Date Posted:08/07/2009 6:09 PMCopy HTML
| M a d e
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k i m | Statistics... | 
| Personal... | Real Name~ Serina Meysterio Ring Name~ Serina Poser~ Alley Bagett Height/Weight~ 5'4/ 112lbs Hometown~ Resides in New Mexico Alignment~ Face Theme Song~ Tempature By Sean Paul Fighting Style~ Nothing yet, just learning Favorite / Least Favorite Matches~ | Moves... | For right now, Serina doesn't wrestle, she doesn't know any moves right now, but I"m sure once she starts working and training more with the person she works with, you'll be seeing her in the ring in a bit. but for right now its just not happening.. | Entrance... | Tempaute by Sean Paul hits as Serina dances a bit out on stage, she looks around grinning a bit before she goes heading down the ramp way, making her way to the ring... She walks up the stels steps stands up on the aprons a moment before she bends over and then crawls in the ring... She walks around posing ab it before she walks over and gets a mic, and starts to speak. | Accomplishments... | Serina has yet to do anything, she is new to all of this. | Biography... | Serina is the young sister to Rey Meysterio... Shes is a very happy and go lucky trype of woman, she is freindly to everyone who comes up to her, she is here wanting to do what her big brothers does, but is wanting to work her way up and really work at it.. So on this day, Augustt 3rd, Serina has made her start into the Wrestling world. | Extra Info... | Dating~ ??? Tag Team Partner~ ??? Stable~ ??? Allies~ ??? Enemies~ ??? |
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