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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:02/17/2020 12:35 AMCopy HTML

Picture Base: Edge
Name: Shawn Adam Blade

Name: Shawn Blade
Crazy Blade
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 07/21/1981
Born: La, Cali

Residing From: La, Cali
: 6'2
Weight: 255
Theme Music: "Nightmare" By Avenged Sevenfold
In Ring Attire: Dresses like Edge did back in WWE.
Favourite Match Type: Violent matches
Crowd Status: Heel
Gimmick Explanation: Shawn is an all around asshole, a perv in most cases.  He has this I don't care attitude about him, and carries himself in a wild away.  Known for carrying around a sex doll that he has named Miss Liz.  Is seen at times having conversations with her..

Wrestling Style: He's a mixed talent, but does like flying high more than anything.
In Ring Tendencies: Will cheat every time if he can get away with it.
: Shawn has no fear, and will do anything he wants...He will always push  others buttons often causing them to lose there focus.
Shawn's cocky, and tends to piss off a lot of people, with out even trying.  His attitude can cause him issues for sure.

Moveset: [minimum of 10]
-Spinning Heel Kick
-Corkscrew Moonsault
-Flying Knee
-Shooting Star press
-Superman punch
-Corkscrew 630 Senton
-Ax Kick
-Polish Hammer

Submissions: [maximum of 2]
-Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper
Trademarks: [maximum of 3]
-Clothesline from hell
-Low Blow
-Face Buster
Finishers: [maximum of 2]
-Slicing the Blade(Spear)
- Buzz Saw (Frog Splash)

Entrance: The lights flash on and off, then a red mist hits the stage as "Nightmare!" By avenged Sevenfold blares.  After a moment Shawn comes running out on stage, his tongue sticking out as he raises his arms up, grinning at half of the boo's he is getting from around the area.  He then goes and makes his way down the ramp way, heading to the ring.  Running up the steel steps as he then climbs in the ring, bouncing around, and posing as he is waiting for his match up to start.

Biography: Shawn Blade has been in the wrestling business for well over a decade now, having his own kind of fun, he isn't as serious as his brothers, who all have been in the company for a bit longer than he has.  Blade name being pretty well known in the wrestling world, Shawn is a man who marches to the beat of his own drum, and isn't like many others that have come before or after him.

Achievements: [list below]
Shawn has held many titles in his long wrestling career. From World Champion, US Champion, Tag Champion, Hardcore Champion.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:02/17/2020 12:37 AMCopy HTML


FWAR Contract

Character Information:
Face: Edge Aka Adam Copeland
Name: Shawn Adam Blade
Alias: Shawn Blade "Fucking Crazy Blade"
Born: LA, Cali
Coweta County, Georgia
Weight: 255Lbs
Ring Attaire: Dressed like Edge did back in WWE.  Uusally just wrestlng pants, with a few slogans or even lips on them.  

Professional Information:
Gimmick Explanation: Shawn is an all around asshole, a perv in most cases.  He has this I don't care about shit attitue.  Also carries himself in a wild way.  Known for carrying around a sex doll name "Liz" Seems to be his girl and has been seen talking and having conversations with her... 
Wrestling Style: He is a mixed talent, but leans more towards high flying than anything else.

Favorite Match: Violent ones
Strength: Shawn has no fear, and will do anything he wants.  He always will push others buttons , often cause others to lose there temper, focus , which has worked out really well for him.
Weakness:Shawn's cocky, and tends to piss off a lot of people, with out even trying.  His attude for sure causes him to lose focus

Theme Song: "Nightmare" By Avenged Sevenfold
In Ring Tendencies: He'll cheat, openly do it, do it for fun, usually not caring about winning or losing a match as long as he gets to piss people off, he is happy.

Alignment: Fun Heel


Basic Moves(Minimum of 10):

1.Spinning Heel kick



4.Corkscrew Moonsault

5.Flying Knee

6.Shooting Star Press

7.Superman Punch

8.Corkscrew 630 Senton

9.Ax Kick

10.Polish Hammer

Submissions:(No More Than 2)

1.Figure Four Leg Lock

2.Dragon Sleeper

Trademark Moves(No More Than 3)

1.Clothesline from hell

2.Low Blow
3.Face Buster

Finishers(No More than 2)

1.Slicing the Blade(Spear)

2.Buzz Saw(Frog Splash)

Entrance:  The lights flash on and off, then a red mist hits the stage spreading around the entire thing, and going down the ramp way a bit.  After a moment Shawn comes running out on stage, his tongue sticking out as he raiseshis arms up, grinning at the half boo's he is getting from the fan base.  He then goes off walking down the ramp way making his way to the ring.  Running up the steel steps as he then climbs in the ring, bouncing around a bit as he is waiting for his match up to start...

Bio:  Shawn comes from a pretty big family.  Though he is closes with his sister Madeline Blade, who like him has had a long career in the wrestling industry.  Which brought the two closer and often ended up hanging out together and traveling together back in the day to save money.  Now they just do it for fun, and to annoy each other.

   Shawn himself is pretty well known in the wrestling world.  Has had a long and lengthy career, was big in the Hardcore division, enjoyed the fun of it being 24/7.

Shawn has held many titles in his long wrestling career.  From World Champion, US Champion, Tag Champion, Hardcore Champion mulitple times.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:02/17/2020 12:58 AMCopy HTML

• Picture Base: Edge Aka Adam Copeland
• Real Name: Shawn Adam Blade
• Ring Name: Shawn Blade
• Alias(es): "Fucking Crazy Blade"
• Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 07/21/1981
• Born: LA, Cali
• Residing From:
LA, Cali
• Height: 6'2
• Weight: 255lbs
• Theme Music: "Nightmare" By Avenged Sevenfold
• In Ring Attire: Dresses like Edge did back in his younger days
• Favorite Match Type: Violent matches
• Crowd Status: Fun Heel
• Gimmick Explanation: Shawn is the male version of Hope pretty much, in fact he is rather the reason she is as fucked up as she is... As he tortured her and fucked her up pretty good back in the day.

• Wrestling Style: This boy loves to fly high, but can mix it up when needed too.
• In Ring Tendencies:He'd push his own mother in front to save his own ass, so yes he will cheat like holy hell.
• Strengths: Shawn has no fear, and will do anything he wants.  He loves to push the limit, get on peoples nerves, fuck with there heads...Being in business since he was 19, helps mold his style.
• Weaknesses: Shawn is  an all around asshole...Which means a lot of people hate him, will hate him if they already don't.  He is cocky, and did i say he's an asshole? 

• Moveset: [minimum of 10]
-Spinning Heel Kick
-Corkscrew Moonsault
-Flying Knee
-Shooting Star Press
-Superman Punch
-Corkscrew 630 Senton
-Ax Kick
-Polish Hammer
• Submission(s): [maximum of 2]
-Figure Four Leg Lock
-Dragon Sleeper
• Trademark(s): [maximum of 3]
-Clothesline from Hell
-Face Buster
• Finisher(s): [maximum of 2]
-Slicing The Blade(Spear)
-Buzz Saw(Frog Splash)

• Entrance: The lights flash on and off, a red mist hits the stage as "Nightmare!" By Avenged Sevenfold blares over the P.A System.  After a moment Shawn comes running out on stage, his tongue sticking out as he raises his arms up.  A cocky as grin on his face as he hears the boos coming from the crowd.  He then walks down the ramp way as he heads to the ring... He runs up the steel steps stands up on the apron, holding the ropes he leans off a bit, just looking very amused.  He then climbs in the ring as he is bouncing around a bit and posing some waiting for shit to happen..

• Biography: Shawn Blade has been in the wrestling business for nearly twenty years now.  Most people will know his name, or at least have heard of it... coming from a large wrestling family, Being the only one out of his brothers to keep going, as the rest are long retired... He a man who marches to the beat of his own drum, and if people don't like it, he isn't afraid to shove the drum stick up your ass..

• Achievements/Accomplishments: [list below]
World Champion
FWAR Champion
Undisputed Champion
US Champion
Tag Champion
Hardcore Champion
International Champion
XDivision Champion
Hardcore Champion
IWF Champion
WWE Champion

United States Champion
Tag Champion W/Jason Blade.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:05/26/2020 11:25 PMCopy HTML

Picture Base:  Adam Copeland
Real Name: Shawn Adam Blade
Ring Name: Shawn Blade.
Alias(es): Any nicknames or even twitter handle if you want to share that on here.
Date of Birth: 07/21/1981
Born: La, Cali
Residing From:
Coweta County, Georgia
Height: 6'2
Weight: 255lbs
Theme Music: Nightmare By Avenged Sevenfold
In Ring Attire: What are they wearing when the bell rings?
Favorite Match Type:  What do they prefer to compete in?
Crowd Status: Fun and twisted Heel
Gimmick: Not to be confused with how they act in the ring. Why are they super nice, or a total asshole?  Give some details about who your character is when he's in the spot light.  Is he a hot head?  Does whatever?  Likes to annoy?
Wrestling Style: Brawler, Technical, Submission?  How do they do what they do?
In Ring Tendencies: Team player?  Going it solo?  Do they cheat, or all about playing fair?
Strengths: What do they do the best? Strong? Fast? Veteran Experience?
Weaknesses: Of course no one is perfect, There is something that kind of hinders us from being the superman and wonder woman we all wish we were.... What is your characters weakness?  Do you have an old Injury? Have a temper issue? Not as skilled as you want to be?

Moveset: {At least 10}
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here
- here

Submission(s): {No more than 3)
- here
- here
- here

Trademark(s): {No more than 3}
- here
- here
- here
Finisher(s):{No more than 2}
- here
- here

Entrance: No putting "Coming Soon" Fill out fully... Do not leave blank, I will delete your stats!  Everything must be filled in....

Biography: What is your charries life story?  Where did they grow up, what kind of life did they have?  What brought them into the wrestling world?  Anything else you feel will be important for Character development...Again do not leave blank.

Title/or any other accomplishments, does not have to just be in FWAR alone, let us know all the great things you have done.  New?  That is fine too, just let us know!


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