- Score:28
- Posts:28
- Register:10/26/2011 11:24 PM
Date Posted:11/15/2014 1:23 PMCopy HTML
 | Warning! What you are about to read may be dirty, nasty, violent, and just not down right pretty.....If you want to read on then you are agreeing that you will not be offended, you will not bitch, or you know I just don't give |
 | TITLE: Still going at it .. OOC: Here we are, sorry it's not great, but needed to do something to start | It is always tough when someone you care about is struggling, and having a rough time, but you know that you can't stop going, you need to keep going not just for you, but for the one you care about. You can't help them if you stop helping yourself. So even though Jezzi feels bad for Luke and wants to be there for him, she has to keep going, and keep fighting. This match is a big deal to her, and she doesnt' want to mess up her chance at gold... So she has been spending a lot of time training and getting ready for things... Getting ready for this big battle royal. She knew that she was the underdog in this, still being one of the new girls she doesn't feel like she is really being taken like she should.... well maybe this will be her chance to come out of it, her chance to really shine and get the recognition she needs to get some place. This is a big deal match for her, as she is liking the chance of being able to have a future title match up. It would be nice to get that kind of push so early in her career in this place, so it was something she was really focused on.
When the scene opens up, it is at the gym as Jezzi is in the rare case alone. She has been working out a bit by herself, giving Luke some time to figure things out, to fight his demons a bit, knowing that always being around isn't going to help him, so she figured she let him have a little time alone, seeing how things are going for him. The camera man was setting things up for this little promo, as Jezzi has yet to speak out about her match up so she figured this was a good time to do it. Right where she spent most of her time. She heard the man say he was ready for her as she stopped stretching but was still sitting there on the floor.
||Jezabel Jezzi||-As you can see I'm still here. Yeah I have been quiet for a little bit, but if you think I have run off, you are wrong. I do not plan on going any place, I happen to like where I'm at, and plan on doing so much more here.
She smiled as she paused a moment thinking about it, as she was feeling pretty good about things in the work world. She loved her job, she loved wrestling and she loved being apart of this crazy company.
||Jezabel Jezzi||- So this time I'm taking part in a Battle Royal, not really a one on one type match up yet, but at least I know who is all going to be taking part in this, so this is pretty good, I'm making progress here.
She giggled a bit as she was thinking about the action she had , had since she had arrived to this place, costume contest, another type of Battle Royal, where it was all ladies welcome, she didn't win either ot those, but still seemed to be advancing forward, maybe it was a good sign, maybe they liked how hard she was working, how she was making sure to take part in all that she could, she wasn't all that sure just how she was getting into this, but hey she wasn't complaining at all, she was enjoying this.
||Jezabel Jezzi||-They do say the third time is the charm, right? So after the first two bouts, this one may just be the one I need, may be one that I get lucky on. The big win that puts me up right where I need to be. I mean this could be my last chance for some time. So I'm really not wanting to mess this up. Now I know there are a lot of other divas in this match up who are not even wanting me to get any place, of course it is because they are all wanting the same prize as myself... But that is what this is all about, if you aren't wanting to win, then really why take part in this, why even be here if you aren't wanting the top prize?
She said thinking about it, she was use to hearing how a lot of women didn't care if they won or not, not saying any of them said that here, but over her career they acted as if they didn't care, and that always bugged her, always make her think it was all just a waste of time if they weren't going to give there all and really try to make something. Jezzi started to move as she was standing up, she had spent a bit of time doing this, some time away from Luke and she was ready to go up and bug him and see how he was doing.
||Jezabel Jezzi||- As you can see I am more than ready for this match up, I am going to bring all that I have, and put all of me into it. Yes I know this is a battle royal, and many say that it is more luck than skill, and at the start I would have to agree, but at one point it will be down to , just two people, and then it will just be one... I plan on being the last one standing in this... You all just wait and see!
She smiled as she waved to the camera, as she was done, she turned, grabbing her work out towel as she went taking her leave, heading to change out of her gym clothes so she could go and do what she was needing to do. | //DisClaimer: This layout was made by BloodPassion @ Blood Passion Designs, if you want to steal it go ahead, I won't cry, if you would like one of your own them come to BPD, and we'll make you one of your own! |
