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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/12/2011 3:18 PMCopy HTML

warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This role play will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your death wish.

Hmm so this is a bit of a down class than what I am use too... but hell gold is gold and I love the gold... Siefer wants to look else where for a championship, I'll be more than happy to take his off his hands... I think I would make a good US Champ...You know what... I don't think I've actually held that title here... When Destiny brought it in, I was already holding the FWAR Championship so it never really crossed my mind, but now, I have time, and want to kick some ass... So Seifer this is your unlucky night...You may not think of me as much of a threat because you got thru a few matches that weren't one on one. but you see those matches can be considered less physical, eaiser than facing a man who has real talent, instead of a small group of losers... You kind of know me, but you don't know me enough to actually know just what I"m capable of.  A long time member of FWA, FWAR, I have kept below the radar when I was just learning, watching all of you do your thing, then when I was ready knowing how great I was, I made my move, forcing my way up the ladder, and I have been on top of the world ever since...

When FWAR comes on the air you see Shawn Blade walking around the arena halls.  He has his half of the Tag Title around his waist and the Hardcore Championship slung over his shoulder.  He has a smirk on his face as he was thinking about the match up he has coming up on Terror against Siefer... Ah yes, the so called legend himself was going to be in for one hell of a shock when he sees what he is truly up against.  Not doubting his skills, but Shawn well he is a cocky son of a bitch, and well feels a bit superior to most of the roster here...

||Shawn Blade||- Going to have one hell of a party...After Terror I"ll be holding one more title...

He smirked thinking about it.  Yeah maybe it was a bit soon to be thinking so smug, ah fuck we all know the truth... We know that he is just that damn great.  Shawn makes his way down the hall as he was looking around...

{Camera Man}- Hey Shawn, man do you have a few things to say about your up coming match up on Terror against the pretty much undeafted Siefer?

Shawn looked at the man as he was thinking about it a bit, oh yeah... Siefer has had a bit of luck since he got here... but was he undeafted... Hell if we know, not like I care enough to check this mans record or anything...

||Shawn Blade||- Yeah I do have a few things to say... One I dont' give a fuck what the mans record is... I mean I've seen him a lot lately but before the big bastard was interested in some gold, didn't really see his ass at all, so now he thinks he is a big deal and should be getting that championshp... I don't think so.  I see men like Siefer all the time... Coming here, running there mouths and as soon as someone steps up and knocks them down a peg... They run off like blat ass little bitches... Now will Siefer do the same thing?

He pauses a moment as he thinks about it, as he just smirks looking into the camera, maybe letting the fans think a moment for themselves before he goes on talking about it.

||Shawn Blade||- I'm sure he'll bitch, cry, and stomp the ground a bit, but I"m sure his huge ass will hang around... I mean where else can he go... He is feeling on top of the world right now... Oh its a great feeling isn't it?  I love being on top, but more than that, I love knocking other assholes back down... I see it as my job to help you here, Siefer, You see, I know that you are thinking you are pretty unbeatable, unstopable.  You had a couple matches where you had to face 2 or more people at one time, so you're thinking you are hee man... But you know matches that are triple threats, or fatal four way, isn't you fighting them all, its all for one, so you're not beating down anyone on your own... A lot of the time, its just being at the right place at the right time.  Its not as if you took all of them on at the same time, in a handicapp match... So gloat and brag all you want... It wont' matter... I may not be four men, but I"m more than man enough to beat the fuck out of you, and take that championshp away from you.

Shawn smirks standing there as he thinks about it a bit, wondering what was going to be said about this, oh he was sure, Siefer would have a bunch of crap to say, but would Shawn care?  Fuck no, espacially if Alexandra is next to him, playing with her, is a lot better than worry about what the fuck is coming out of some assholes mouth... After a moment Shawn pushes the camera back a bit then goes about walking off down the hall... One thought of Alexandra had him nearly running to his locker toom to see if his fiesty red head was there...

Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Chaos at Blood Passions Designs for the use of Shawn Blade. If you are caught claiming this as your own, will be hunted down faster then a pack of meat at a grocery store on fourth of July.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Vs Siefer

Date Posted:06/17/2011 6:38 PMCopy HTML

warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This role play will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your death wish.

Oh whats this... Only a few days left and still nothing from the big man... What is he taking a holiday, or is he proving that most of us were right about that loser... He doesnt' deserve shit... Thinks hes too good to shoot a promo, doesn't want to do a battle of wits me with ... Thank god... I always did hate this part... I miss when it was just down to getting in the ring and kicking some ass..Now its about being clever and entertaining...Oh don't get me wrong, I'm entertaining, but the way I entertain can get FWAR taken off the air... Well this is suppose to be a family show and all...So now this is what I'm going to do... I'm going to go out there and have a bit of fun...Yes its time to shoot another promo...but I"m bored and I feel like fucking around a bit...No...Not in that non family way. So now here things go..

When FWAR comes on the air you see Shawn sitting in his locker room, Alexandra is sititng on his lap as he was rubbing her back a bit as he was watching tv with her... They were a bit quiet but the little smirks and grins that they were showing, seeemed to be a bit of a hidden message for each other... He then starts to speak..

||Shawn Blade||God damn I'm bored... I mean what the hell is this... Seifer runs his mouth, and says how great he is, but the man can't even give the fans a bit of entertainment, something more to laugh at... 

Alexandra shakes her head laughing a bit as she leans back against him, a bit as he wrapped his arms around her. 

||Shawn Blade||- I'm gonna go wander baby.... You just chill here... Get naked if you want.. I'll play when i get back..

He kissed her pulling her hair back a bit as he kissed her, he then got up as she slid off him and sat on the couch.  He grinned a bit then went walking out of the room as he was making his way down the hall.. A lot has been going on in the world of Fusion Wrestling Alliance.... As he was walking he saw his partner Johnny Camaro standing in the hall with a bottle of water...He walks up to him.

||Shawn Blade||- Hey man... I see you have been having a bit of fun with Drakey...

Johnny smirks nodding his head as they were having a bit of conversation, they havn't had much tag work lately so been doing thier own thing but hey it didn't hurt to comuncate now and then... It kept us dominate and ready for when losers came by wanting out stuff..

||Shawn Blade||-Looks like you're going to be holding that Unfied gold in no time.

He grinned thinking about it, knoiwng that if anyone Johnny deserved to be the champion... Worked and fought harder than most anyone. 

{Johnny Camaro}- Oh I know it... Soon we'll be holding the gold... The dominace will show even more after we're done.

Both men smirked as she nodded thinking about it, he had no doubt about it, as they were the strongest tag in this divsion, and no one even came near them, and when they grabbed two more titles for there team, it would make it even better as he smirked...

||Shawn Blade||- Oh I have no doubt about it.. I plan on taking the US Championshp from Seifer, and after the PPV you'll be holding the top title... We'll show everyone how unstopable we are... Dominace is what we truly are...

He laughed thinking about as he tapped the Tag title that was around his waste... Still also holding the Hardcore Championshp... Things were really looking pretty damn good for them as he looked at Johnny..

||Shawn Blade||- I'm going over to bug Crystal and see hows she's hanging..

He chuckled a bit he has een Ceberus's promo and saw what had happened, and he found her most entertaining when she was pissed off, as he patted Johnny on the shoulder then went off walking down the hall to go bug Crystal some to see what kind of trouble he could get into while he was waiing for Terror to start..

Disclaimer: This layout is made by Bloody Chaos at Blood Passions Designs for the use of Shawn Blade. If you are caught claiming this as your own, will be hunted down faster then a pack of meat at a grocery store on fourth of July.

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