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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:04/23/2023 11:55 PMCopy HTML

Title: No more lessons
OOC:  Here is just a bit of something something on my end.

So here we are... This isn't the first time, or the second time.  Hell, this isn't even the third time that Crystal has been in this spot with Ryan.  As over the fifteen years that she had known him, they had clashed like this back and forth.  All those times before, Crystal had used this as a learning curve for him... It wasn't about putting him in his place, but helping him see where he has fucked up, so he can get his head on straight.  Which they moved on from this and things seem to be cool for a little while.  Well, here we are in 2023.  A big time for Crystal and her sisters.  Hell it was a big time for FWAR in general.  We have Ryan once again acting a fool.  Why? Who the hell knows, maybe he is butt hurt about something... Maybe feeling that he isn't getting enough attention... Maybe he didn't get enough attention as a child.  At this point he has every excuse under the sun... If you keep doing the same thing, and the result really doesn't change... Then it's time to stop doing it... No more repeats, no more trying to show the error of their ways... This time it would be just a simple ass beating... "Badass" By Saliva blares over the P.A. System.  The lights go out and flash a multitude of colors, before pyros shoot off... A moment after that Crystal Sweet and Wrath walk out on stage.  The crowd goes wild.  A mixture of cheers and chants, along side with some boos.  She smirks as she stands there glancing over at Wrath who doesn't seemed bothered by the noise coming from the crowd.  The two then walk down the ramp way as the two are walking down to the ring.  Wrath stands there blocking the view as Crystal hops up on the Apron, with a little help from Wrath, then crawling into the ring through the middle rope.  Wrath soon joins her.  Walking around a bit, she reaches taking a mic, waiting a moment or two before she starts to speak... 

||Crystal Sweet||- I know, this is such a strange thing now a days, isn't it.  I mean coming out to the ring to run my mouth... To talk a bit of smack... To annoy someone.  

She chuckled a bit as she was thinking about it, shaking her head some.  As she was thinking about it, trying to really remember the last time that she had actually done this.   

||Crystal Sweet||- Hell, it's been quite awhile.   Seeing as this isn't just any Mayhem, and this isn't just any match up... I figured I'd do this old school... Give you all a treat.  I can play along sometimes... Hell I can even play well with others at times too.

She looks at Wrath as she smirks... Then pats the championship around her waist.  Seeing as she is one half of the tag champions right now.

||Crystal Sweet||- I mean look at me... I'm one half of the FWAR Tag Team Champions!  So that means I must be a team player right?

She hears the crowd boo a bit, knowing all the bad and wicked things her and Tyrone have been doing since the two of them had teamed up.  She chuckled a bit as she was thinking about.  She then stood next to Wrath, as she put her hand on his arm.

||Crystal Sweet||- I have this monster here with me... Looking to ensure that not only do I get to have my fun, but he's ready to have fun for me... at the expense of others of course.  See this tells you right there, that I not only know how to work with others, play with others... I know how important it is to not burn my bridges... I am smart enough to not fuck with those who have had my back, and who have proven useful... Loyal.  

She said as it was getting a bit on track to why she was even out here in the first place.  As she was going to be facing not just her former student, but her former friend.  She says former this time around as she doesn't see things going back this time.

||Crystal Sweet||- Now, of course this is getting to why I'm even out there tonight... You see, Ryan has done this little stunt before... Many times actually.  He maybe didn't get his nap in, or maybe he some kind of child hood trauma is effecting him... Who knows... But every so often, Ryan gets stupid... More often then not actually... As this now seems to be like a yearly thing with him.  First it started with , I'm quitting, I'm back... I'm retiring... No I want one more run... No no one understand me, they don't like me... So fuck them, I'm retiring again... No I need to have my own legacy, I'm tired of being in Crystal's shadow... I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm not good enough... Blah blah fucking blah...

She roles her eyes as she was thinking about it, going over the latest bitch fest that was coming from Ryan.  Honestly it was always a bit much with him, as he seemed to like the dramatic for sure.. Not even trying to be rational, no he just fucking blows his mind and sees how far he can actually take things.

||Crystal Sweet||- You know, it wasn't even the fact that he didn't want to be a part of the 20th Anniversary... Who the fuck cares if he does or not... There are plenty of other legends, hall of famers, and fun bastards that are more than happy to be here... No one would have even batted an eye lash honestly.  What got my sister going... Which is saying something to get under Destiny's skin..

She paused again as she was thinking about it. 

||Crystal Sweet||- Is the fact that you can go and just show such disrespect for the only place that has and will ever put up with your bitch ass this long.  No other company has ever and would ever deal with the bullshit you put us through... We throw you a fucking bone, help lift you up and make you the man you are today... Well that you should of been... The shit you are now... That's all on you... All I did was teach you how to win, how to hold your own... Then I fucking let you go... I never had you in my shadow, hell most of the time I would never even admit to training you... as there was no need.  You were doing your own thing, I was doing mine, and there was that friendship and respect of time... No one batted an eyelash when you hooked up with Susy, Destiny's sister in law, it just welcomed you more into the family... 

She said as she was thinking of the history that they all had.  it was a long history, they at one point had been close, as Ryan had pretty much been family.

||Crystal Sweet||- Then you decide to crap on the company, crap on my family, our family... Like it's no big deal... Now I put up with a lot of shit from you, and from time to time, I would get in the ring to just put your head back on right, and that would be that... Things would go back to normal, and you'd be your happy goofy self... Not this time...  You see I'm tired with this back and forth, I'm tired of trying to be nice to you... You want to be a man and put me in my place?  You think you can actually really step up to me, when every other time, I put you down... Hell and those times, I was just fucking around and having fun... Now, now you get to see when I'm over it... You get to see first hand what I do to those I don't want in my circle, those I don't want walking out.. 

She grinned as she was thinking about it... Thinking about this match up to come.  As she was very happy with the stipulation.  Knowing that it was about more than a No DQ... As lucky for her Josh Nightingale was involved, just to make it a little extra.

||Crystal Sweet||- Not only is this a No Dq... Which I'll get to that bit in a second... But to make sure that there is no getting up after I'm done with you... This is Badass rules... We will go above and beyond that three count... As I pin your lifeless body to the count of 5. 

She knows that she wants to go that extra, she wants to push more than she ever has in matches against him.  She will show him the side that people she doesn't like gets to see... As Crystal didn't play nice, and for damn sure she wasn't about to even consider playing fair.

||Crystal Sweet||- Now the no DQ part.. Which you already brought up... and I'm not even going to attempt to say that they won't get involved.  Hell I'm going to encourage it... I'm going to let them play too.. Why not?  After all I know who has my back... What about your Ryan, who has yours?  How many other people will you screw over?  No one will want to stand by you, because you don't know how to keep that damn mouth of yours shut... So come Mayhem, I'll make sure it's shut good and tight... After I break that jaw of yours.

She grinned thinking about it, as she then dropped her mic.  "Badass" blares once again, as Crystal stand in the middle of the ring, all smiles right now.  She looks at Wrath, knowing that he is very much ready , willing and eager to get involved in the pain that would soon come Ryan's way.


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