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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
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  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:06/04/2020 12:09 AMCopy HTML

OUT OF CHARACTER - Okay here this is

Though Ciara had been ready to face Wrath on her own.  It didn't work out that way.  Though she had been holding her own, and proving that she was a next level wrestler.  She was a main talent.  Something she had busted her ass to prove.  Which because of J.T.'s guidance it was really paying off for her.  He had taught her a lot over the years.  As she knew she would most likely not even be where she is today with out him really teaching her the right way of going about things.  Also the things she was too hot headed to really handled, he did it for her.  Perks of having someone in that role. Even more so he was someone that she trusted.  She knew that he was starting to work on getting other people under his wing and she was excited for him.  Knowing that he was promoting himself the way he had wanted.  She was glad that she was one of his biggest successes.  She was wanting to prove that he was all he said he was as just like her, he worked his ass off.  He may not get in the ring, but he made sure that Ciara kept her focus, and kept herself on the right path.  Not letting her get ahead of herself, nor did he let her fall under the radar.  He made sure that she was something big, just as he pushed her, she pushed herself.  

Things were no different at the make shift home.  As they weren't allowed to be on the bus yet.  Though the house was working well for a lot of reasons.   They were able to put a gym in a bit, not a big fancy one, but enough for them to train and work out, and obstacle course out back to really push and keep Ciara up on her strength and cardio... Keeping her reflexes in check.  The two of them even sparred a bit on and off as he was always pushing her and driving her to do better to do more.  Right now they were on the end of a four hour work out as they were starting to slow down a bit, drinking a bit more water.

||Ciara Fierce||- At least it's not pouring out today.

she said as the last time they had been out here doing this it was raining so bad they kept slipping and sliding... She was sure they spent more time laughing and on their asses then they were actually able to do anything.  As serious as they always are, they both knew when to just take the day as it came and enjoy it for what it was.  Ciara was standing there taking a sip of her water.

||Ciara Fierce||- So I know your brother is talking like I'm not at his level and not a threat... But you know him better than anyone... Is that how he works inside.

She said touching her head a bit... As she felt he was smarter than that.  Feeling like he was playing it lose on the outside but was actually thinking of how serious the challenge was, and wasn't being as cocky as he seemed.   She may not have said it or shown it, but she did have respect for the man, and for all that he had done.  She knew his career was something, she had seen him through out the years and knew he was no joke... She was for sure expecting one of the hardest battles she has faced in her career... Which excited her and made her really look forward to it.  Knowing how big it will be to defeat him the first time... Then moving on to Dark Oasis 100, she was already looking ahead, but she wasn't skipping over, she was just not counting herself out, and knowing that , no feeling that it was her time to be at the top.  She took another sip of her water before handing the bottle over to J.T so he could have a drink while she waited to hear what he would have to say.

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