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- Register:10/26/2011 11:24 PM
Date Posted:05/26/2015 1:19 AMCopy HTML

| TITLE: Getting tired of this... OOC: Hard to rp when your head wants to explode, lol. | Will this finally be the end of it? All this drama goin on because of FAB, well not only because of FAB. As TXW owner Josh Nightmare is also to blame. He has seemed to have gone drunk with power, him owning his own federation has gone to his head and of course divas like Jezzi are the ones to suffer, females who actually just want to compete and not have to be a sex gimmick, that's all that they are wanting, but Josh doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself and what he wants to see... Really sad when you thinking about it... Things seem to finally be coming to a head though, as more and more people are having enough and Josh finds himself not just fighting a typical battle, but he is fighting for his very own company. It is good that things are getting to this point, because honestly things are really getting old here... How many times does one have to keep doing the same things... How many times do you need to face a stuck up team? Jezzi didn't sign a contract to be a stable mate, or a tag team, she came in having her own solo dreams but that all seemed to be put on hold, well let us hope after this Jezzi can start to focus on herself and what she wants to do, and not about struggling to keep her clothes on. So ready to move on to bigger and better things, hell at this point anything other than FAB would be good... Would be great! So let us plan and work to conquer at War Games, then after that the sky is the limit! So let us finish with this shall we?
When TXW comes on the air you see Jezabel Jezzi walking down the hallway of the TXW arena. She has a smile on her face as she was thinking about what she was doing today. Knowing that she had an interview planned for the day. Madeline was set up and waiting for her so she was in a bit of a hurry to get to where she was needing to be, not wanting to keep her waiting any longer than what she had to be. It didn't take her long to get there as she smiled seeing Madeline just standing around chatting with the camera guy and smiling towards Jezzi when she saw her walk in.
||Jezabel Jezzi||- Hey, Madeline, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long...
She said knowing that she really wasn't all that late, but knew how Madeline was as well as she was thinking about it, but Madeline shook her head as she didn't seem to mind at all.
{Madeline Blade}- No, not at all, I just got here, and was just finishing setting things up. So you're right on time.
Jezzi smiled happy to hear that as she was thinking about it. Jezzi went over standing where she was suppose too as Madeline finished doing what she needed to do before she moved and was by Jezzi and after a moment when all parties were ready she started to talk and get the interview started.
{Madeline Blade}- Well , Jezzi, in just a few days you once again find yourself in another match against the members of FAB... This time you'll be facing all four members of the group to once.
||Jezabel Jezzi||- About time, maybe once we fight all of them together we can finally put an end to all this foolishness. I am very tired of this back and forth stuff, I could care less about FAB honestly. I mean yeah Angelina is the Women's Champion and I do hope to have a one on one chance against her some day, but not because of this little pitty stuff going around, I am over it... Really I'm tired of tagging, or being in group week after week.... Nothing against the others, but I didn't come here for group parties or to start a stable, I came here because I wanted to make it on my own.. This isn't doing anything on my own.
Jezzi sighed as she was thinking about it, as it was true. Madeline nodded her head as she could understand that.
{Madeline Blade} - Are you fully against this tag match? I mean do you have a problem with tagging with Octiva, Amari and Melissa?
Jezzi shook her head as she was thinking about it. She didn't personally have a problem with any of them, Octiva she didn't even really know, just a chat here and there and she did get a lucky win on Dark Oasis, but that was about it... Jezzi wasn't reall thinking on them or anything..
||Jezabel Jezzi||- No, I don't have any issues with them, I don't even know Octiva all that well. She seems nice enough though, as far as Amari and Melissa, I know that we at least all think alike, and are wanting the same things, so in that aspect it makes tagging with them an easy thing... We just want to be respected and want to be able to have a decent match up with out worrying about being stripped down..
{Madeline Blade}- What about the fact that now Angelina's title is on the line...Does that change anything for you?
Oh of course it did, Jezzi nodded her head thinking about it.
||Jezabel Jezzi||- Oh, it sure does, it makes the match at least worth doing... It'll be good to have a shot at that belt, and if it happens for me at War Games, I would love to be Women's Champion... Nothing greater than to leave a mess like that as not only a winner but a Champion. Who could ask for anything better than that, right?
Madeline smiled nodding her head as she was thinking about it... Knowing that Jezzi was right, it would be good for any of them to walk out with that championship, not only getting a win over FAB but being able to take the Women's belt away from Angelina all in the same night, would be something grand for any of them.
{Madeline Blade}- Well, Jezzi, thank you for your time, and I wish you good luck in your match up at War Games.
Jezzi smiled feeling a bit like her old bubbly self as she stood there nodding her head a bit, as she was feeling good about this, feeling more like this could be the end of this stupid battle with FAB, as she was just looking to move on.
||Jezabel Jezzi||- Thanks, Madeline, I hope that this is the last time I really have to talk about FAB for a real long time.
She laughed a bit as she was standing there thinking about it, as she was hoping this would be it and then end of it for a long time, having more than enough of this already and she even kept it nice , not bringing up the mighty owner, figuring he had enough problems already, and what ever Jezzi had to say wouldn't even have an impact on him or what was going on.... |
