face to knock Gabriel Hunter down and out as Mason gets the pin, just as Jasmine gets in the ring.. The count isn't broke up... But Jasmine didn't try to.... Caine gets up, confused... Which is typical for him, but this time with reason... She just grins a bit, lifting her shirt showing no tattoo... It wasn't Jasmine... Sydney winks then rolls out of the ring before walking up the ramp to meet her daughter on stage as the two then walk off the stage.. Macy waving to her dad before heading into the back....

Main Event
Kitty Granger & Dean Creed Vs. Amara Matthews & Gage Steele
Match Type: TLC style match up
Stipulation:  None
Summary:  Table Ladders and Chairs Oh My!  Pin fall to win, but lets make it fun as Kitty is looking for her payback, and Dean is happy to make it happen as they face off against the New Women's Champion, and the raging Cajun who seems to have upset his old stable mates.
Winner: Kitty Granger & Dean Creed.
This main event was an epic battle... It started with Dean and Gage fighting, as the two men were really looking to beat the living hell out of each other... Dean being the new man in Savages and working with Malice, feeling as if Gage left them high and dry.. Gage didn't seem to mind it though as he was giving it as good as he was taking... Soon the men were outside of the ring, and Gage is able to push Dean right into the table, knocking him out a bit... As he then is forced into the ring... Gage goes for the pin, Kitty having none of it break it up, as she didn't care kicking Gage... Which brought in Amara and the two started to fight right there... Finally the ladies are back in their corner, but doesn't last long as Gage is able to tag in Amara just as Dean tags in Kitty... 
There would be a lot of back and forth here.. FAB would be seen coming down to the ring, which resulted in Ryder and Aimee running down as well... Soon all hell was breaking loose... Amara tried to take advantage of the chaos, but Kitty was watching and was able to reverse it, and get the pin, as Dean stopped Gage from getting in the ring, while Ryder and Aimee kept FAB busy on the outside.

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