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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:05/06/2014 7:16 PMCopy HTML

Name__ Mary Elisabeth Johnson
Ring Name__ Pandora
Face__ Shelly, ariel
Height/Weight__ 5'8/ 124lbs
Hometown__ She moves around a lot
Alignment__ Heel,
Theme__"Zombie " By Nataila Kills

Commonly Used Moves.
-Power slam
-Cross body
-Super Kick
-Round house kick
-Chick Kick
-Chest Chops
-Atomic Drop
-Hair Toss

-Widows Peak
-off the second rope chest stomp
-Handspring Elbow

-Khali Vice Grip

-Bite Me ( Sweet kiss goodnight
-Forever Darkness ( Khali Slam


Many people know who Pandora is... She has been around for ages... Even though she is usually quiet and lurking back in the shadows watching and waiting for her time...Now she feels once again is her time to come out and play... Wanting to stake her claim into the Women's division for now.. She is hoping to see just what else awaits for her..

Pandora was once with her mentor Blood Boy, the two where thought to be soul mates until that one night, he betrayed her, trying to put an end to her existance, then like that was gone out of her life.. So all trust for both mortals and her own kind were well gone...

Now here we come to FWAR, once again Pandora is looking to rekindle the skills she once had.. but maybe the ring rust is too much for her... Time will tell though, as she works to make her own impact here, in FWAR.

After a bit of time, Pandora is pretty well known, but hasn't had any real progress... That was until she hooked up with Death Dealer Degranged then soon after joined the stable Plague.. ITs a slow start to things but who knows just what they all will do.


Smoke feels the arena as the lights flicker on and off, then shoot out bright colors and pyros blast as " Zombie" By Natalia Kills hits, and Pandora crawls out on stage emerging from the smoke as she stands to her feet, a bit of a hiss as her fangs show off... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the rings.. She grabs the second rope and then pulls herself up on the apron, as she then crawls in the ring....


Women's Champion
Intergender Tag Champion

Other feds i forgot the names of..
Intergender Tag Champion
Hardcore Champion
Has held the X Divison Champion..

Diva of the month in FWA 6 times..

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM


Date Posted:04/27/2015 9:53 PMCopy HTML

Name__ Mary Elisabeth Johnson
Ring Name__ Pandora
Face__ Shelly, Ariel
Height/Weight__ 5'8/ 124lbs
Hometown__ She moves around a lot
In Ring Appearance:  leather to the max, boots that match, short tops but well covered, skirts sometimes if it looks right... like ECW Ariel..
Outside Appearance: Jeans, shirt, leather as well, Goth like at times.
Alignment__ Twisted, sadistic heel,
Theme__" Zombie " By Natalia Kills

Commonly Used Moves.
-Power slam
-Cross body
-Super Kick
-Round house kick
-Chick Kick
-Chest Chops
-Atomic Drop
-Hair Toss

-Widows Peak
-off the second rope chest stomp
-Handspring Elbow

-Khali Vice Grip

-Bite Me ( Sweet kiss goodnight
-Forever Darkness ( Khali Slam

Biography:  Pandora has been around for ages, Pretty well known in a few low key places, worked with the likes of Blood Boy, and Death Dealer, has known run ins with such as John Carter, David Khaos.  She has been a long time member of Plague, even though the members seem to be quiet for now, Pandora is still loyal and waiting for the word to return to her home.... Now Pandora has heard the call of a friend and is reaching out to spread a little fear and pain in a new direction. 

Entrance:  Smoke feels the arena as the lights flicker on and off, then shoot out bright colors and pyros blast as " Zombie" By Natalia Kills hits, and Pandora crawls out on stage emerging from the smoke as she stands to her feet, a bit of a hiss as her fangs show off... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the rings.. She grabs the second rope and then pulls herself up on the apron, as she then crawls in the ring....

Achievements in Wrestling:
Women's Champion
Inter-gender Tag Champion

Other feds i forgot the names of..
Inter-gender Tag Champion
Hardcore Champion
Has held the X Division Champion..

Diva of the month in FWA 6 times..

BloodLustPandora Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:none
  • Score:11
  • Posts:11
  • From:USA
  • Register:08/11/2009 6:44 PM


Date Posted:03/05/2017 3:22 AMCopy HTML

Female Statistics...

%_ Name : Unknown
%_Ring Name:  Pandora
%_Face :  Ariel
%_Height/Weight: Here
%_Hometown: Here
%_Alignment  Heel
%_Theme "Zombie" By Natalia Killz
//x.Commonly Used Moves.
-Power slam
-Cross body
-Super Kick
-Round house kick
-Chick Kick
-Chest Chops
-Atomic Drop
-Hair Toss

-Widows Peak
-off the second rope chest stomp
-Handspring Elbow

-Khali Vice Grip

-Bite Me ( Sweet kiss goodnight
-Forever Darkness ( Khali Slam

-Many people know who Pandora is... She has been around for ages... Even though she is usually quiet and lurking back in the shadows watching and waiting for her time...Now she feels once again is her time to come out and play... Wanting to stake her claim into the Women's division for now.. She is hoping to see just what else awaits for her..

Pandora was once with her mentor Blood Boy, the two where thought to be soul mates until that one night, he betrayed her, trying to put an end to her existence, then like that was gone out of her life.. So all trust for both mortals and her own kind were well gone...

Now here we come to FWAR, once again Pandora is looking to rekindle the skills she once had.. but maybe the ring rust is too much for her... Time will tell though, as she works to make her own impact here, in FWAR.

After a bit of time, Pandora is pretty well known, but hasn't had any real progress... That was until she hooked up with Death Dealer Deranged then soon after joined the stable Plague.. ITs a slow start to things but who knows just what they all will do.


-Smoke feels the arena as the lights flicker on and off, then shoot out bright colors and pyros blast as " Zombie" By Natalia Kills hits, and Pandora crawls out on stage emerging from the smoke as she stands to her feet, a bit of a hiss as her fangs show off... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the rings.. She grabs the second rope and then pulls herself up on the apron, as she then crawls in the ring....


Women's Champion
Intergender Tag Champion

Other feds i forgot the names of..
Intergender Tag Champion
Hardcore Champion
Has held the X Division Champion..

Diva of the month in FWA 6 times..

SucideKisses Made for Fusion Wrestling Alliance's and TBW"Suse only

BloodLustPandora Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:none
  • Score:11
  • Posts:11
  • From:USA
  • Register:08/11/2009 6:44 PM


Date Posted:01/29/2018 1:54 AMCopy HTML


Character Information

Real Name: Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Ring Name: Pandora
Face Used: Ariel ECW
Hometown: She's a drifter.
Height/Weight: 5'8 / 122 lbs
In the ring Pandora where's tight fighting clothes, blacks, reds, greens...Very goth punk style...Same as for outside of the ring

Professional Information

Ring Name: Pandora
Nicknames: here 
Gimmick explanation:  Slightly crazy, slightly twisted, loves to bite.  
Favorite Match: First Blood Matches
Strength: She's good with the mind games
Weakness: She's impulsive, doesn't always think before she acts, can get her into a lot of trouble.
Theme Song: "Zombie" By Natilia Killz
Alignment: Heel
Tag/Stable:  None here
Twitter Handle: @BloodyVixen


 Commonly Used Moves.
-Power slam
-Cross body
-Super Kick
-Round house kick
-Chick Kick
-Chest Chops
-Atomic Drop
-Hair Toss

Widows Peak
-off the second rope chest stomp
-Handspring Elbow

-Khali Vice Grip


-Bite Me ( Sweet kiss goodnight
-Forever Darkness ( Khali Slam


UWR Accomplishments
-None this is her first time in UWR-

General Accomplishments
-FWAR Tag Champion
-Bloody Vixen Champion
-Women's Champion


-Not much is known about Pandora, and this is the way she likes it.  The only place she has called home over the past ten years is FWAR.  She has had a good run with the company worked with great stable mates, such as Damia, Wolf Heathen, Elisabeth Adams, Death Dealer Deranged...Those she has grown to call family over the years.  Now feeling as if it is time to go out into the world and see what else is out there, Pandora makes her way to UWR.

-Smoke feels the arena as the lights flicker on and off, then shoot out bright colors and pyros blast as " Zombie" By Natalia Kills hits, and Pandora crawls out on stage emerging from the smoke as she stands to her feet, a bit of a hiss as her fangs show off... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the rings.. She grabs the second rope and then pulls herself up on the apron, as she then crawls in the ring.....

Disclaimer: This roster contract form has been made by Xtreme Designs, if you would like a contract form come to Total Xtreme Designs to have one customized for your fed.

BloodLustPandora Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
  • Rank:none
  • Score:11
  • Posts:11
  • From:USA
  • Register:08/11/2009 6:44 PM


Date Posted:01/29/2018 2:00 AMCopy HTML

Real Name :  Pandora
Ring Name :  Pandora
Related Too :  No one.
Face Used : ECW Ariel
If managing/Valet : Working that out...
If  entrance theme :  -Smoke feels the arena as the lights flicker on and off, then shoot out bright colors and pyros blast as " Zombie" By Natalia Kills hits, and Pandora crawls out on stage emerging from the smoke as she stands to her feet, a bit of a hiss as her fangs show off... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the rings.. She grabs the second rope and then pulls herself up on the apron, as she then crawls in the ring.....
Biography : Not much is overly known about Pandora...She has been around for awhile, but this is really her first time in awhile being out in the world.  She had a pretty long career in the business, and has done alright for herself....As for what she plans on doing now?  Well would include raising a little hell, having a little fun, and watching a lot of blood run...
BloodLustPandora Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
  • Rank:none
  • Score:11
  • Posts:11
  • From:USA
  • Register:08/11/2009 6:44 PM


Date Posted:01/29/2018 2:08 AMCopy HTML


Character Information

Real Name: Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Ring Name: Pandora
Face Used: Ariel ECW
Hometown: She's a drifter.
Height/Weight: 5'8 / 122 lbs
In the ring Pandora where's tight fighting clothes, blacks, reds, greens...Very goth punk style...Same as for outside of the ring

Professional Information

Ring Name: Pandora
Nicknames: here 
Gimmick explanation:  Slightly crazy, slightly twisted, loves to bite.  
Favorite Match: First Blood Matches
Strength: She's good with the mind games
Weakness: She's impulsive, doesn't always think before she acts, can get her into a lot of trouble.
Theme Song: "Zombie" By Natilia Killz
Alignment: Heel
Tag/Stable:  None here
Twitter Handle: @BloodyVixen


 Commonly Used Moves.
-Power slam
-Cross body
-Super Kick
-Round house kick
-Chick Kick
-Chest Chops
-Atomic Drop
-Hair Toss

Widows Peak
-off the second rope chest stomp
-Handspring Elbow

-Khali Vice Grip


-Bite Me ( Sweet kiss goodnight
-Forever Darkness ( Khali Slam


UWR Accomplishments
-None this is her first time in UWR-

General Accomplishments
-FWAR Tag Champion
-Bloody Vixen Champion
-Women's Champion


-Not much is known about Pandora, and this is the way she likes it.  The only place she has called home over the past ten years is FWAR.  She has had a good run with the company worked with great stable mates, such as Damia, Wolf Heathen, Elisabeth Adams, Death Dealer Deranged...Those she has grown to call family over the years.  Now feeling as if it is time to go out into the world and see what else is out there, Pandora makes her way to UWR.

-Smoke feels the arena as the lights flicker on and off, then shoot out bright colors and pyros blast as " Zombie" By Natalia Kills hits, and Pandora crawls out on stage emerging from the smoke as she stands to her feet, a bit of a hiss as her fangs show off... She then walks down the ramp way as she makes her way to the rings.. She grabs the second rope and then pulls herself up on the apron, as she then crawls in the ring.....

Disclaimer: This roster contract form has been made by Xtreme Designs, if you would like a contract form come to Total Xtreme Designs to have one customized for your fed.

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