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Date Posted:02/15/2021 6:52 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 03/01/21

Match 1
Gabriel Hunter W/ Jasmine Sweet Vs. Zak Castile W/ Mikah Castile
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Gabriel feeling pretty good after the victory at Valentines Massacre he is ready to continue on his winning ways.  Can he do so against Zak?  Or will Zak hit with a surprise upset.

Match 2
Tara Malice Vs. Kitty Granger
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Partners become challengers as they face off on Terror.  In what should be a friendly match, but you can be sure the GM will be watching as it is time for a new challenger to step up against the Women's Champion.

Match 3
Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna Vs. Matt Ward
Title: Non Title 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Lorcan has returned and is very much ready for some in ring action... Matt Ward has not been shinning as of late, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to start here on Terror.

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor(C)/ Natasha Ivanov Vs Frost W/Tori Adams
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles 
Summary: Taylor is finally feeling like he is moving in the right direction.  Even more so after defeating Antonio Guerrero for the International Championship... Now he is moving on to face someone who also had a good night at the Pay Per View.

Main Event
Axel Gunner(C) W/Diane Murphy Vs. Shawn Blade
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Summary: Axel has been saying he wants some action, now he has it in the form of the Hardcore Champion Shawn Blade.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Terror Card 3/02/21

Date Posted:02/28/2021 3:05 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  Terror
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Burn it to the Ground" By Nickleback
Date: 03/01/21

Match 1
Ryan Burgess W/Susy Granger Vs. Zak Castile W/ Mikah Castile
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Gabriel feeling pretty good after the victory at Valentines Massacre he is ready to continue on his winning ways.  Can he do so against Zak?  Or will Zak hit with a surprise upset.
Winner: Ryan Burgess
Ryan was added tot he match after Vincent was unable to compete.  Ready and willing to do so Ryan steps up against new comer, but not rookie Zak Castile.  The man has had a rather impressive start in the company so far.  His sister Mikah in his corner as the two start to lock it up.
After an intense back and forth, it is Ryan who shows his veteran tenacity.  As he is able to over come Zak... Though it would seem Ryan did underestimate his skill a bit, after the beating and fight Zak had given him.  The looks of surprise as Zak is able to kick out.  Not once but twice.   Making Ryan dig deep for this victory.  Which finally does come after hitting his finisher for a third time... 
As Ryan gets up he stands there looking down at Zak still seeming shocked with how much effort it had taken to win.  Zak gets to his feet, the two men are looking at each other.  After a moment it is Ryan who extends his hand in respect as the two men shake hands.... Which is rare but well deserved after the brutal battle between the two men.

Match 2
Tara Malice Vs. Kitty Granger W/Misfits
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Partners become challengers as they face off on Terror.  In what should be a friendly match, but you can be sure the GM will be watching as it is time for a new challenger to step up against the Women's Champion.
Winner: Kitty Granger
Kitty and Tara both eager to get back to all things not FAB.  As they seem to be more than okay with facing off against each other just after tagging at the Valentines Pay Per View.  The two go back and forth and seem to be just having fun at it... Not taking it to serious at first.  But as it goes on and they prove to be more of a challenge to each other than first though.  Tara is the first with an arm bar taken down.  Looking to maybe weaken the arm... To lock in a submission.  Kitty is able to reverse it though, as she holds tight to Tara's arm and then flips her over... Kitty then goes up high, as she jumps up and hitting a flying head butt as Malice gets to her feet, taking her right down again.  Kitty with out wasting any time is on her and locks in a triangle choke hold... Applying as much pressure as possible.  Leaving Malice no other choice but to tap out.
Kitty didn't get to celebrate much as Tara Jeanne came out from what looked like no where... Kitty turned around to look at her.  Rather confused at first... Not knowing who she was... Tara gets right up in her face, hitting her with a few punches, and then is able to Stick Webs(Widow Peak) Knocking Kitty right out... Tara sits there a moment just grinning... If people didn't know her yet, she was going to make sure they knew her really soon .

Match 3
Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna Vs. Matt Ward
Title: Non Title 
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Lorcan has returned and is very much ready for some in ring action... Matt Ward has not been shinning as of late, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to start here on Terror.
Winner: Lorcan Balthazar.
Matt tried to make quick work, knowing that he was in over his head when it came to Lorcan.  Trying to take the large man out before he was even in the ring.  Knocking him down off the apron, with a double high kick.  Lorcan luckily lands on his feet though and looks to be unhurt.  Glaring angerly up at Ward... Still not ready to give in he uses the ropes and then goes running out and spears Lorcan, taking the large man off his feet.  The fighting continues outside of the ring, as the match hasn't even started yet.
Belladonna decides to get herself involved as she lets herself get in the way, teasing a bit, before she brings her knee up and a low blow to Ward, as it takes him down.  Belladonna then yells to Lorcan to get him in the ring and finish this.  Already tired of this... Lorcan gets up as he then tosses him into the ring... Once Lorcan is in the ring, the bell finally rings starting the match... 
Lorcan is standing as Matt is trying to get himself up...Lorcan helps as he picks him up, hitting a side walk slam... Not stopping as the attack and the assault continues on for Ward for sometime.  Before Lorcan finally is done messing around and goes getting the victory... A huge return for Lorcan as this monster looks ready to reek some havoc.

Pre Main Event
Matthew Taylor(C)/ Natasha Ivanov Vs Frost W/Tori Adams
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Singles 
Summary: Taylor is finally feeling like he is moving in the right direction.  Even more so after defeating Antonio Guerrero for the International Championship... Now he is moving on to face someone who also had a good night at the Pay Per View.
Winner: Matthew Taylor.
This was a pre main event to remember.  Frost was a man on a mission, though same could be said for Matthew Taylor.  As both are still making the climb.  Though Taylor seems to finally be on the right track... Able to capture and claim the International Championship.  Frost knowing that a victory here would put him in line for a title shot... Taylor still looking to aim higher... Both men are giving it to each other... Frost starting out on the attack, and taking control early on.  Able to get a near fall, but Taylor kicks out, and quickly gets to his feet.  Not wanting to be out done.  Frost goes in for a clothesline, Taylor able to duck out of the way, and grab from behind.   Hitting a series of German Suplexes. Taking the wind right out of Frost...
With out messing a step, Taylor gets up, bringing Frost up with him... The man of course still has fight in him as he hits a few punches to the mid section.  Taylor though with a massive head butt puts a stop to that... The end is near as Taylor is able to set up and hit Breathless(Phoenix Splash).  It puts an end to the match, as both men had fought very hard, but tonight was Matthew Taylor's night.

Main Event
Axel Gunner(C) W/Diane Murphy Vs. Shawn Blade W/Miss. Elisabeth
Title: Non Title
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Summary: Axel has been saying he wants some action, now he has it in the form of the Hardcore Champion Shawn Blade.
Winner: Axel Gunner.
Shawn had actually been the dominate force for most of the match up... As Axel wasn't overly use to the rough nature of this match... Shawn seemed to be really enjoying himself as well.  Tossing weapons all over and using them as he wished.  Not that Axel wasn't holding his own, just not able to get the advantage for the most part.  That was until an unannounced showing of "The Sadistic One" Kevin Khaos.  Who made his way out on stage and looked to be starting to walk down the ramp way.  
This interaction was enough to draw Shawn's attention away from the match up.  With a kick to the leg, and then a knee to the face... Axel is able to get the upper hand finally.  Khaos continues to walk his way down the ramp way watching the match up.  As he climbs up on the apron.  Only to get speared off by Shawn... 
Axel once again taking advantage as he is able to hit a neck breaker on Shawn, and just like that the match is over.  With out wasting time or staying in the ring, Axel takes his leave.  Not wanting to be part in whatever will take place between Khaos and Blade.
As Khaos is once again making his way in the ring... Seeing Shawn is still down and pretty much out of it... Khaos adds insult to injury, as it looks like he is aiming to get the Hardcore Title back.  He gets Shawn up and hits another neck breaker.  The ref is back in the ring as this time it is Khaos who goes for the pin, and gets the three, winning back the Hardcore Championship.

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