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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/05/2009 1:55 AMCopy HTML


//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

Untitled-1-1.jpg picture by foxy1350

|Crystal Sweet|..Still the Baddest Bitch there is

Look at me... Look at me... Can you see me yet... Do you know what you have done?  I think not.. You may feel I have lost, but I do not see it that way, after all, I never loose... I only take steps back.. and this is what has happened...Now here we are in a new place... A new area for Crystal.  She is having to trust someone, she is forced to work with another... I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things work for them come Hangover...

(Ok boys and girls, what you are all about to see is true and live... You are getting a full look into the life of the Baddest Bitch... She has gone and opened her life to you all, from start to finish, you will see just what its like to be Crystal Sweet..)

// ON Camera//-

Its time to get up now as the cameras are all settled in the hotel room, where Crystal is seen sitting on her bed, she of course is already awake... The cameras move looking up at the clock seeing that it was only a little after four... The camera man yawns a bit as Crystal laughs a bit shaking her head.

||Crystal Sweet|| Aww, are you tired...

She teased as she got up... A tank top and booty shorts covering her body, she streches a bit, as she walks into the bathroom, as she of course doesn't let the camera in there, but they are standing out by the door, as they can hear her in there.. The shower soon starts to run... After a bit she walks out of there with a towel wrapped around her...

||Crystal Sweet|| Sorry this is family show, need to keep it some what tasteful.. After all wouldn't want to be fired, before I even get a chance to do this tag match... Oh its so excting isn't it... Knowing everyting that I will be doing today... To be here with me as I get ready for my match up, this so called tag match... If you cant' tell yet, I'm not really fond of them... Dont care to team up with those I don't really know.

She said as she was walking over to her closet as she pulled out her clothes, they watched herright up until she dropped her towel as the camera moved down looking at the towel as she was still , speaking on.

||Crystal Sweet|| First today we shall head to the arena, to offically get our day started... I'm you'll enjoy my interaction with the little people that work there...

She laughs a bit joking.

||Crystal Sweet|| Ok, so not all of them are little people.  Some of them are legends in there own rights, others are jokes thinking they are that way, but don't worry I'll point this people out to you, as they come up..

The cameras move up, as they see that she is fully dressed now... she walks over stepping into her heels... Of corse she has too look hot.  When she isn't fighting, she is still making sure she is noticed.. Yeah she has been called a whore, a slut, you know what ever makes people sleep better at night...


After we take the nice drive, we arrive at the arena... Crystal is getitng out of her car as the camera crew is getting out of the van, and are once again taping Crystal as she is getting her bags out of the back seat as she looks over at the camra men as they are watching her, getting  a couple ass shots when she was bent over in her car, but straightens back up before she can yell at them as she just laughs a bit shaking her head.

||Crystal Sweet|| Pervs... I swear everyone in here, are pervs.

She laughs as she then closes her door, making sure her car was all locked up before she went heading inside.  She walked into the arena looking around a bit, as she was smirking some what as she was looking around... She then went on walking down the hall as she was checking things out, looking to see who was here yet... It was still rather early, so the halls weren't full yet...

||Crystal Sweet|| Oh, looky here its my partner.. the American man himself... A bit shocking to see you here this early.. but I guess you were out trying to get that worm huh... 

 She smirk as she walks up to him...Oh yeah she knew what he was thinking about working with her... Crystal knew he wasn't all that thrilled, so you could be damn sure She was going to give him a hard time.. She walks up to him, not bothered or anything as Crystal just look at him a moment before she starts to speak.

||Crystal Sweet|| I figured I tell you now, since I have you right here...You dont' have to worry about this rookie messing things up....If things go sour in our match up, its because you couldn't hold up your part..

OH yeah he doesn't look amused, or impressed by my words as I stand there looking at him, thinking about it all... I hate tag matches... I don't trust anyone, but my family, and hell evne somtimes I don't trust them.

||Crystal Sweet|| I don't want this tag match anymore than you do... I don't know you, hell I dont' even really like you, to be honest, I havn't even given you a thought since I got here, haven't paid attention to a damn thing that you have done... but now, I have the displeasure of being forced to partner up with you.  and against who... A woman I already defeated once, and a man I dont' even care to know either, none of  that matters to me..

Crystal smirks a bit as she looks at him thinking about everything...She was getting tired of being looked down upon, she had been here for a little bit, had been very active and has done her part here... Yeah she knew that she hasn't earned the title shorts yet, but damn it, she was working on it, and you can be damn sure, she was here to stay... She  has earned a bit of respect around here, but fuck it if she wasnt' going to get it, she wasn't going to give it back.

||Crystal Sweet|| Come on boys lets go, See if we can't find something better to do with our time here... I'm sure just about anything would be better than hanging around here...

She said as she pushed her hair back out of her face as she then went on walking down theh all, as the camera was following her, wondering where Crystal was going to be going now. as they were taking a look back at Phoenix Winterborn who was standing there looking at Crystal, after there brief little talk, before she went walking off.... So he knows that she was going to be there, he knows that she was going to put up the fight of a life time, but the question was.... Will he...

©.caramel kisses. Made for Christina by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

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