Date Posted:04/03/2011 3:45 PMCopy HTML
 | :::TITLE::: Kevin spends time in the park :::OOC::: Sorry took so long, but you know Aimoo has been shit :::TBCB::: Kevin |
Nicole was hurrying to ge to the park, knowing that Kevin was waiting for her. She looked at her watch a bit as she sighed..
{Nicole Granger} Some day I"ll be on time for something.
She just shook her head finally parking her car in the park as she looked around a bit, seeing him a bit off as she smiled. she walked over to where he was.
{Nicole Granger} Sorry I"m so late.. My bike broke down, then i had to try to find my car keys...
She said simply as she sat down their next to him feeling bad that she was so late, as she hoped he wasn't upset with her about it or anything. She waited to see what he was going to say. |
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