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  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Date Posted:06/02/2009 3:31 PMCopy HTML

NameShawn Blade
HometownLA, Cali
Theme Song"Remedy" By Seether
Height Weight6'2 / 224 lbs

Crowd Status

Martial StatusWho  Cares

Tag Team/Stable

The only ones Shawn would ever consider teaming with would be his siblings, and that isn't something that you see all that often, He doesn't trust anyone, because he knows he has pissed everyone off, or has turned on them by now.

Common Moves

Spinning Heel Kick
Tope Suicida
Corkscrew Moonsault
Evenflow DDT
Flying Knee
Shooting Star Press
Flying Head Scissors
Superman Punch
Ax Kick

Polish Hammer
Corkscrew 630° Senton

Trademark moves

-Face Buster
-Clothesline from Hell
-Figure four leg lock
-bunt to te head


Slicing the Blade {Spear}
Buzz Saw {Frog Splash

Title History

FWA Champion, Mulitple Hardcore Champion.. And a few other title along the way.


The lights go out and flah back on black white, as "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" hit, Shawn Blade walks out on stage as the crowd boos him.. He grins as she then walks down the ramp way making his way to the ring.. He walks up the steel steps as he climbs in the ring.. He walks around as he then climbs the turn buckle, as he poses, loving the boos that he is getting from the crowd.. He then goes jumping down as the muic stops and the lighs come back on, as he waits for things to get started.


Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there paretns.. but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jasmon Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud  too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline...


ShawnBlade Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:none
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  • From:USA
  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:06/02/2009 3:41 PMCopy HTML

Superstar Statistics...


%_ Name (Shawn Andrew Blade
%_Ring Name (Shawn Blade
%_Face (Edge
%_Height/Weight 6'2/ 224lbs
%_Hometown (LA, Cali
%_Alignment (Super Heel
%_Theme "Remedy" By Seether
//x.Commonly Used Moves. [Atleast five]

Spinning Heel Kick
Tope Suicida
Corkscrew Moonsault
Evenflow DDT
Flying Knee
Shooting Star Press
Flying Head Scissors
Superman Punch
Ax Kick

Polish Hammer
Corkscrew 630° Senton


-Face Buster
-Clothesline from Hell
-Figure four leg lock
-bunt to te head
//x.Finishers. [No more then Two]

Slicing the Blade {Spear}
Buzz Saw {Frog Splash

-Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there paretns.. but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jasmon Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud  too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline...

-The lights go out and flah back on black white, as "Remedy!" By Seether" hits.  Shawn Blade walks out on stage as the crowd boo's him.. He grins as she then walks down the ramp way making his way to the ring.. He walks up the steel steps as he climbs in the ring.. He walks around as he then climbs the turn buckle, as he poses, loving the boos that he is getting from the crowd.. He then goes jumping down as the muic stops and the lighs come back on, as he waits for things to get started.

- Shawn is a FWA orginal, he was there from the very first breath that Destiny Sweets federation took, and there for the rebirth of it as well, and is here now..

FWA World Title
FWA Championshshi
FWA Hardcore Title
FWA Untied States Champion

FWAR World Champion
FWAR Hardcore Champion
FWAR Intergender Tag Champion wiht Hope Sweet

SucideKisses Made for Fusion Wrestling Alliance's use only
CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:09/28/2009 6:46 PMCopy HTML


david_boreanaz2.jpg picture by foxy1350


Name__ Shawn Andrew Blade
Ring Name__ Shawn Blade
Face__ David B
Height/Weight__ 6'2/ 255lbs
Hometown__ La, Cali
Theme__Super Massive Black Hole By Muse


Commonly Used Moves.
Spinning Heel Kick
Tope Suicida
Corkscrew Moonsault
Evenflow DDT
Flying Knee
Shooting Star Press
Flying Head Scissors
Superman Punch
Ax Kick

Polish Hammer
Corkscrew 630° Senton

-Face Buster
-Clothesline from Hell
-Figure four leg lock
-bunt to te head

Submission [only two]
-Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper

Finishers. [only two]
-Slicing the Blade (Spear)
-Buzz Saw ( Frog Splash)


-Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there parents..Even though one sister had been lost to him, seperated right after the ordal, Angel he didn't find until years later, finding out that she had been living ont he streets and homeless for some time, but he took her in, when he found her, taking care of her, best he could.  but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jason Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud  too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline...


Supermassive Black Hole By Muse blares as Shawn Blade walks out on stage, stands there with a smirk on his face, as he then makes his way down the ramp, to the ring, he looks around as he does so, he then makes his way up the steel steps as he climbs in the ring. 


Too many to name.


Other__ if you need to contact me, you can do it thru Aimoo, thank you.
[this is all optional if you want to let others contact you]

MADE BY;; starryeyes

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:09/28/2009 6:55 PMCopy HTML

david_boreanaz2.jpg picture by foxy1350


Name__ Shawn Andrew Blade 
Ring Name__ Shawn Blalde
Face__ David B
Height/Weight__ 6'3/ 255lbs
Hometown__ LA, Cali
Alignment__ Heel
Theme__"Super Massive Black Hole" By Muse

Commonly Used Moves.

Spinning Heel Kick
Tope Suicida
Corkscrew Moonsault
Evenflow DDT
Flying Knee
Shooting Star Press
Flying Head Scissors
Superman Punch
Ax Kick

Polish Hammer
Corkscrew 630° Senton

-Face Buster
-Clothesline from Hell
-Figure four leg lock
-bunt to te head

Submission [only two]
-Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper

Finishers. [only two]
-Slicing the Blade (Spear)
-Buzz Saw ( Frog Splash)

Most of you already know who he is...If you don't then you're going to be finding out..


Super massive Black Hole By Muse blares as Shawn Blade walks out on stage, stands there with a smirk on his face, as he then makes his way down the ramp, to the ring, he looks around as he does so, he then makes his way up the steel steps as he climbs in the ring. 


Too many to name


Other__ if you need to get ahold of me, you either already know how, or you can contact me thru Aimoo.
[this is all optional if you want to let others contact you]

made by;; starryeyes

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:04/15/2011 1:08 AMCopy HTML


Offical DXCW Stat Forms

High Quality Picture Here


Real Name: Shawn Blade
Face Used: Edge
Hometown: La, Cali
Residing From: New York
Marital Status: Dating and Fucking Alexandra Callaway


Ring Name: Shawn Blade
Nickname(s): Mr. Asshole, You Asshole,
Theme Song: "NightMare" By Avenged Sevenfold
Marital Status: Dating and fucking Alexandra Callaway
Alignment(Face/Neutral/Heel): Heel
Fighting Style(High Flyer/Brawler/etc): High flyer to tech.
Allies: My sexy Mama
Enemies: Everyone else
Tag/Stable: Alexandra Callaway
Tag/Stable Theme Song: Animals By Nickle back


Moveset (at least 10 or more)

Signature Moves

Submission Moves

Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there paretns.. but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jasmon Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud  too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline

Well times goes by and things changes.. All but the play ground thus far... but while in FWAR Shawn found a play mate who was as fun and messed up as he was...Alexandra Callaway is now starting to become a normal part of Blades life... and his addiction... Thru his title runs, and thur his pissing people off, his hottie was right there for him...

Which has not changed with blade coming to DXCW... Not a man known to really spread out to other federations, but for his lovely lady, Shawn was willing to give this hell whole a chance... At least he knows thru out it, he'll be getting laid.


FWAR Champion
FWAR World Champion
FWAR Undisputed champion
FWAR Tag Champion
FWAR Hardcore Champion.


Name: Shawn
Messenger(Please Specify which.):None
E-Mail: None
Years Active: Too many
Other Characters: If you know me, you know them



ShawnBlade Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
  • Rank:none
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  • From:USA
  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:04/15/2011 1:12 AMCopy HTML


Offical DXCW Stat Forms

a539.jpg Adam Copeland Edge


Real Name: Shawn Blade
Face Used: Edge
Hometown: La, Cali
Residing From: New York
Marital Status: Dating and Fucking Alexandra Callaway


Ring Name: Shawn Blade
Nickname(s): Mr. Asshole, You Asshole,
Theme Song: "NightMare" By Avenged Sevenfold
Marital Status: Dating and fucking Alexandra Callaway
Alignment(Face/Neutral/Heel): Heel
Fighting Style(High Flyer/Brawler/etc): High flyer to tech.
Allies: My sexy Mama
Enemies: Everyone else
Tag/Stable: Alexandra Callaway
Tag/Stable Theme Song: Animals By Nickle back


Moveset (at least 10 or more)

Signature Moves

Submission Moves

Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there paretns.. but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jasmon Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud  too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline

Well times goes by and things changes.. All but the play ground thus far... but while in FWAR Shawn found a play mate who was as fun and messed up as he was...Alexandra Callaway is now starting to become a normal part of Blades life... and his addiction... Thru his title runs, and thur his pissing people off, his hottie was right there for him...

Which has not changed with blade coming to DXCW... Not a man known to really spread out to other federations, but for his lovely lady, Shawn was willing to give this hell whole a chance... At least he knows thru out it, he'll be getting laid.


FWAR Champion
FWAR World Champion
FWAR Undisputed champion
FWAR Tag Champion
FWAR Hardcore Champion.


Name: Shawn
Messenger(Please Specify which.):None
E-Mail: None
Years Active: Too many
Other Characters: If you know me, you know them
CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:10/31/2014 12:14 AMCopy HTML

a539.jpg Adam Copeland Edge


Name__ Shawn Andrew Blade 
Ring Name__ Shawn Blalde
Face__ David B
Height/Weight__ 6'3/ 255lbs
Hometown__ LA, Cali
Alignment__ Heel
Theme__"Nightmare" By AvengedSevenfold

Commonly Used Moves.

Spinning Heel Kick
Tope Suicida
Corkscrew Moonsault
Evenflow DDT
Flying Knee
Shooting Star Press
Flying Head Scissors
Superman Punch
Ax Kick

Polish Hammer
Corkscrew 630° Senton

-Face Buster
-Clothesline from Hell
-Figure four leg lock
-bunt to te head

Submission [only two]
-Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper

Finishers. [only two]
-Slicing the Blade (Spear)
-Buzz Saw ( Frog Splash)

Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there parents..Even though one sister had been lost to him, seperated right after the ordal, Angel he didn't find until years later, finding out that she had been living ont he streets and homeless for some time, but he took her in, when he found her, taking care of her, best he could. but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jason Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline...

Well now a year or more has gone by and Shawn Blade is still here of course... Making more of an impact as he had helped put a bit of an end to the Jasonation, but more than that, he has gotten himself a new hottie by the name of Alexandra Callaway, HotCouple.jpg image by BloodPassion
and has once agian put himself back in the running for the FWAR title... Defeating Matt Ward he waits to go on to face him and the curretn champion Matt Morgan and relcaim the FWAR championship.

Well a bit has happened in the time..No longer is Shawn with Alexandra Callaway as she couldn't keep her lips away from others, and seemed to blame Shawn for it... Yeah that went over well... Shawn has also for a time won the United States Title, but then lost it to Mr. Stertling a few months later... Sucks huh, but Shawn is all about having fun as he goes around with Miss Liz his favoite doll, and his on and off again fuck Damia.. Yep that's right Damia...

So we are movng n a bit more, and yes the ladies list has gone up as Shawn has had a mild fling, with Becca Nightingal,  and after that he was even seen moving around with Michelle Wright, not moving on to a different place and maybea different girl...


"NightMare" By Avenged Sevenfold blares over the PA System, After a moment Shawn Blade walks out on stage, stands there with a smirk on his face, as he then makes his way down the ramp, to the ring, he looks around as he does so, he then makes his way up the steel steps as he climbs in the ring. !. 


Held every many title in FWAR
Fucked up Hope Sweet
Held gold in DXCW, IWF, ICW, WWE, WWF, too many o keep listing

MSN_above, well its Skype now
Other__ Aimoo

made by;; starryeyes

ShawnBlade Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
  • Rank:none
  • Score:20
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  • From:USA
  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:10/31/2014 12:20 AMCopy HTML

HotCouple.jpg picture by BloodPassion

Name__ Shawn Andrew Blade
Ring Name__ Shawn Blade
Face__ Adam Copeland
Height/Weight__ 6'2/ 255lbs
Hometown__ La, Cali
Theme__"NightMare" Avenged Sevenfold

Commonly Used Moves.
Spinning Heel Kick
Tope Suicida
Corkscrew Moonsault
Evenflow DDT
Flying Knee
Shooting Star Press
Flying Head Scissors
Superman Punch
Ax Kick

Polish Hammer
Corkscrew 630° Senton

-Face Buster
-Clothesline from Hell
-Figure four leg lock
-bunt to te head

Submission [only two]
Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper

Finishers. [only two]
-Slicing the Blade (Spear)
-Buzz Saw ( Frog Splash)

Biography.... Before Shawn was so well knowin into the wrestling world he had been taking care and raising his sisters after the murder of there parents..Even though one sister had been lost to him, seperated right after the ordal, Angel he didn't find until years later, finding out that she had been living ont he streets and homeless for some time, but he took her in, when he found her, taking care of her, best he could. but when money got tight, Shawn turned to back yard wrestling to make a few bocks here and thre, but he saw how good he was and knew there was to be better money made, so he made his way up the ranks and was discovered.. When he got into it, he found that he had other siblings, Chris and Jason Blade... He worked his way up using there legacy a bit, not too proud too, but Shawn had a more sadisic and reletlenss way in the ring, and even backstage, that easily made him rather hated.. but it was all too good for him, he loved the pain, he loved the torment, to see others suffer at his hand just gave him a thrill, and he knew it was something he would never give up, not even when his sister Madeline got herself into the ring, and went a different path than him..

Shawn had thought to be long retired from the ring as he is now made his return to a federation where the Blades and Sweets can once again co exist and work together... Knowing that if it wasn't for his brothers, Crystal and Destiny wouldn't be anything that they are today... Shawn is here now and he is out to reclaim the glory he once had as he plans on taking this place by storm as he works his way up to the top.

Shawn may be an asshole and well hated, but the one thing that Shawn has is a strone since of family..He is very loyal to his siblings.. and when he found out what happened to Madeline Blade, and that Piper had sworn to have Madelines Back to make sure nothing bad happened... And when Piper couldn't keep his little sister safe, Shawn decided to make his way back and make people pay for what happened to his little sister Madeline...

Well now a year or more has gone by and Shawn Blade is still here of course... Making more of an impact as he had helped put a bit of an end to the Jasonation, but more than that, he has gotten himself a new hottie by the name of Alexandra Callaway, HotCouple.jpg image by BloodPassion
and has once agian put himself back in the running for the FWAR title... Defeating Matt Ward he waits to go on to face him and the curretn champion Matt Morgan and relcaim the FWAR championship.

Well a bit has happened in the time..No longer is Shawn with Alexandra Callaway as she couldn't keep her lips away from others, and seemed to blame Shawn for it... Yeah that went over well... Shawn has also for a time won the United States Title, but then lost it to Mr. Stertling a few months later... Sucks huh, but Shawn is all about having fun as he goes around with Miss Liz his favoite doll, and his on and off again fuck Damia.. Yep that's right Damia...

"NightMare" By Avenged Sevenfold blares over the PA System, After a moment Shawn Blade walks out on stage, stands there with a smirk on his face, as he then makes his way down the ramp, to the ring, he looks around as he does so, he then makes his way up the steel steps as he climbs in the ring. !


mulitple FWAR Champion,
Unified Championshion
United States Champion
Hardcore Champion,
FWAR Tag Champion
All around asshole

ShawnBlade Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
  • Rank:none
  • Score:20
  • Posts:20
  • From:USA
  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:05/12/2016 12:31 AMCopy HTML

HotCouple.jpg picture by BloodPassion

Picture Base: Edge
Name: Shawn Andrew Blade

Name: Shawn Blade
Nicknames your chars might have such as 'The Game'
Residing From: LA, Cali
: 6'2
Weight: 255
Theme Music: Nightmare By Avenged Sevenfold
In Ring Attire: Look to Edge
Favourite Match Type: Any he wins and any where the ladies are nekky
Crowd Status: Heel
Gimmick Explanation: Run of the mill perv.  Loves to annoy people, has a fun cocky attitude, enjoys having a good time, usually at the expense of someone else..

Wrestling Style: What style do they have? Brawler? Technical? Submission artist?
In Ring Tendencies: Do they cheat? Are they a fair player?.
: What is the best they have?
No one is perfect, something they can't do well. For example Big Show would be a useless high flyer

-Spinning Heel Kick
-Corkscrew Moonsault
-Flying Knee
-Shooting Star press
-Superman punch
-Corkscrew 630 Senton
-Ax Kick
-Polish Hammer

-Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper
-Clothesline from hell
-Low Blow
-Face Buster
-Slicing the Blade(Spear)
- Buzz Saw (Frog Splash)

Entrance: The lights flash on and off, then a red mist hits the stage as "Nightmare!" By avenged Sevenfold blares.  After a moment Shawn comes running out on stage, his tongue sticking out as he raises his arms up, grinning at half of the boo's he is getting from around the area.  He then goes and makes his way down the ramp way, heading to the ring.  Running up the steel steps as he then climbs in the ring, bouncing around, and posing as he is waiting for his match up to start.

Biography: Shawn Blade has been in the wrestling business for about a decade now, having his own kind of fun, he isn't as serious as his brothers, who all have been in the company for a bit longer than he has.  Blade name being pretty well known in the wrestling world, Shawn is a man who marches to the beat of his own drum, and isn't like many others that have come before or after him.

Achievements: [list below]
Shawn really hasn't done much in TXW yet, as for other places well he doesn't live up to those in other companies... Always liking to start fresh.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:09/19/2017 10:32 AMCopy HTML

Picture Base: Edge
Name: Shawn Adam Blade

Name: Shawn Blade
Crazy Blade
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 07/21/1981
Born: La, Cali

Residing From: La, Cali
: 6'2
Weight: 255
Theme Music: "Nightmare" By Avenged Sevenfold
In Ring Attire: Dresses like Edge did back in WWE.
Favourite Match Type: Violent matches
Crowd Status: Heel
Gimmick Explanation: Shawn is an all around asshole, a perv in most cases.  He has this I don't care attitude about him, and carries himself in a wild away.  Known for carrying around a sex doll that he has named Miss Liz.  Is seen at times having conversations with her..

Wrestling Style: He's a mixed talent, but does like flying high more than anything.
In Ring Tendencies: Will cheat every time if he can get away with it.
: Shawn has no fear, and will do anything he wants...He will always push  others buttons often causing them to lose there focus.
Shawn's cocky, and tends to piss off a lot of people, with out even trying.  His attitude can cause him issues for sure.

Moveset: [minimum of 10]
-Spinning Heel Kick
-Corkscrew Moonsault
-Flying Knee
-Shooting Star press
-Superman punch
-Corkscrew 630 Senton
-Ax Kick
-Polish Hammer

Submissions: [maximum of 2]
-Figure Four leg lock
-Dragon Sleeper
Trademarks: [maximum of 3]
-Clothesline from hell
-Low Blow
-Face Buster
Finishers: [maximum of 2]
-Slicing the Blade(Spear)
- Buzz Saw (Frog Splash)

Entrance: The lights flash on and off, then a red mist hits the stage as "Nightmare!" By avenged Sevenfold blares.  After a moment Shawn comes running out on stage, his tongue sticking out as he raises his arms up, grinning at half of the boo's he is getting from around the area.  He then goes and makes his way down the ramp way, heading to the ring.  Running up the steel steps as he then climbs in the ring, bouncing around, and posing as he is waiting for his match up to start.

Biography: Shawn Blade has been in the wrestling business for well over a decade now, having his own kind of fun, he isn't as serious as his brothers, who all have been in the company for a bit longer than he has.  Blade name being pretty well known in the wrestling world, Shawn is a man who marches to the beat of his own drum, and isn't like many others that have come before or after him.

Achievements: [list below]
Shawn has held many titles in his long wrestling career. From World Champion, US Champion, Tag Champion, Hardcore Champion.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #10
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:09/19/2017 10:35 AMCopy HTML


Picture Base: What face do you use?
Name: Real name of your wrestler

Name: Name used when in the ring
Nicknames your chars might have such as 'The Game'
Date of Birth (MM//YYYY): When be their barfday?
Born: Where were they born?

Residing From: Where do they live?
: How tall are they?
Weight: What do they weigh in pounds?
Theme Music: What music do they walk out to?
In Ring Attire: What they wear in the ring
Favourite Match Type: Match they enjoy the most
Crowd Status: Heel or face? or neither
Gimmick Explanation: What sums them up as a wrestler.

Wrestling Style: What style do they have? Brawler? Technical? Submission artist?
In Ring Tendencies: Do they cheat? Are they a fair player?.
: What is the best they have?
No one is perfect, something they can't do well. For example Big Show would be a useless high flyer

Moveset: [minimum of 10]

Submissions: [maximum of 2]
Trademarks: [maximum of 3]
Finishers: [maximum of 2]

Entrance: Type how they enter. DO NOT PUT 'Coming soon' or 'later' if you want on the roster. This is used on P

Biography: What is your wrestlers life story?

Achievements: [list below]
All achievements in TXW or other feds

ShawnBlade Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
  • Rank:none
  • Score:20
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  • From:USA
  • Register:03/31/2009 3:20 PM

Re:Shawn Blade

Date Posted:09/19/2017 10:58 AMCopy HTML


Male Statistics...


%_ Name : Shawn Adam Blade
%_Ring Name: Shawn Blade
%_Face : Edge
%_Height/Weight: 6'2 / 255lbs
%_Hometown: LA, Cali
%_Alignment Heel
%_Theme "Nightmare" By Avenged Sevenfold


//commonly Used Moves. [At least five]

//x.Trademarks. [No more then three]

[No more then Two]
- Here


-Your charries life story goes here


-Please make sure to fill this out..



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