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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:09/30/2020 2:36 PMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER -Just wanted to do something a little different... Not sure what parks in Canada actually look like lol... So kind of went like it was a big city park, with a bike trail like area. lol sorry if not right. haha.

Sometimes you just have to take control, and do what needs to be done.  Not one to be forgotten or over looked.  Roxy had earned her place and made her way... So now with the restart she has to make sure that the real Women's Champion takes her place... That's right, Roxy feels that she is the real Women's Champion.   Which come Dark Oasis she will be proving this.  As she has two matches before her... Which most may mind, not like... She doesn't mind it... Knowing that if it gets her where she wants, then it was more than worth pain of it...

As things start to open up a little bit around the city, most everyone is still careful enough to not risk their health, or those around them.  A lot of businesses are still closed or running a lot differently than what they use too.  So what does one do for entertainment?  Can't always stay confined to the hotel room... That is just going to make you waste away... The weather is changing, as Fall is now upon us.  So in most cases it is a beautiful time to be out.  Roxy herself had been tired of just not really doing anything.  In a lot of different ways.   Her career had kind of staled a bit, though she knew that wasn't on anyone but her... Which was why she was now taking steps to do something about it.  Some of her mood she figured was just about how things were... Which of course wasn't going to be changing any time soon.  

||Foxy Roxy||- I'm ready when you are... 

A smile on the face of Roxy as she was looking at Denzel.  She was holding up her blades, had her mask as well.  She was ready to exercise in a fun way... Do a little blading... Something she hadn't done in awhile.  Denzel was looking ready to go as well, as they went getting it on... 

||Foxy Roxy||- Here is to hoping that there is a good place to blade for awhile.

She said hoping everyone and their uncle wouldn't be out.  She was just wanting to have fun , and not be around people ... Not wanting that risk... She smiled when they got to the park seeing that there wasn't really anyone there.

{Denzel Brown}- See, we'll be fine.

He said smiling at her... They got out of the car, putting the blades on , then the face masks... It didn't take them long before were skating off down the path... A nice slow pace for the moment, kind of just gliding some... 

||Foxy Roxy||- This was a good idea... I haven't been out in awhile... Was getting tired of being cooped up.... 

She said as it had put her in a mood... She needed fresh air just as much as the next person.  Always use to being out doors before all this started... So it was a nice treat for them... She did a few twirls as she was enjoying herself.

||Foxy Roxy||- What about you?  Are you enjoying yourself?

She smiled as she watched him a bit, as he had really been as cooped up as she had... Only really getting out for work and training... As much as she liked to train, it was good to just kind of do something else..... 

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