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Date Posted:02/29/2020 3:39 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 03/01/20

Match 1
Lauren Li Vs. Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: No DQ/Pinfall anywheres
Summary: It is no secret that there is no good feelings between these two, so now Crystal is letting them sort out there differences once and for all.

Match 2
 Death Dealer Deranged W/Pandora Vs Lily Khaos
Stipulation: X Division Rules
Summary: Oh boy, these two are at it again.  Looking to cause some trouble, raise some hell and shake the entire arena up, as they fight it out once again for the X Division Championship.

Winner: Lily Khaos.

Match 3
Lorcan Balthazar w/Ember Nacht Vs. Antonio Guerrero
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Well we know how this came along...Lorcan likes to talk a lot, and Antonio is tired of hearing it , so now he's looking to break the record that keeps Lorcan's mouth running...Can he break it?  Or will Lorcan break him.
Winner: No contest, Plague comes out and attacks Antonio, resulting in Lily, Kevin, and Gage rushing out to provide assistance leaving a brawl in the ring..

Match 4
Demon Ryan Vs. Matt Ward Vs. Gideon STAR Vs. Spencer Carter
Stipulation: Fatal 4 Way
Summary: It's always good top mix up the pot a bit... Demon Ryan has been crying for some action, Matt Ward has been in needs of a win...Gideon is looking to make his big debut, and Spencer has to be feeling amazing right now after his match on Neophyte!
Winner: Spencer Carter

Match 5
Juana Gonzalez Vs. Zarita Guerrero
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: After the big fight that broke out on Neophyte, it is clear that these two need to take it up a bit and face each other in the ring... It seems there is some bad blood, let's hope it gets even worse!
Winner: Juana Gonzalez
Result: Zarita is injured and taken to the hospital as a result to injury... Updates to come on her medical condition.

Pre Main Event
Angelique & Jayden W/FAB Vs.Maya Lani Spawn & Lori Ann Rossdale
Stipulation: Tag Match
Summary: It seems like FAB just keeps growing in numbers...Now we see just what Jayden has to offer as she teams up with Angelique to take on the mother and daughter team.
Winner: Angelique & Jayden.

Main Event
Kevin Khaos Vs.Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Hardcore
Summary: It is easy to see that Khaos is not a happy man, someone who is very angry with management, mainly the Sweet sisters.  He has been calling them out for well over a month, and it looks like he is finally getting the chance to express his anger in a more physical way..
Winner: Kevin Khaos. 

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Terror Results 03/01/2020

Date Posted:03/01/2020 3:38 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 03/01/20

Match 1
Lauren Li Vs. Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: No DQ/Pinfall anywheres
Summary: It is no secret that there is no good feelings between these two, so now Crystal is letting them sort out there differences once and for all.
Winner: Lauren Li
The opening of Terror had a battle between Lauren Li and Gabriel Hunter, two who have fought many times before in recent memory. The last encounter saw Gabriel pick up the victory and it's something he didn't keep hidden from Li. He brought it up during this fight as Lauren's lethal legs are put to work by the amount she kicks him. The Menace lures her backstage as he retreats like he is afraid of her, when really he is leading her into a trap as he is a Menace after all. 
That trap is Jasmine who blind sides Lauren and beats her up badly backstage. She picks her up and slams her into the wall. Gabriel set out to embarrass the woman who is a thorn in his side, so he teams up with Jasmine to put Lauren through hell. She is beaten up around the backstage area and even in the men's toilets. They dunk her head into the toilet bowl and Gabriel flushes it to really give Li a memorable battle with the Menace. 
Lauren fought back and knocked Jasmine down then hit the Taste of Korea on Gabriel to get the win backstage, right near the toilets. It now evens them up and it won't be over between the two.

Segment: Matt Ward and Desiree are seen talking backstage, as it is very clear that Desiree is not happy with how Matt has been around the company later.  Feeling he is very lack luster and making her look bad.  She warns him that he needs to get his act together and start actually showing that he still belongs here.  After words are said Desiree walks off leaving him there. 

Match 2
 Death Dealer Deranged W/Pandora Vs Lily Khaos
Stipulation: X Division Rules
Summary: Oh boy, these two are at it again.  Looking to cause some trouble, raise some hell and shake the entire arena up, as they fight it out once again for the X Division Championship.

Winner: Death Dealer Deranged via interference from Lorcan who came out and attacked Lily.

This match starts out good with Lily and Dealer going back and forth.  Both seemed eager for this match, as it is always a fun time for the two.  Lily wanting to reclaim the X Division Championship, while Dealer is looking to retain of course.   The match starts off normal enough, as there is a lot of back and forth.  Lily who has been training a lot of talents lately seems to be in a better spot after a bit, as she is able to take control of the match up.  She uses a few big boots to knock him down in the corner of the ring.. Before she then climbs up the ropes, jumping back down as she stomps him.  She then grabs him by the neck a bit and goes to toss him out of the corner.  She starts to move to climb the ropes, when "The Unforgiven" Blares and you see Lorcan step out on stage.  Lily looks over at him a moment seeing him standing there.. When he doesn't move she just goes back to what she is doing, seeing that Dealer is moving now, she doesn't do the jump, as she goes at him, and goes to spear, but he hits with a clothesline taking her down.  She roles getting up to a knee, as he comes at her, and goes for a boot of his own, but she grabs his leg before he can get enough power to kick, and with a twist take him down... She then brings he leg up , and kicks him in the face, she goes for a pin, but by this time Lorcan his in the ring... He grabs Lily by the hair as she didn't get the chance as he then sets her up and hits her with Darkness Demise(Tombstone Piledriver)  He grins at what he as done, as he then looks at Dealer who is shocked , a bit annoyed but covers anyways, seeing that Lily wasn't able to get up from that... Dealer gets up as you can see that he wasn't happy that he got involved, ending his fun sooner than he would of wanted... Lorcan doesn't say a word, as he just leaves while the ref hands the XDivision Championship to Dealer as he is able to retain this night.

Segment: Backstage you see Jezabel Jezzi and Kelly Nightingale talking as it looks like the two friends had come back together after being told about another match made for the Pay Per view.  The girls both looked pleased with it.  As they would be tagging once again.   The two make plans to train and work together as they then both walk off heading to the Women's locker room area.

Match 3
Lorcan Balthazar w/Ember Nacht Vs. Antonio Guerrero
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Well we know how this came along...Lorcan likes to talk a lot, and Antonio is tired of hearing it , so now he's looking to break the record that keeps Lorcan's mouth running...Can he break it?  Or will Lorcan break him.
Winner: No contest, Plague comes out and attacks Antonio, resulting in Lily, Kevin, and Gage rushing out to provide assistance leaving a brawl in the ring..
This match didn't have much of a chance to really get started as almost as soon as the bell rang, Plague seemed to rush out... First it started with Ember getting involved in the match up, as she couldn't seem to keep her hands off of Antonio... Grabbing his leg, tripping him up, jumping up on the apron... Then with that, Lily comes running out as she grabs Ember's leg and knocks her right off as she hits the floor a bit... which left it a fair match for a bit... It let Lorcan and Antonio trade blows back and forth... Once Lorcan started to get the upper hand, Antonio started to play it smart, as he was able to stomp his foot, and then head butt the large man... Antonio then did a round house kick, which didn't take Lorcan down , but made him fault back. as by this time Lily was yelling and cheering on Antonio, as Ember was back up, screaming to Lorcan to get him... Lorcan was able to get a hold of Antonio as he was able to push him to the ropes, once again when Antonio went to lunge at Lorcan, Ember was there grabbing his leg, tripping him up... Lily went towards her again, this time Ember saw it and was able to hit Lily with a clothes line of her own, as a fight started outside the ring between the ladies... Which soon became worse as Death Dealer, Pandora, Elisabeth and Wolf were soon out there as they were wanting to send a message of Plagues take over... Which only resulted in Kevin Khaos and Gage also running out to assist Antonio and Lily... The bell rang as this match was for sure over and not happening, but it didn't stop the carnage.  Lily was fighting it out with Ember, As Antonio was actually doing a good job of holding off Death Dealer and pandora, while Khaos was taking the fight to Wolf Heathen the man he hated almost as he hated Crystal... Gage was trying to stay clear of the blade that Elisabeth pulled out of Mar.  It all came to a crashing end when the crowd sees Lorcan grab Lily Khaos by the neck and chock slam her right through the announcers table... Which soon resulted in refs, security rushing out to stop the fight and to aid Lily, who by this time, had her brother at her side, keeping Lorcan and Ember off her... 

Segment: Lily is being checked out after being tossed through the announcers table by Lorcan.  Both Crystal and Destiny are there as she is being looked over... It is clear that she needs more medical treatment which she is then transported from the arena to the local hospital for emergency medical care.  As her condition at this time is unknown.  

Match 4
Demon Ryan Vs. Matt Ward Vs. Gideon STAR Vs. Spencer Carter
Stipulation: Fatal 4 Way
Summary: It's always good top mix up the pot a bit... Demon Ryan has been crying for some action, Matt Ward has been in needs of a win...Gideon is looking to make his big debut, and Spencer has to be feeling amazing right now after his match on Neophyte!
Winner: Spencer Carter

This was a great match up as it was the chance for Gideon to learn the ropes, Demon Ryan and Spencer pretty much stole the show though. As the newly engaged Spencer Carter was really taking it to Demon Ryan as he seemed to be enjoying the new challenge.  A fire that Demon Ryan was probably thinking he lost as he was able to toss Spencer around the ring a bit, until Matt Ward tried to get involved.  As he was able to clothesline both men.  Ward stood in the middle feeling good and pretty cocky as he didn't look behind him as both men got up.  It was Demon Ryan who grabbed Ward and chokedslammed him hard to the mat.  He then moved as Spencer went hi, and did a frog splash like move, hitting Ward dead center.  It caused him a bit of pain as he rolled off...Which let Demon go down for the attempted pin and Spencer was able to kick him off... Demon Ryan gets up , pissed that the count was broke up... Standing in the right spot, Spencer spears Demon Ryan right out of the ring. and then with out missing a beat as he goes and pins Matt Ward, getting the 1 2 3! and the win... Danica is on the outside jumping and clapping as she makes her way in the ring... As she hugs and then kisses Spencer Carter as they celebrate his victory in the middle of the ring.

Segment: Backstage Spencer is walking with Danica at his side, feeling great coming off that win.  There he sees Death Dealer standing near by.  The X Division Championshp hung over his shoulder.  He had defended it against Lily Khaos, and thanks to assistance from Lorcan, he was able to retain.. Spencer walks right up to him as he points at it.

Spencer Carter: I want that... 
He says simply with a smirk on his face as he was thinking about it.  Feeling cocky and ready to win some gold, wanting his chance.  Dealer looks at him grinning a bit, always ready to fuck anyone up... Hell this guy was handing himself over to it as Dealer just nods his head, all willing to let his happen...

Match 5
Juana Gonzalez Vs. Zarita Guerrero
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: After the big fight that broke out on Neophyte, it is clear that these two need to take it up a bit and face each other in the ring... It seems there is some bad blood, let's hope it gets even worse!
Winner: Juana Gonzalez
Result: As soon as Juana was int he ring and the bell rang, a very angry Zarita was on the attack going right for Juana.  Pent up rage seems to be her driving force as she does everything she can think of to defeat her enemy.  You can tell there is bad blood between the two.  Juana is able to duck out of a clothesline attempt, but as soon as she turns around she is meant with a super kick, which sends her back to the ropes.  Zarita then goes at her, and hits some kicks to the midsection.  She then grabs Juana by the hair and goes for a running bulldog, but Juana is able to over power and push Zarita back off her.  She then grabs Zarita and hits her with a side walk slam, taking the air out of her.  With out missing a beat, Juana gets up to her feet, brings up Zarita with her by the hair. Hits her with an elbow, and goes to lift her up... and slams her to the mat.  Zartia holds her back a bit, but turns to her stomach.  Juana starts to stomp her back some, before moving down and grabbing her leg, slamming her knee into the mat, trying to weaken and do some major damage.  Zarita is able to turn to her back and using both legs , kicks Juana back into the corner.  Zarita moves away a bit rolling to collect herself some before she starts to get to her feet.  Once up and standing Juana is back on the attack, while Zarita is doing all she can to defend herself, which works out as the next big move from Zarita is a DDT, which puts Juana on the mat on her back... Zarita looks to show off and goes up high, as she climbs the ropes and goes for a high up stomp, but Juana moves , grabbing her leg, and with a sickening sound, to the leg take Zarita down.  You can hear her scream as she holds her knee in pain.. With out missing a beat, Juana kicks Zarita in the face, and then grabs her leg and turns to a painful Boston Crap Submission... Zarita has no choice but to tap out from the pain to her knee... Juana doesn't let go, even as the Ref tries to force it... Finally after several long moments, with a hard thud, Juana slams her knee down letting go.  The bell rings once again as Juana's hand is held up in victory, as others come out to check and help Zarita, seeing that there is a lot of damage to her leg..

Segment: Andrew is seen backstage with Jayden as the two are making small talk, and flirting with each other... It wasn't long until Ciara Fiece walks into the scene as she looks right at Andrew Parker... Who in returns looks right at her.  Jayden moves to stand at his side, with a hand on his shoulder... A smug smirk on his lips as he looks at her.

Andrew Parker: Big words on Twitter.

He says not feeling that she could back them up, as she just looks at him.
Ciara Fierce: Just wait until I get you in the ring...
She says simply as she then moves walking past him, pushing him a bit with her shoulder as he was trying to stand in her way... As she was too proud for that, as he just grinned looking at Jayden feeling confident that any meeting with her would only end with him having the victory.

Pre Main Event
Angelique & Jayden W/FAB Vs.Maya Lani Spawn & Lori Ann Rossdale
Stipulation: Tag Match
Summary: It seems like FAB just keeps growing in numbers...Now we see just what Jayden has to offer as she teams up with Angelique to take on the mother and daughter team.
Winner: Angelique & Jayden.

FAB for sure is looking to send a message to anyone who thinks that they are a threat or a challenge to the group.  Making quick and easy work of the mother daughter team of Maya and Lori.  Jayden looking to show off her skills as the new member in, as Angelique just smirks watching her friend make a fool of Lori Ann Rossdale through nearly the entire match.  Most of the match was spent with FAB taunting Maya and Lori.  Once again it ends with Angelique tagging in Jayden who is enjoying herself very much, but finally puts an end to things as she sets Maya up for her finisher The Perfect Ending(Pump handle powerslam).  With a cocky grin on her face she gets down and pins Maya 1 2 3! 
Angelique comes in, holding her friends hand up in victory as they stand in the ring celebrating. Showing that Jayden being added to FAB was for sure a huge advantage for the group.  As she has not disappointed since she joined up with the women.
Things for sure are not looking good for May Lani Spawn or Lori Ann Rossdale as FAB is looking to do more damage as the girls attack the two of them in the ring... Beating them up bad enough until they kick them out of the ring.  FAB's music hits as they just smile and laugh taking there leave after a moment, as the ref is checking on the mother and daughter team.

Segment: Backstage you see Crystal and Hope having a last minute conversation before Hope goes out to the ring for her match against Kevin Khaos.  They seem to be working a few things out, as Hope just nods her head.  With a grin she walks off heading down the hallway making her way to the ring.  Leaving fans and everyone to wonder just what the two of them were up too.

Main Event
Kevin Khaos W/Gage Steele Vs.Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Hardcore
Summary: It is easy to see that Khaos is not a happy man, someone who is very angry with management, mainly the Sweet sisters.  He has been calling them out for well over a month, and it looks like he is finally getting the chance to express his anger in a more physical way..
Winner: Kevin Khaos.

This match was something Khaos was looking forward to from the start.  Revenge on his mind for sure, as he didn't even wait for the bell to ring, or for Hope to be fully in the ring, as he went right after her.  Knocking her back into a corner as he hit her with his shoulder, forcing her back into the turnbuckle a bit.    Hope finally was able to get an elbow up which knocked Khaos back... He held his face a bit as Hope lunged out at him, taking him down as she then slammed his head into the mat a few times before getting up.  Grabbing him by the hair... Khaos still very much with it, brings his fist up and punches Hope in the gut.  She hunches over a bit, returns the favor with a headbutt, taking him down on his ass.  Hope then backs up as she uses the ropes then comes back at him, and kicks him in the bed. 
She goes for a pin, but Kevin Khaos kicks out after a one count.  Hope then goes once again to pick him up, as she starts to lift him up, but he is able to fight out of it and reverse it, as he then turns her around kicks her in the gut, and then hits a neck breaker... He goes for a pin, but she is able to get a shoulder up quickly.  He gets up, and starts to pull her up, hitting her with an upper cut, as it just sends her back to the ropes as she leans on it a bit, as he goes at her.  She drops down as it causes him to fall out of the ring. 
Hope soon joins him, where she is meant by Gage, which is allowed.  Though he just kind of stands there, being a distraction for the most part.  Which did just that as Khaos was able to find a lead pipe under the ring...He runs up behind Hope smacking her in the back of the head with it.. He then grabs her and rolls her in.. He then covers her for the pin, getting the 1 2 3... Making a quick end to the match as Plague soon rushes out again, as Gage and Khaos make a quick exist through the crowd...Getting out of the way before anymore damage could be done...

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