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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:01/21/2010 4:24 PMCopy HTML

.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

shawnkj4.gif picture by foxy1350

.:The Title:.  Getting the message out
.:Allies/Enimes:. few/ many
.:Hitlist:. David Khaos

Aww did i hit a nerve?  It looks like i did... David you look a little pissed off... I dont' give a shit about your momma, or your past history or you as a matter of fact... So to go in about your past no one cares about... Who cares if you were touched, or beat as a child....Has nothing to do with here and now.... Only thing that matters is you boy have something that belongs to me... I have waited and waited for my time to get it back, and now that its here, I'm not about to let it just pass me.  OH but don't think that is all on my mind right now... I need to take care of some business before I get back to little Khaos... When FWAR comes on the air you see Shawn Blade walking down the hall...He is standing there infront of the camers,  His usual grin gone as he looked serious for once as he was standing there.

||Shawn Blade||- I'll get to my little bit on Terror in a moment... First I need to give a message to a man.... David Matheson, I saw your little promo stunt... I saw what you said and your action to my sister Madeline.

He paused as he was standing there thinking about his sister, and what his said as his anger steamed a bit more as he didnt' like his family messed with, espacially if they hadn't started anything to begin...Not saying Madeline couldn't handle herself, but he wasn't going to let things get that bad if he could help it.

||Shawn Blade||- Now Mr. Matheson if you feel stupid, and you even think of doing anything to my sister to her neck; I suggest you rethink about it... You want to go after people, then come after me, you're looking for a fight, I'll give you the ass kicking of a life time...but dont' fuck with Mattie, or you'll be in for your own hell...

He stood there a moment looking into the cameras as he was very serious about this as he wasn't going to stand by and let this happen if he could do something about it.  He didn't care what he thought about Xtreme, who his friends where, hell he could care less about what happened to Hope, or that new chick, it was all about looking after his family..

||Shawn Blade||- Now moving on to more important things... Daivd Khaos... I see that you saw my promo... Good for you, you pay attention to things that go on... but you obviously took everything to literaly and what not... I saw your bit, or well i listened a bit... Got rathe rboard with the rant, and well I dont' care about your past, your mother, or even your brother who has the issues, as long as his other half isn't a woman, it doenst' entertain me.

He smirked  a bit as he was standing there thinking about everything, yeah he was a but amused now, but he was still set and knowing just where he was going with things... He was needing to get his title, and he had to go thru a man who had to go around with a mask on his face, what a joke...

||Shawn Blade|| Hold onto your title as long as you can, because come Terror, you wont' be having it any longer...but the way you seem to be, its a good thing Terror is tonight, I dont' think you have what it takes to really be a champion... I shall prove that here tonight... Let everyone see you're not just a freak when it comes to that face of yours...

He laughs a bit as he thinks about it. Shawn then after a bit starts to walk off down the hall, he stops a few feet away as he sees Destiny there, he looks at her knowing that she was all buddy buddy with David Matheson as he goes up to her grabbing her.

||Shawn Blade||- Hey Sweets.... Listen tell your new little boy toy Matheson he bettter heed my warnings, or things could get really ugly..

He says then grins touching her cheek a bit as she glares looking at him.

||Shawn Blade||- Would hate to see you get hurt because of some punk kid thinking he is bigger than he truly is... So you better watch your new pet Destiny..

He laughs walking down the hall leaving Destiny standing there glarring at him as he goes on his way down the hall, going back to his locker room to get ready for his match up later tonight.

Candy Kisses made for Shawn Blade and his use only.... Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you..

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  • Rank:none
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  • From:USA
  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Re:Shawn Terror

Date Posted:01/21/2010 4:29 PMCopy HTML

.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show.

shawnkj4.gif picture by foxy1350

.:The Title:.  Getting the message out
.:Allies/Enimes:. few/ many
.:Hitlist:. David Khaos

Aww did i hit a nerve?  It looks like i did... David you look a little pissed off... I dont' give a shit about your momma, or your past history or you as a matter of fact... So to go in about your past no one cares about... Who cares if you were touched, or beat as a child....Has nothing to do with here and now.... Only thing that matters is you boy have something that belongs to me... I have waited and waited for my time to get it back, and now that its here, I'm not about to let it just pass me.  OH but don't think that is all on my mind right now... I need to take care of some business before I get back to little Khaos... When FWAR comes on the air you see Shawn Blade walking down the hall...He is standing there infront of the camers,  His usual grin gone as he looked serious for once as he was standing there.

||Shawn Blade||- I'll get to my little bit on Terror in a moment... First I need to give a message to a man.... David Matheson, I saw your little promo stunt... I saw what you said and your action to my sister Madeline.

He paused as he was standing there thinking about his sister, and what his said as his anger steamed a bit more as he didnt' like his family messed with, espacially if they hadn't started anything to begin...Not saying Madeline couldn't handle herself, but he wasn't going to let things get that bad if he could help it.

||Shawn Blade||- Now Mr. Matheson if you feel stupid, and you even think of doing anything to my sister to her neck; I suggest you rethink about it... You want to go after people, then come after me, you're looking for a fight, I'll give you the ass kicking of a life time...but dont' fuck with Mattie, or you'll be in for your own hell...

He stood there a moment looking into the cameras as he was very serious about this as he wasn't going to stand by and let this happen if he could do something about it.  He didn't care what he thought about Xtreme, who his friends where, hell he could care less about what happened to Hope, or that new chick, it was all about looking after his family..

||Shawn Blade||- Now moving on to more important things... Daivd Khaos... I see that you saw my promo... Good for you, you pay attention to things that go on... but you obviously took everything to literaly and what not... I saw your bit, or well i listened a bit... Got rathe rboard with the rant, and well I dont' care about your past, your mother, or even your brother who has the issues, as long as his other half isn't a woman, it doenst' entertain me.

He smirked  a bit as he was standing there thinking about everything, yeah he was a but amused now, but he was still set and knowing just where he was going with things... He was needing to get his title, and he had to go thru a man who had to go around with a mask on his face, what a joke...

||Shawn Blade|| Hold onto your title as long as you can, because come Terror, you wont' be having it any longer...but the way you seem to be, its a good thing Terror is tonight, I dont' think you have what it takes to really be a champion... I shall prove that here tonight... Let everyone see you're not just a freak when it comes to that face of yours...

He laughs a bit as he thinks about it. Shawn then after a bit starts to walk off down the hall, he stops a few feet away as he sees Destiny there, he looks at her knowing that she was all buddy buddy with David Matheson as he goes up to her grabbing her.

||Shawn Blade||- Hey Sweets.... Listen tell your new little boy toy Matheson he bettter heed my warnings, or things could get really ugly..

He says then grins touching her cheek a bit as she glares looking at him.

||Shawn Blade||- Would hate to see you get hurt because of some punk kid thinking he is bigger than he truly is... So you better watch your new pet Destiny..

He laughs walking down the hall leaving Destiny standing there glarring at him as he goes on his way down the hall, going back to his locker room to get ready for his match up later tonight.

Candy Kisses made for Shawn Blade and his use only.... Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you..

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