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Date Posted:11/06/2019 9:22 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Crystal Sweet
Theme Song:  "Reincarnate" By Motionless in White
Date: 11/10/2019

For the first time in PWE history, Nexus is being ran by "The Baddest Bitch" Crystal Sweet.  Who of course isn't wasting any time on getting things started..."Badass" By Saliva blares over the P.A. system.  As soon as they see Crystal Sweet walk out on stage the crowd begins to cheer.  She stands there with a smirk curving her lips and a mic in hand.  As soon as the music cut she starts to speak.

||Crystal Sweet||- Well, thank you all for the warm welcome.  I'm glad to be here.  I'm hoping that with my help PWE will really get put on the map!

She smiled as she was thinking about everything that she had seen going on so far.

||Crystal Sweet||- So there has been a lot going on around here, and well after talking with the owner about a certain issue, they have decided that I need to address it here and now...

She paused once again before she went on speaking.

||Crystal Sweet||- PWE likes to think of itself as a great place to work, with a work environment that is safe as possible, and that is free of discrimination and racism.  It has come to the attention of Bianca and Dominica Pierce that is not the case.  Not only will I not tolerate this, they will not either, as they have instructed me to start handling this here tonight.  There will be a match up ... Antonio and Eve Guerrero will be taking on Stacy Rocker and Aaron Kane in a lumberjack match.

She heard the cheers from the crowd.  She smiled as she looked around thinking about everything.

||Crystal Sweet||- Tonight is the only warning for anyone and everyone.  We do not care if you are a champion, a legend, or a hall of famer...If you come in her and try to run that racist shit here, you will not be welcome in PWE.  We are a progressive company, you either grow with us, or get the hell out!

She said simply as there would be a zero tolerance for anyone who went against the rules that the owners had set in place.

||Crystal Sweet||- Now I have wasted enough time on that, time to move on to tonight's show.  I have a very entertaining night planned for you...I will give you a show to remember, such as tonight PWE's first Hardcore Champion will be crowned!  I hope everyone enjoys the show! 

With that Crystal drops the mic as her music hits once again.  The crowd seems to be hyped up and ready to go, as it doesn't take long for things to get started as we get right into the first match up of the night.

Match 1

Alexis Helmsley Vs. Tennille Turqoise
Stipulation: Singles
Summary: Tennille is the new girl on the block, let's see how she goes up against someone who had a bit more experience here in PWE.
Winner: Tennille Turqoise

Match 2

Christopher Matthews Vs. Trent Killjoy
Stipulation: No DQ
Summary: Rumor has it, Christopher Matthews likes to prove he is the best, so of course when he is put up against returning Trent Killjoy it will be a NO DQ...
Winner: Christopher Matthews

~BackStage~  The camera comes on in the office of Crystal Sweet who is enjoying the show so far.  Though it didn't take long before her door burst open and Stacy Rocker and Aaron Kane come walking in.  You can tell that Stacy doesn't look pleased, well actually neither of them do, but Stacy was more vocal about it.

{Stacy Rocker}- I can see that you're new here so you don't know who actually is in charge here.

She said as she just smirked a bit, as Crystal was still just sitting there.

{Stacy Rocker}- You see this company wouldn't be shit with out me... Those...

Crystal cut her off.

||Crystal Sweet||- I'd choose your next words wisely...

She said giving her a chance to rethink herself before she went on, but Stacy just laughed a bit.

{Stacy Rocker}- Those free loaders, non talented piece of shits, they are just lucky to be here...We are the money makers of this company...The reasons the seats are full...

Stacy said as she wanted Crystal to understand how the pecking order really worked around here...Giving her a chance to make things right and get herself back on the good side.

{Stacy Rocker}-You would be really foolish to get on my bad side...

{Aaron kane)-Our bad side...

He added as he was right there, as the two of them were looking to put the new General Manager in her place, and get things right.  Crystal chuckled a bit as she was standing there.

||Crystal Sweet||- So do you actually have anything of worth to say to me right now?  Or is this little rant done?

She said simply as she was sitting there, figuring there had to be more to it than just her running her mouth about being on her bad side.
 {Stacy Rocker}- Everything I say is worth it...When I first saw you, I figured you had a better head on your shoulders and you to be smarter than the other dumb fucks...I'm starting to see that isn't the case...You better watch yourself.

She said as she didn't like being told what to do, nor would she take this lightly as this wasn't over.  She didn't like that management was trying to censor her...She wouldn't go silently nor would she just do what everyone said...This was going to make for an interesting night for sure...

Match 3
Blood In, Blood Out Vs. Ryan Pierce & William Butler
Stipulation: Tag Match
Summary: Of course we had to have a little tag play here tonight, as we put two of PWE's up and coming tag teams against each other as they will fight to prove who is the better team here tonight!
Winner: Ryan Pierce & William Butler

Pre Main Event
Lucas Rancid Vs. Spencer Carter
Stipulation: Hardcore Match up
Title: Hardcore Title
Summary: His wife demanded, Crystal heard the cry and was more than happy to make it happen...Let's see if he can handle a Hardcore Title Match up against returning Spencer.
Winner: Spencer Carter

Main Event
Antonio Guerrero & Juana Gonzalez Vs. Stacy Rocker and Aaron Kane
Stipulation: Lumber Jack Match
 Summary: Not only is Antonio had enough with Stacy and Aaron, but most of the locker room, as well as the owners. So what better way for the boss's to send a message, by putting Stacy and Aaron up against the locker room...
Winner: Antonio &Juana

As the match is under way, Stacy and Aaron don't seem to care that everyone who hates them is all around the ring.  The owners are even seated ring side to watch the show.  What seems like a lesson to the hot headed couple doesn't seem to work how they were hoping at first...Well that is until Antonio is tossed outside of the ring, and instead of the lumber jacks and lumber Jills attacking, they just start to help him up.  As soon as that is seen "Badass" By Saliva blares as newly appointed Nexus GM Crystal Sweet walks out on stage.  She walks down the ramp way with a mic in hand.

||Crystal Sweet||- Oh no, I'm all about fairness here...If anyone is seen not doing what they are suppose to, i'll fire your ass's on the spot.

She said as she saw the look on the owners face as they didn't seem to approve but didn't go against it as Crystal was there to lay down the law.

||Crystal Sweet||-Now let's get this done right.

She said as she stood there right in front of one of the larger wrestlers who had been helping Antonio up, thinking about it a moment, then shrugged as he then clotheslined Antonio knocking him right off his feet. Crystal grinned nodding her head as Stacy seemed to approve as well as Antonio was pushed back in the ring.  Aaron was there for the attack as Juana was right there hitting Aaron from behind, as it caused Stacy to get in the match grabbing Juana by the hair yanking her back.  Stacy goes to spit int he face of Juana who is able to move as Aaron gets spit on instead....Not that he really seemed to mind...Juana head butts stacy making her go backwards as Juana then moves hitting a neck breaker, as she goes for a cover, but Stacy isn't the legal one in, as the ref does nothing...Aaron takes advantage as he goes to grab Juana yanking her up and going to toss her out of the ring, but Antonio is there, tossing Aaron out instead as the talent go right for him, but Aaron fights back a bit, but a boot to the face takes him down. He is then tossed back in the ring as Antonio goes for a pin, but Stacy kicks him in the back breaking up the count... Juana runs up, grabbing Stacy yanking her off and tossing her right out of the ring.  A few of the ladies are glaring as they look at Stacy who is smuch as she just tells them off... The fight breaks out as Stacy is soon over powered by not with out landing a few nasty blows herself...Aaron sees that she is in danger and goes to help, but Antonio is right there and stops him, hitting him with a German Suplex, setting him up for a neck breaker, and then gets the pin and the win.  The crowd cheers as Antoinio is able to get a bit of revenge.  Stacy is able to get back in the ring, but not soon enough to break up the count up.  The blond bombshell screams out as she isn't happy about this loss, as Antonio and Juana roll out of the ring, as they are celebrating with the family that was out there ring side as it was a bit of pay back for tonight at least....

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