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Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:40 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER - Not gonna lie there was inner struggle on how to play her with this, lol.
| Hope hasn't been making friends... That is nothing new... With her interaction backstage and in the ring with Gage Steele, and then hearing that Shawn Blade has made a return...Her attack and then match against Ashley Ricci... The list of people who would like to see Hope probably long gone is just growing. Though she is helping and working well with the Beasts of War, she really hasn't had much over all interaction with them in some time. She stepped up in the tag match to have Wrath's back, though there has been nothing since then, though she was one half of the tag Champions... A reason why the Beast's had a locker room to share to begin with. Which they have been using, and for the most part Hope has been absent from the locker room... Well that was until recently really. She usually gets there really early, cleans up and changes, but this time she was just hanging out there... She didn't feel the need to leave or do anything. She had gotten there before any of the others, but after a couple hours it was just Slaughter sitting in there... The silence between the two could intimidate most people...Though that wasn't how it worked here, if anything Hope was leaning back on the bench, with a bit of a smirk, as looked over at him after a moment, as there were a few glances back , but then of course then the interest from Slaughter didn't last long at all... If anything he found her annoying... Which she knew very well that he did... She also knew that his mood lately wasn't all that great... Which is why the others have been leaving him alone... If Hope knew what was good for her, she probably would of done the same... Though instead she just kind of slid on the bench and got a little closer... ||Hope Sweet||- So, how are you feeling? She said, of course she wasn't surprised when she didn't get a response back... She just chuckled a bit. She knew he was tough and wasn't in a weakened state or anything. She wasn't dumb enough to think that he was ever weak, or pathetic... Not that it made her stop poking the beast. ||Hope Sweet||- Still feeling sore between the legs? That looked painful as fuck? She said after another moment, as she just leaned back a bit on the bench. It's not like she had to ask to permission to be here, not that she would of if she had... It was her nature to do as she wanted... Though in recent weeks she seemed to be a bit more focused and choosing her fights with more ease... Which she didn't credit one bit to her sister, she felt like her direction was all her own... Now though she was kind of feeling herself, and feeling the need to see just how she could push him... Maybe a bit of interaction is what they were both needed... Or well she was going to do it anyways... TBCB: Slaugher.. |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:40 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER: Captain grumpy
| The Beasts of War had taken some big blows recently. They went from holding the two main titles in the company to having neither in nearly an instant. What made it worse is that Slaughter lost his title to Mike Malice of the Savages. Looking back on it it was easy to see that it wasn't a "fair" fight but he still lost regardless and it didn't sit well with him. Currently the only success they had any proof for were the tag team titles which belonged to Wrath and Hope Sweet...the woman currently pestering him in the locker-room.
"Why must you be a fly buzzing around my ear all the time?" Smirking. "Now, now...is that any way to talk to your fellow Beast?" Slaughter slowly turned to look at Hope with that comment, his face was all you needed to get the message. He wasn't impressed in the least with her comment. "You are not a Beast. Just because you have the titles with Wrath does not mean you are one of us. Eddie allowed you to be his partner, I did not vote for you to join." He said. "So in my eyes you are nothing more than someone we must deal with for the time." "Ouch, so hurtful. You really must be sore still after everything." Groaning. "Everything is always some joke with you. This is not the time for jokes. We are going to war soon, we must have focus." Hope's whole thing was sort of pestering others. Even know with her trying to be more focused she was still that person, it wasn't going to change overnight or anything like that. Just because these two enjoyed violence didn't mean they were very alike. TBC BY HOPE |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:41 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER - She likes Captain Grumpy, lol. I'm trying to be a better person with her, lmao, a little bit anyways...
| Most people would of left him alone by now... No actually that isn't true at all. Most people wouldn't even have gotten this far, or even tried to be here right now. Hope though she was her own little ball of crazy... Her comment about being a part of Beast, being one of them was kind of empty as she never thought of herself as a member, though she knew just saying it got under his skin a bit... Now that brought her an ounce of pleasure.. As she knew she got to him in a way.. Not in away anyone would really want, but she was who she was... She moved a bit, almost sliding closer as she was watching him.. Almost studying him in away as she moved to him. ||Hope Sweet||- Focus? Is that what you are thinking needs to happen? She said almost laughing as this time she did move towards him, but more around him as she leaned into his back a bit, of course not to what he wanted. ||Hope Sweet||- Is that how you are all getting things done? Because to me it looks like with all this focus you have going on, you can only see in one direction.. She said as she put her hands on either side of his face, by his eyes... Bold move for sure. ||Hope Sweet||- Like a horse with blinders on, so they can't see to the side but what is only in front of them... She said as she backed up a bit straining up some... As she was making a bit of point here.. ||Hope Sweet||- Then smack... A loud clap right behind him, as he didn't trust her, but he wasn't afraid of her... He also felt like she wouldn't do anything to harm him as it wasn't what she was wanting when she offered to help out to begin with. ||Hope Sweet||- They are taken out from the side, or from below the belt...not expecting it to happen... She said as she was thinking about it in a prey since, or even in a human as she went back a small bit at what happened to him with Mike and Tara Malice... As he was 100 percent blind sided. He didn't see it coming, didn't expect it... He let himself be blindsided... ||Hope Sweet||- If that is the focus you think I should have... You are more foolish than I have ever been.. You fail to see what is around you because you're so dead set at everything in front of you...Not saying I don't fuck up... Because you and I both know I do. Hope wasn't cocky enough to think she was perfect and never failing... Hell this man she was playing with now has beaten her... To her own enjoyment.. She was still smart enough to know where she made mistakes, and she choose weather or not she wanted to improve , or keep in that pattern, as sometimes it gave her more pleasure... Though this time around she was working on a different path...She leaned back on him again close to his ear... ||Hope Sweet||- You say I see everything as I joke... When in fact I just make sure to look all around me... I see the bigger picture... I play with the bigger picture, and see how far I can push it... Then when it is in front of me... She said as she licked his cheek a bit, as he pushed her as she just laughed but as she went forward away from him , she still kept her balance as he did what she expected... She may not always look like she knows what she is doing, but of course she does when she pokes the beast, and plays with fire... TBCB: Slaughter |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:41 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER: Always tough having him say a lot of words. Problem when you're all muscles I guess
| Did Slaughter enjoy getting licked by Hope? Not really but it was also hard to be disgusted by it when you consider the fact these two had fucked in the not so distant past. Either way it wasn't a welcomed action by her but to those that know Hope they would likely say it matched who she was. To go on about something, seeming like she was being serious and maybe even making some sense only to end it with a lick out of nowhere.
"This is what I mean." He said, wiping his face. "You act like you can be serious, say things as if you understand but then you can't help yourself. You do things like lick people just to get a reaction." Smirking. "Maybe if you took your blinders off you would've seen it coming." It was very unlikely that Hope had though that deeply about her actions. Was it possible she licked him to just further her point? Sure. But Slaughter of course didn't but that. "These 'blinders' you speak of, it doesn't even make sense. The Savages are the target and so I focus on them. It makes no difference." "Wrong again big man." She said. "You guys are big, you're mean...everyone knows that. But the Savages aren't trying to match you guys power for power. They are using their brains, attacking you guys in the chaos of their numbers. Seeing them isn't good enough." Groaning. "I have no time for riddles. The Savages are the target, I get my hands on them and then I break them. But you tell me that is wrong. How do you beat someone if you do not fight them? Your mind is too broken to understand." Maybe it was the fact that Slaughter wasn't a native English speaker but it did seem like he had a tough time trying to see her point. It was also very likely because of who he is. He's big, strong and violent. He probably hadn't encountered a problem in life he couldn't fix with some brute force. For the now the big man showed his general frustration at everything, Hope likely the least of it. It was more The Savages getting the better of them, him losing his title. All he could do was find a spot to sit down again and stew. TBC BY HOPE |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:41 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER - He has good muscles to look at, so it's okay he isn't much on words, haha. Sorry on the delay....If this doesn't make sense, i sorry, lol 2 days no sleep...lol
| Hope looked at him, as she could see that he had no idea what she was talking about, or more of couldn't see the bigger picture of things. She was just smirking a bit as she was looking at him. She was thinking about it. She moved a bit going front forward as she crawled towards him a bit. She had no fear as she was just moving towards him... ||Hope Sweet||- I make plenty of sense...You just don't see it. She said as she placed her hand on his knees as she looked up at him. She watched him as he just seemed to want her to either make herself clear or leave...Or hell at this point it could be both... But well we knew her leaving wasn't going to happen. ||Hope Sweet||- When it becomes a numbers game... Going for them head on, just isn't going to work out in your favor. What it comes down to is taking out their numbers... They like to play dirty... She said as she dug her nails into his leg a bit. ||Hope Sweet||- We can do a lot worse... We can make it hurt a lot more. She said as it was something she kind of already started... When she messed with Gage... It had been far too easy to get to him, and piss him off... Which she did enjoy... She looked up at him as she was thinking about it. ||Hope Sweet||- Don't get me wrong... Brute force, and pain are always my favorite... I enjoy a bloody beating as much as the next crazy bitch... She said licking her lips as she was thinking about it. ||Hope Sweet||- You just have to know that they won't be thinking that way, nor will they come at you thinking they can out power you, because only a fool would think that. So your normal typical, and very primal actions, will fall short from time to time. She said honestly as she was thinking about it... Though he wasn't a weak link, none of the group was... Eddie was the meaning of malice, as he was hearless but he was smart... Wrath himself was a monster, and was very dangerous... Though the most dangerous had to be this one before her...She smirked as she looked up at him, as she wasn't a fool herself, she had been around long enough to know how these kind of games worked... She knew how the Savages would play, but she also knew that there was a lot of weak links to the group... It was one that wouldn't last long... Nor would it be overly remembered. TBCB: Slaughter |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:42 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER: That just makes it sounds like he needs to walk around topless always. And no worries on the delay or whatever, I'm not better this time around lol
| Hope Sweet and Chris Slaughter were similar in a few ways but so different in even more. They both enjoyed violence, liked when things got rough and bloody. The motivations behind that pleasure might be different but they were both capable of it. But where they were very much different is how they thought about things and that was on clear display right now. Hope was often looked at as a bit of a joke. A person that just drifted without focus or purpose...which made people think she didn't have much going on up top. But she was proving that if she made the choice to focus she could be valuable and even brought a different perspective to everything compared to the big men of the Beasts. That's where the disconnect was coming from at the moment, Slaughter and his fellow Beasts were so use to just using brute force to get their way and it had been working for a very long time. Slaughter was on OG member of the group, a founding member alongside Wrath but in their time as a group even Wrath and left and returned. Slaughter was the only true constant since day one...and he had been nothing but pure rage driven force. Hope here was suggesting something very different.
"Of course the Savages cannot match the power of the Beasts, they are all small and weak." He said. "That is not even up for discussion." Having Mike Malice as a member of the Savages hearing they called small was strange, considering it he is 6'4 and 260 pounds. But it was the true that the biggest member of the Savages was smaller in stature than the smallest Beast...Eddie McGinlay. Of course calling that man small was insane since he stood at 6'6 and weighed 260 pounds. But it was true he was the smallest Beast...if you didn't count Hope which Slaughter doesn't. "And like I said, they don't need to out power you...they have the numbers and strategy. We already know you boys are much bigger than them..." That comment came with a bit of an innuendo from Hope that was only further sold by her own reaction. An eyebrow raise, slightly twisted smirk and a glance between Slaughter's legs. She would know what he was like in that department so it's not like she was just making random shit up...not that it would stop her. Groaning. "I do not enjoy your idea. Like we are supposed to attack from behind like cowards, they are cowards not us." "This is war baby, if you win what difference does it make? Right now we're losing." "I am not your baby." He huffed. "And how am I supposed to take your words seriously when you are sitting on your knees like this? You look ready to do something else, not give advice." Hope hadn't really called him baby, she was more using it as like a general term to sell her point. Of course the fact English wasn't his first language it probably got lost on him. For now all he did was look down at Hope who was still in her place, sitting on her knees while leaning her arms on his. TBC BY HOPE |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/14/2020 10:42 PMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER - You know, i'm not against the idea of him walking around shirtless all the time, haha. She may get a little violent, lol. |
| Hope just looked up at him, as she could see that he wasn't really getting what she was saying...As she never saw herself as a coward... A slut, A cunt, Annoying... A brat... Well she could keep going on if she was thinking about it... But she for sure wasn't a coward as she didn't care how she fucked someone up... She heard what he said as she was on her knees looking like she was about to suck his dick...Not that she would hate that idea... This wasn't about that though...She was here to show that she was worth more that he thought....She brought a different skill to this war... She was a thinker... She was able to fuck with people, get in there heads and fuck them up... Just as much as she could do it physically. She smirked a bit as she saw him looking at her, after he made his comment..He was seated on a bench in the locker room, not pressed back against anything, as there was a bit of space... With out saying anything, Hope just moved jerking up and moving her hands up from his legs, with a hard push she had her hands on his chest and pushed him back... It wasn't that she was stronger than him, she knew she wasn't... but gravity is still a thing... Surprise is still a thing as he was soon on his back, and she was sitting right on him, straddling him as she smiled looking down at him...
||Hope Sweet||-You see it has nothing to do with front or back... It's about knowing when to stay down.. and when to thrust... She said leaning down a bit as she planted a light kiss on his lips, and then moved back up as she was on the bench and he was on floor...No longer laid on his back, and most likely not a happy man... Though Hope was saying something....She knew words were not best at times... It took showing.. ||Hope Sweet||- I may not be as big and strong as you... But I can still put you on your back... And you can be damn sure, I can do much worse to any of those in the Savages... She said as this was what she was good at... She knew how to play the game... She knew how to fuck with people... To get in there heads... She knew how to play it, and she knew that she was useful to him and to the others... She had no problem with proving it, as she never expected it to just happen... She watched him, knowing that the next move was his, and he could easily enough throw her across the room... Though if he wanted to do that, he would of done it before she planted that kiss... Yet he let her, and she was still sitting with her legs on either side of his as she waited to see what would come out of this... TBCB: Slaughter |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/15/2020 2:16 AMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER: He might get cold if he never has a shirt though
| Whatever little game Hope was playing Slaughter had enough. She didn't really seem like she was playing a game below the surface, she was actually making a lot of very valid points but the way she was doing it was enough to irritate the big man. Licking him, straddling him, kissing him...even how she was sitting now. All of it was blending together to frustrate the big man. He wasn't stupid but his mind just didn't work like Hope's did and so he had a difficult time understanding her, something only made worse because of the language barrier.
"I have had enough of these games from you." He called out. "Always some joke to be made for you, this is why no one takes you serious." The second half of his comment was said in Russian which is how you knew he had become annoyed officially. Hope didn't know what he said but really she didn't need to. His body language was enough to tell her as he stood up in a huff, running his hand over his bald head. "Now, now...don't get mad just because you got pushed over by a girl." Looking back at her. "I am not mad because you pushed me. I just can't understand your head and it pisses me off. You speak like you have a big plan but you do stupid things. You lick me, mount me...kiss me. If this was all a game because you wanted to fuck just say so, don't play the games. Though you could at least come dressed like a proper whore for me." Some might get upset over that comment but it was just something Hope would smile about. Even if they were a team it didn't mean she couldn't enjoy knowing he was getting a little moody over her actions. "If you believe you know so much then I will say to prove it. I am not impressed just because you have a title. To me that proves nothing, Wrath could've won them by himself. Even the riddles you speak in now, I don't care any more. All I care for is actions. If you can't do more than speak than you are of no use." Enough was enough for Slaughter. Hope had tried her best to get through to him but there was always going to be a barrier between them...at least for now. You couldn't just teach someone in a few words that was a total opposite to what they had been doing all life. For now Slaughter remained standing where he was, his eyes locked on Hope. TBC BY HOPE |

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Re:Playing With the Beast(TXW)
Date Posted:03/15/2020 2:17 AMCopy HTML
 | OUT OF CHARACTER - He wouldn't get cold, he's too tough to get cold... I'm trying to show her growth, and yet not lose to much of her, cause she is fun, haha. Also, Hope is about ready to learn Russian just so she can call him dirty names in it. lol |
| Hope looked at him watching him as she saw the frustration... She saw him move his hand over his bald head, hearing his comment and his insults... Even the bit in Russian as she didn't need to know what it meant to understand his meaning as she already knew where he was standing and what he was thinking... she then moved as she was getting up. ||Hope Sweet||- First... If I wanted to just come in here to fuck you... I'd just come out and say it and fuck you... She said as she was never against the idea , though she actually wasn't even thinking about sex... Which was a huge shock to just about anyone... Even to Hope as she was thinking about it.... That wasn't what this was... She may be fucking with Slaughter, and what was getting to him, is that she was... It was the barrier, and her trying to get him to see that sometimes you have to play as dirty as those who are coming at you... She didn't back off she had no intention of leaving though either... ||Hope Sweet||- As far as these tag titles go... I could give two fucks about them... As much as I believe Wrath could of done it alone...He didn't... I had his back... Just like I'll have Eddie's... and even your sour ass. She said simply with a bit of a smirk. She didn't parade around with the belts, thinking she was better than anyone... She was never one to be on a high horse... They were just a means to an end... Right now that end was giving them a bit of a private place to be... As you for damn sure didn't want this man in with the public...She would be sure the men's locker room would be empty with him any were near it... Which was a funny thought as well.. ||Hope Sweet||- I see that me trying to explain isn't going to do anything... I get it you want action... So let this hooker give you some action. She grinned as she moved close to him , as he wasn't wanting to play around anymore... But she was ready to mess with him some... He needed to see what she lacked his brute strength, she made up for in other ways... which is something that would be useful when dealing with the Savages...She looked like she was about to slap him across the face, but he grabbed her hand as she then brought her knee up to his gut... He went for the obvious attack.. But he wasn't stupid, or slow as he pushed her hard, but she was able to slide and duck and still kick at his leg, just as his fist hit her midsection... but he was down, she was down as well, but was able to use her weight and push him down again, as she was able to just miss another strike from that large hand.. He moved, which for a large man she learned before he was quick as she was able to just go into a bit of a split, but had her front leg bent as she brought her hand right up between his legs as she could of punched him between the legs, but didn't, as she wasn't looking to do that kind of damage that had been done to him before... She just gripped hard and squeezed... Of course he was a man that made him catch his breath.. ||Hope Sweet||- You need to see that there are more ways than just your "Massive" She grinned a bit, as of course she had to be her a bit, but was still getting her point. ||Hope Sweet||- brute force.. You will be out numbered if you just charge head on... They brought you to your knees once.. Are you really going to want that again? You don't belong on your knees... She said standing up, but not letting go though, still squeezing hard. ||Hope Sweet||- They belong on there fucking backs, in a puddle of their own blood.. She said with a sick grin as she was thinking about it.. She wanted to see them all hurt, them all suffering in pain.. She wanted to help, to be able to inflect just as much pain and damage... That was her pleasure... The only thing she was looking to gain out of standing with these men and helping them out.. She didnt' ask for money, or for a favors... She wanted to hurt them so very badly... Just because she could... TBCB: Slaughter |

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