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Date Posted:07/05/2009 2:10 AMCopy HTML

CRYSTALtop-1.png picture by abbykinz619


Fight Fight Fight... It will never end.. Always something pushing you, forcing your  hand.. Making things worse than what they need me... Anything to get you going.. Anything to give your eason.. but what do you do, when its more than that.. When all you are is questioned and put out for the world to see?  What can you do, what choices do you have... No one cares about you, but yet you care enough about everyone to stand up and fight... Is it one side it?  Will it be a lost cause?  When you do something you belive in, fight for what you feel is the right way, then no its not.. and soon it will come to light.. All that is pushed, all that is taken, will have to be brought back, will be put back... He can't hide, nor can he deny it.. Women in Wrestling will always be, and no one is going to be able to change it... Not now, Not ever!   Things seem to be turning a bit for Miss Sweet... Just as she was thinking she wasn't getting any place here... She had stepped out and confronted a man who seemingly got his dick bent and wasn't happy about it... He bashed Women's Wrestling.. Wants to put an end to it... So Crystal felt like it was her place, her time to step out and do something... Say something.. Stand up for her and all the women like her... Even those who thought themself different set themselves up higher... They all still had the same thing in common, the heart and soul to compete.. They are who they are because of Wrestling.  They all put there bodies on the line...Many divas.. Yes Divas.. we are show women, we put on a show for the world, just in our own way... Many Divas put there bodies on the line in more riskful ways... They compete in then mens world, Smaller frames, not as strong, but yet risk it. many actully winning, putting there selves up, claiming the World Championships, or the top male titles... Some laugh, some take praise as what these women do... But we're not done, its far from over.. and how dare anyone, try to tell us we are less that what we are... We are great, we are good, we are sexy as fucking hell, and can kick ass... So get ready, be preparid, DJK you have no idea what you have unleased here with Crystal Sweet.  A diva with the passion, the heart to really take what he said to heart.. To really get into it, and having no fear with going up against any man, being it an arrogant one... She will not let Women's Wrestling come to an end.. She will fight with every breath that she has... to make sure that things stay the same or hell even get better... Her time is now and she isn't going to waste time, she isn't going to be standing around, she is going to fight for all that she can, and she is going to make sure DJK eats his words... One way or another.

// Scene 1 //-

Well now here we are... Just a few days before the shocking match up... Before Crystal will put her body on the line.  How is she getting ready?  Is she stressing and straining at a gym?  Maybe she is releaxing or clearing her mind, so she can be well focused before going in the ring?  Ah hell we all know Crystal, she is working her ass off at the gym... She wants her body to be ready... More than sure that her mind is ready for this...

{Crystal Sweet} Come on Joe, make him give me all that he has... Stop having him hold back.. DJK isn't going to hold back, when he fights me on Monday.  So get your ass in gear and give me all you got you pussy!

She said glarring at the young man in the ring...They had been sparring for over and hour now and she was starting to get frustrated with him.  He wasn't doing anything, wasn't fighting back as she was tryng to get some trianing in..

{Crystal Sweet} Come on now and try to fuck me up. show me that you're not some little bitch.. Give me all that you got, or get the fuck out of this ring..

She stood there looking at him glarring, as he could see how pissed Crystal was as she was standing there, as Joe was over in the corner trying to calm her down to get her to relax, seeing how worked up she was over this.. But Crystal just growled a bit as she was standing there.

||Joe|| Calm down Crystal... Don't get so worked up, you know Danny here is just a pup when it comes to sparring in the ring.. he doesn't know any better.. He isn't holding back on purpose, he just doen't rrightly know what to do, against you, you're a very talented and rather scary woman in here..

Joe laughed a bit as Crystal stood up a bit more in a normal stance. She then just shook her head as she moved getting out of the ring, as she just shook her head..

{Crystal Sweet} Useless. Joe if you want to keep me on, you better start getting boy who can handle me..

||Joe|| But Crystal hunny, there isn't a man alive that can handle you.

Ok yeah, Crystal had to laugh at that one as she looked at Joe, she picked up her towel as she  wipped it against her forehead as she just laughed a bit, shaking her head. she then looked at him, still a bit amused.

{Crystal Sweet} Very funny... You know what I mean... Stop making wise cracks at me... One of these days, you're going to regret it.

Joe just laughed looking at her, as Crystal smiled looking at her old friend... He had been her trianer for years, since she started working on her own, and he had always done her good, and knew just how to get her the right work outs...

|| Joe|| Please you love me, you won't do anything.. Hell if i was 30 years younger, I'd be showing you what a real man could do, little lady.

Crystal laughed looking at him, as she just shoook her head, she was very much amused with him at this pont as she then smiled looking at him.. She looked around a bit then looked down at her watch, sighing seeing what time it was..

{Crystal Sweet} Looks like its time to go to work.  Yeah another day of nothing... God I wonder why I do it sometimes. Well at least I'll get to have some fun come Monday.... Lets see how things go from there after that..

She sighed thinking about it as she went heading to the showers to cange and clean up before heading to work... After her shower she stood by her locker in the gym locker room as she was getting dressed, she then put her hair up, and put her heels on, as she packed her work out beg and put it on her shoulder as she started to head out, makin gher way to her car to get ready for another fun day at work.. Oh Joy!  Lets get it going, we love our job, or yes we do.. Haha..

// Scene 2//-

Well now here we are.. at the great BGW arena, where the stars are the limit.  Anything is possible, everyone is welcome, not sterotypes or cliques here.. Oh wait, its not right to lie... But when the carmeas come on you see Crystal Sweet walking down the hall as she is making her way thru them.. Feeling a bit better from her work out, as she was more than ready for her match up..

{Crystal Sweet} Well I don't have to worry about being bothered or anything.. I can always get a bit more trianing in.. Or just chill out..

She said thinking about it.. She then thought about Michelle Wright and what she had said to her earlier... A lot was going thru her mind a bit, as she was thinking about DJK.. At least someone was apprachable, and even liked what Crystal had done, that she confronted DJK, even though the rest of the Female Roster didn't seem to even care what was going on.   Not Michelle, oh no she was going to challenge him herself, but Crystal had gotten to him first.. She smirked thinking about it..  Its nice to know that there is a diva here on the same track as Crystal was. who actully had not just the smarts, but the attitude to push herself foward and to really go out and try to make a statement, or just to raise some hell up in a quiet place...

{Crystal Sweet} Soon it will be my turn to raise some hell up in the place and really show everyone just what I got, and what I can do... They think I'm nothing, just a push over... I can only be pushed so far,..

She kept walking as she was thinking about it.  She knew that this was going to be a big deal to her, even bigger than winning her debut match.. and that was a bit of a challenge as it was.. She was the new blood here, she was the woman out to prove that she could make it here, and that she belong here.. 

{Crystal Sweet} I guess its my time to shine... To really show that I do belong here, that I"m just as good as any other competitor here..

She stood there seeing a preview of her match up on the tv in the hall.. She stod there a bit watching.. As they were replaying the confrontation.. She smirked a bit, as she went down memory lane, as she then just shook her head thinking about it.. After a moment she went on making her way down the hall, heading to her locker room, where she would start out her day and probably finish out her day.. 

Title: Playing the Mans Game
OOC: Yeah it ended quickly, I just needed to get something up, before I miss deadline, and well i'm rping between sick toddler naps. lol.

starryeyes004.png image by _LAbubbles_

CRYSTALbottom-1.png picture by abbykinz619

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Playing The Mans Game (BGW)

Date Posted:07/06/2009 9:43 PMCopy HTML

crytop_png-t1206313457.png picture by foxy1350

ooc;; Yeah figured I needed to do this lol so at least it looks like i
stood a good chance in this, lol

crymiddle_png-t1206313487.png picture by foxy1350

~Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me...~ 
Do you ever feel like you're in highschool again.. You know one of those old nightmares where you're the uncool kid. no one likes you, and then to top it off you have to deal with the class bully.. Yeah well that is how it is right now cor Crystal Sweet.. Yeah sure she has at least made a somewhat friend.. but its not over from there... Crystal has finally spoken out, and stood her ground... Against a man to boot... She will not let herself be talked down any longer, she will not stand by and just let things go.  It is time for a new day, for her to start getting her way, she is far from done with anyone, she is going to make the world see, I'm a shinning star.. Yes I am, I am Crystal Fucking Sweet.. and I am The Baddest Bitch you will ever see..

All you are is talk.. You think that you're really going to get to me.. Talk me down... So you call me ugly, think that i'm nothing... So what you want to tell everyone you're not like Randy Orton.. Who gives a fuck who's gimmic you're trying to rip off...That won't do a thing for you here tonight.. No tonight its a different game. It is my game... and you will play it... I'm tired of the crap, of the shit that is being talked... I came here to compete, not play games.  You only wish you could get to me, you only wish that you could bother me.. But you don't.. but just by how you are acting, I can see that I have gotten to you.. So what you think i'm ugly, so what you think I'm some kind of skankt, It doesn't matter to me.. I don't care what you think of me.  I'm not playing a dating game with you, and I'm as for damn sure not tryng to fuck you.. I'm going to make you bleed tonight DJK. are you ready.. Can you taste your own blood?  No, not yet, don't worry, I'll take care of that for you.  You may think i'm weak and frail, that I"m not much, but i have a lot to offer in such a small package.. And tonight, you will just see how much I can offer you.. and everyone else here..

One car goes by... Woah that was fast...OH there goes another one, just as fast, almsot catching up, as you see shock looked by the camera person... Yeah its funny.. The scene opens up on a race track... And there you see Crystal Sweet posing in the middle of it all, as she was in the middle of a photoshoot... Hey every diva needs to have a bit of fun, before getting ready...

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah I  know he thinks I'm uguly, and what not, but there are millions of other men out there who think i'm fucking hot..

She laughed looking at the man taking the pictures of her as she was posing in them, as she was doing a Nascar shoot... She was leaning against the car, as she was leaning on it..

||Crystal Sweet|| Yeah I like this, this is fun, a great way to work off some stress and steam before going into the ring tonight.. Glad you suggestedt his Tim.

She smirked looking at her agent who was standing on the side watching and grinnning as he was looking at her, watching, as she was now laying on the hood of the car in her bikini just enjoying herself..

||Crystal Sweet|| I can't play out here too long, I do need to go and get ready for my match up agains DJK..

[Tim]-Crystal I have to admit I'm not liking this first blood match, I mean I know you are a chick and all, and yeah the man was fucked up in the head for saying what he did, but do you really think its wise to do this.. I'm not worried about you losing, but what if he takes it to far..
Crystal looked at him as she sighed a bit sitting up on the hood of the car as she was looking at her agent a bit.. yeah he liked to worry about her, but she wasnt' all that worried as she looked at him smiling softly...

||Crystal Sweet|| It'll be fine.  I"m ready to take him on, and I know I can beat him, So stop stressing it.. and if he wants to take things further, then I'm all for it, I can hanld what ever he can dish out.. I'm not just some defenless woman, I am a fighter...I'll always be a fighter, and I'll show him a hell of a time in the ring tonight..

She knew that there was a big chance she could lose this, but she was going to make sure she gave it all that she had, that she fought with everything that she had, she was going to make it hell for him, tonight, one way or another, it was far from over... 


When BGW comes on the air you see Crystal Sweet emerging from her locker room.  She is dressed and more than ready to fight.  A smirk is curving her lips as she is walking, thinking about what she had just heard from DJK..

||Crystal Sweet|| Nice to know that he is worked up about this match up.. He may not want to admit it, but I can see that he is sweating this a bit.. Its good for him to be nervous. and he as damn sure should be worrked,

Crystal laughs a bit as she was thinking about it. She could see how worked up he was for this match up..  Yeah sure he may act cocky and confident, and she had seen the confrontation he had from the other guy.. SO he isn't likeing him fighting a woman.. Oh well, Crystal herself didn't care that he was a guy, or not..

||Crystal Sweet|| So some would compare him to Randy Orton.. Of course he would see randy as a coward... I actully have to agree with him on that, he did make a good point.

She said thinking about Randy and all that he has done, and how he as been lately.. Randy cant' even win a damn match up on his own, he needs help, does that crappy punting stuff.  Randy was useless as far as it goes... DJK may not be uselss, but he was still scum, he was still lowely.. and he needed to be shown that women arent' to be pushed around.. Crystal was going to do all that she could to win her match up. Crystal contineud to make her way down the hallway as she was looking around a bit, as she decided that she was going to make her way to the ring..


After a bit of a break, the camera is out in the arena area looking around as you see the fans there , hyper and ready to go..."Straight Out of Line!" By Godsmack blaress as Crystal Sweet walks out on stage.. She stands there looking around, her hand on her hip, as she smirks looking at the crowed, then after a moment she goes walking down the ramp way.  She heads up the steel steps as she then crawls in the ring, walking around as she poses a bit.. She then walks over and gets a mic as she raises it up and starts to speak..

||Crystal Sweet|| Well hello there.. I know I'm not a ring type talker, but you know, there is always a time when this is needed, and well I feel that this is needed right now, and it may and most likely and will happen again... But for right now, my big concern is my match up, the one that I have against another superstar talent here..

She pauses as she thinks about it , as she walks around posing a bit, as she was thinking about it.

||Crystal Sweet|| I'm not going to lie, and stand here and say how much DJK sucks, and how he is useless.. I know better, I know that he is talented, and that he is good in the ring.. but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stand here and let all the crap coming out of his mouth just go.. He wants to put an end to Women's Wreslting then he is going ot have to start with me.. So here I am, ready and waiiting, and more than willing to put my body on the line... To prove that I belong here, to prove that Women belong in wrestling.. It is as simple and as easy as that.. I may not win.. I know that there is that chance, but even if I lose, I will give you a fight of a life time.. I will make you work for it, I will make you hurt, I do promise you that much.. You will not easily get a vicotry.. If you even do.. I do plan on trying to win, I do like the idea of causing you some pain and hurt.. Lets see if I can even make your blood run..

Crystal stands there in the ring with a smirk curving her lips as she was thinking about it, loving the idea of getting in the ring, doing this match up, as she was going to do all she can, and really give it her all, and hope to win, and really plan it...

CRYBOTTOM_png-t1206313473.png picture by foxy1350

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