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- Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM
Date Posted:10/30/2009 1:39 AMCopy HTML
ooc;; here |
Don't you people worry none... don't think that i'm not here, or that i'm not gonna show more... I told you once before that I'm here to stay. I know the doubts I've seen the messages. You are all looking and wanting more. Now here I am, is it going to be more than you thought... Of course it is, I'm going to be coming at you in full force. I have been givin a golden a chance, the life time dream of holding Domain Gold. I may not have won it, so shut the fuck up, I heard it over and over. You'll see that it won't matter. I could care less what is said about Gypsy. Why she choose me. Hell you don't know who I am, or what I can even do. You seen me around, you seen me win some and lose some. You seen people punk out and not show up. A win is a win they say, but its not that way. Now that I have some full attention, knowing that I have something people want. You are going to see just what I can really do, what I can really unleash. Its time to stop playing the game, and really come out, and show you all just the real bitch around here is. No more games no more fucking with people who aren't worth my time... My time starts and it starts now...
When Domain comes on the air you see Crystal Sweet walking into the arena as she is looking aorund. She knows that she really should start getting into things more, being more of the team player.
{Crystal Sweet} Ah, need to find the tag partner and go over a few things. Since she has been pagging me non stop now..
Crystal laughed a bit seeing how worked up and worried Gypsy was about her actions. So she didn't think Crystal was putting as much into this as she was...Well I guess we all see things differently.. why Gyspy works on making the two boy look like ass's and what not, Crystal has been doing her own thing, working out at the gym.. All those little head games are going to catch up, and well Crystal wanted to be ready for when the anger came about first.
{Crystal Sweet} Hey, You have been buzzing me for over an hour. I told you I'd be here.
She stood there as she was looking at her, as she smirked a bit. Crystal walked into the locker room as she looked around a bit before she then sat down some.
{Ccrystal Sweet} So I was thinking that we really should hit the gym... You know to work out some moves together..
She said as she sat there looking up at Gypsy who just nodded a bit as she was pacing around. Crystal watched her a bit, quietly wondering what was going on.
||Gypsy|| About what they said, about me and you..
Crystal just laughed shaking her head a bit, as she didn't seem all that bothered by it.
{Crystal Sweet} Dont' even waste the air.. I don't care what they said, I hadn't really paid all that much attention. Yes It has been brought up to me, and well I guess time will tell how things work out for as a team. If it works it works, if not, then hell can't see it wasn't an effort put in by both sides.
Crystal said as she looked at her as she wasnt' really putting to much into it, she didn't care.
||Gypsy|| About you not being as good as me..
{Crystal Sweet} I dont' have anything to prove to anyone.. I have been around long enough, I have been here long enough, I have put my heart and soul into this place... They want to play games like that, then let them..It shows just how weak and scared they are. They want to try to get into my head... So what, you think you're better than me, I think I'm better than you. Big deal, I know that we have had a match before, I came out on top I'm sure if we went back and forth it would probably go that way..
She said as she was thinking about it, as she felt it would. She felt good about herself and her skills, she had no doubt that Gypsy was good, and would and could probably defeat her from time to time, but Crystal felt the same way as she was looking onto it.
{Crystal Sweet} But you know we can talk about this all day, going back and forth on what they said, but it isn't going to matter. it isn't going to count for anything. What we need to really be discussing right now is how bad we're going to beat Duke and Ryan..
Crystal smirked as she looked at him, as she waited to see what she was thinking as she smiled and nodded her head, knowing that she was right.
{Crystal Sweet} Now what we need to do is hit the gym, I think some sparring would do us both some good, and then we can work on some tag moves together, and really wow them...
She said as she was thinking about it, wanting to really look all that well together, like a tag team made to be. Crystal was all serious about defending those titles, and she wasn't going to let anyting get in her way of keeping them, not even two men who were more concerned about screwing around in a strip club than in a ring.
||Gypsy|| Alright girl sounds good to me!
They both smirk as they were thinking about it as Crystal nodded happy to see something working the way she was wanting as she couldn't wait for things to really get started. She knew that it wasn't long before they would be in the ring having to defend these Championships...
~End of Scene One~
Alright its time to move the cameras.. You see where are going some place new... Its time that you all see that, yes we love to have fun and a goodtime, but that doesn't mean we dont' work, and get ready... You see when the cameras come back on a bit later, the settings is at the gym. The camera moves around getting a good view of everything, walking around a bit as you see diffen't people working out. Some on the weight machines, others working on streches... but what we want is way in the back... .
{Crystal Sweet} Now this is more like it.
Crystal smirked as she looked at Gyspy as the two of them were in the ring, sparring a bit, getting use to working with each other, they went back and forth, showing each other there moves a bit, Crystal was more of a power house but as seen she was easy adtaable, as she went from trying to over power, to some flips and off rope moves.
||Gypsy|| I swear you're a monkey..
They both laughed when she said that as Crystal sat up on the turn buckle as they were both catching there breath a bit after working out for such a long time as she just shook her head a bit.
{Crystal Sweet} I just want to be ready, I know that I won't be able to out lift them or anything, so I"m going ot work on taking them off there feet and keeping them that way.
She said smiling as she looked at her as she was thinking about it, they worked out a bit more, but finally called it quits after a couple hours as they got out of the ring heading for the showers.
{Crystal Sweet} Oh I think that we are going to be more than ready for our match up, I just know we are.
she grinned looking at her as she did feel ready, feeling like they could win this one as they were thinking about it.. After they were done they came back out, heading out of the gym.
{Crystal Sweet} I have a few things to do, I'll meet up with you later.
She said looking at her as she waved then took off heading out to her car as she had a few things that she needed to do before she went back to the arena... | |
