Date Posted:06/14/2020 4:52 PMCopy HTML
| Picture Base: Robert Downey Jr Real Name: Ryan Burgess Ring Name: "Bad Bad Man" Ryan Burgess Alias(es): "Bad Bad Man" @BadBadMan Date of Birth: April 2nd 1986 Born: Coweta County, Georgia Residing From: Coweta county, Georgia Height: 6'2 Weight: 2'45 Theme Music: "Awake" by Godsmack In Ring Attire: Black wrestling tights with mixture of red and gold on it, Black wrestling tape on the wrists, Black leather wrestling boots along with black elbow pads. Favorite Match Type: What do they prefer to compete in? Crowd Status: Neutral, Either way. Gimmick: A wrestler who is very old school and doesn't let anybody bothered him even if they think he isn't fitting in the today wrestling scene in FWAR. He tends to have a short fuse to his temper and tends to let his anger unleash upon anybody that gets into his way. He tends to make his point across in his wrestling skills in which he tends to be ruthless in the ring. Wrestling Style: Technical, Striker, Submission specialist In Ring Tendencies: Team player at most times, Depending if it's fits in his agendas or the company's agendas. He always out for himself unless it's becomes personal. He is part time wrestler and mostly spends his time in management behind the scene. Strengths: He tends to rely on his experience in the ring and knowing how to apply ruthless pain upon his opponents. He tends to take his time torturing his opponent until he feels like it's time to end their suffering. Weaknesses: He does have an old bicep injury that tends to make him doubt himself on if he still have it in him to be who he used to be. He also have a problem with his temper since, It's has been shorter over the years that has cost him far more matches then he cares to admit. He also tends to let people get into his head when they shouldn't be at all. | Moveset: {At least 10} - Jumping Dropkick - Standing Leg Drop - Pendulum Backbreaker - Chop Block - FaceBreaker Knee Smash - Dragon Screw - Leg Hook Reverse STO - Sitout Powerbomb - Seated Senton - Snap Suplex Submission(s): {No more than 3) - Sleeper Hold - Boston Crab - Cobra Clutch Trademark(s): {No more than 3} - Top Rope Axe Handle Elbow Drop - Inverted Atomic Drop - Snapmare Finisher(s):{No more than 2} - Bad Man Torture(Lifting DDT) - Ruthless pain(Sharpshooter)
| Entrance: While the wrestling fans were talking to each other. The pa system started to play "Awake" by Godsmack giving that cold chill in the air and on their spines. The camera man rushes up the entrance ramp in hopes to be in the right spot to notice the hall of famer making his way from the backstage or the gorilla position. The strobe lights started flashing on and off as the "Bad Bad Man" Ryan Burgess and Susy Granger making his or their way onto the entrance ramp. He or they stood there knowing that it's doesn't get very old by standing there hearing the screaming fans chanting his or their name, But he or they was there to do a job and a job he is going to do. He isn't there to play around or anything like that. He or they were a businessman or business people as he or they started to make his or their way down the entrance ramp until he reached the steel steps. He stops and looks around before heading up the steel steps. He get into the ring then holds the middle and bottom ropes for his soon to be wife Susy Granger as waits for his or they waits opponent(s) to get into the ring. | Biography: His past is nothing more than sort of legendary, From the beginning from now deceased company where he was trained by Jay Steve on the basis of wrestling and taught him on how to be a professional wrestler until Ryan had left the company for another. There he has met his longtime childhood friend Crystal Sweet who has noticed Ryan's wrestling career wasn't perfect as she and her family has really taught and grilled what it's truly means to be a professional wrestler. The rest is history as they say. In other words, It's would be too long to explained in complete details.
Over the years, He has managed to have only three major near ending career surgeries that has made him ponders if he should retired from the square ring. After his conversation with the CEO of FWAR Destiny Sweet. She knew that he wasn't ready to retired from the square ring as she feel that he knew deep down that he wasn't ready to call it quit. From being an active wrestler for the company, He has transitioned to backstage management for the company and worked in talent and relation in order to help Destiny Sweet make FWAR thrives even further than ever before. After few weeks being backstage management of FWAR, He has announced that he was going to retired and walked away from the company so, He could focus on life with his soon to be wife Susy Granger who was still part of the company as Ryan wasn't going to forced her to do something that she doesn't wanted to do. Now, After few weeks of vowing to stay retired after leaving the company. He has talked to Destiny to return to the company and this time it's was under the same job description, But he was also going to be part time wrestler when the company needed him to be. He knew that he wasn't done by a long shot. He was going to prove that even with near ending surgeries,He still was "Bad Bad Man"
Achievements/Accomplishments: FWAR: FWAR Championship(1), World Championship(2), FWA Evolution Champion(3) X-Division Champion(1) European Champion(1)
Others: Too many that I barely remember
FWAR*2020 |
