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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:01/27/2020 4:54 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:
General Manager:  Hope Sweet & Oliver Horn
Theme Song:  "Whore" By In This Moment
Location: FWAR Arena
Date: 01/26/2020 @ Midnight

Match 1
Tori Adams Vs Grant McKenzie
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: After a bit of fun on Twitter, Grant issued the challenge, and Tori was happy to accept it.  As this is the first installment of PWE taking on a FWAR orginal...

Winner: Tori Adams

Grant seemed to have bitten off way more than he could chew.. As he didn't even make it to his music cutting before Tori went on the attack, making him her bitch from the start.  He talked a lot of smack on twitter, but it was clear from the start he wasn't able to back any of it up.  He didn't seem to know what he was doing from the start.  She whipped him around the ring, hit him with one hell of a clothesline taking him right down.  There was no fight in his ass as she just put her foot on his chest as the ref did a quick count...Tori laughed seeing the man was so easily taken out by a clothesline.

After it was done she went over getting a mic as she yelled up.

||Tori Adams||- Play the fucking music!

She yelled out as "Short DIck Man" played and Tori started to strip down Grant McKenzie , as he was soon laid out in his little white undies, showing his rather "small" package, as she laughed and the camera of course zoomed in a bit on this embarrassing moment.

Backstage Segment: The cameras move to the backstage area where a fight looks to be broken out.  As you see the current Women's Champion Jasmine Sweet and Aimee Daughtry going at it.  They are are both throwing punches to each other.  Jasmine grabs Aimee by the hair and goes to slam her head into the table, but Aimee is able to block it with her hands, then gives an elbow to Jasmine, knocking her backwards.  The fight went on backstage as they were using whatever they could as weapons.  Both women were beaten and bloody before Crystal came out and broke it up, shaking her head as she looked at the two women.

||Crystal Sweet||- You both are done tonight...

That got Aimee's attention as just looking at her she was in no shape to speak... She knew that this wasn't going to be over though,  but didn't need to make a mess of the show.

||Crystal Sweet||- Both leave.. 

She called for security to escort them out as she then watched them led out of the arena, as it was clear that Aimee wouldn't be fighting for the Bloody Vixen's Title tonight... Once they were gone Crystal walked off down the hall meeting up with Imari as you could see they had a few things to discuss..

Match 2
Ciara Feirce w/ J.T. Marshall  Vs. Lori Ann Rossdale Vs. Marissa Taylor
Stipulation: Triple Threat
Title: Non Title
Summary: Lori had issued the challenge, Ciara had answered, but new comer Marissa is looking to slide her way in and get herself started.  Will this work out the way she wants?
Winner: Ciara Feirce

Marrissa had no idea what she was in for when she asked to be apart of this match up, as she couldn't even really keep in the ring as if it wasn't Ciara tossing her out on her ass , it was Lori doing the same thing.  As it would seem the girls were more interested in fighting each other than they were fighting with rookie new comer Marissa Taylor.  At the end of it though it was Ciara who got the better of both women, as she was able to get the pinfuall on Lori after one brutal match up.

Backstage Segment: After the match Ciara is seen walking backstage with J.T. as they are celebrating the her first victory of the year... Already looking forward to things to come.   They were walking and Ciara ended up accidently bumping into one of the new ladies from PWE, Mia Rozelle.   Ciara started to say apologize as she knew it had been her fault but Mia feeling cocky stepped right up to Ciara not liking that she didn't watch where she was going...Ciara not one to back down stood right there in her face just as much...Before anything could get started, J.T took Ciara out of there, telling her , to deal with it later in the ring... Ciara nodded then left Mia standing there just watching them walk off...

Match 3

Antonio Guerrero Vs Harlem Cena
Stipulation: Street Fight
Title: Non Title
Summary: The reason for this hatred is unknown to many, but you can tell the dislike from Antonio to Harlem is great... So of course FWAR is wanting to play this out and see what they do to each other..

Winner: Antonio Guerrero

Harlem had tried to make this a quick fight... Attacking Antonio as he was making his way down to the ring.  This was soon realized to be a big mistake , as Antonio was quickly able to take control after whipping Harlem into the steel steps.   Antonio does a bit of trash talking, as he grabs Harlem and connects his forehead with the steps, busting him open.  He falls back to the mat leaving Antonio grinning looking at his handy work.  All this being legal with this Street Fight.  Harlem didn't seem to have much to back his early words to Harlem, when the challenge had been refused.  Antonio is yelling to Harlem telling him to get up.  Harlem slowly starts to get up, as Antonio is feeling cocky, as it gave Harlem a small window, as he charged at Antonio , knocking him back into the barricade.  Taking the wind out of him as it looked like it may be going to Harlem's side.  He hits a few punches in, then is able to get the fight in the ring.  As soon as Harlem climbs in, Antonio is in and is waiting with a big boot, knocking Harlem down.  Antonio then rolls back out of the ring, going under and pulling up a few weapons as he tosses them in the ring.  He gets a nice bit out, as he then goes back in, where Harlem has a kendo stick, hitting Antonio in the back with it.  Harlem gloats a bit thinking he has Guerrero right where he wants him.  Antonio starts to get up, grabs the stick when Harlem goes to hit him again.  He reached up kicking him in the mid section, taking the kendo stick from him.   Antonio then smacks Harlem over the back of the head, then gets the trash can led he tossed in, putting it down, lifting Harlem up, then planting him face first into it, as he is the rolled over and covered for the pin and the win.

Backstage Segment: FAB is seen gathered around in their locker room as they are chit chatting about later that night. As they are discussing the plans for the ladies over the top Bloody Vixen's match up.  As it seems that things are planned out.

||Angelique||- This is going to be so much fun.

She smirked as she was looking from her sister to Diamond and Diane as they were nodding there heads.

{Diane Murphy}- They'll learn a lesson tonight.

She said as she was happy that the girls were all together here tonight.  Diamond looked at Angelina as she was thinking about the match up.

{Diamond Jackson}- You should stay back here, no need to risk you or the baby because of stupid girls out there.

Angelina nodded as she would stand back and watch the show, and let her girls have her fun, but of course she wouldn't miss the show.

Match 4

Lauren Li Vs. Lindsay Oreza
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Lauren is ready to start her New Year off on the winning side of things.  Can she do it starting here tonight against Lindsay Oreza?  Or will Lindsay look to start a New Year's Resolution of her own?

Winner: Lauren Li

It was suppose to be a match up between Lauren and Lindsay but  Lindsay never showed up.  After waitng it out a bit, the bell rang and Lauren was declared the winner.  Not all that pleased about how she won, it was soon made clear when Gabriel Hunter came walking out on the ramp as he had Lindsay by the hair dragging her out... She was a bloody mess as he just tossed her away on the ramp up on the stage.  He then grins as he walks down the ramp, as Lauren is looking ready to fight.  He slides into the ring as Lauren goes on the attack, but the power house was able to grab both legs left her up and slam her down on the mat.  He stomps her mid section laughing as he saw her trying to fight back... She did get a good kick in, as it sent him back, as she was able to get to her feet.  He went running at him, but he just leaned back knocking himself out of the ring.  He grins backing up as it was clear these two were not done yet.

Backstage Segment: Antonio already feeling great from his big victory over Harlem Cena is seen stalking out his next goal... Which would happen to be the current Hardcore Champion, Arnica Blane.  He still has that kendo stick in hand from his match, he rushes at her, hitting her across the back... Arnica already having a match tonight doesn't put up much of a fight as she didn't care for the belt to begin with, nor does she want to risk her main event later as Antonio pinned her, getting the 1, 2 and 3! as he is awarded the Hardcore Championship.  It doesn't stop Arnica from hitting one last low blow as she kicks him in the nuts before she goes skipping off down the hall to meet with her tag partner to get ready for her match up.

Match 5

Alexandra Callaway Vs. Makayla Vs. Valissa Oreza Vs. Harley Kyle Vs.Scarlet De Luca Vs. Blair Black Vs. Aimee Daughtry Vs. Roxanne Marshall Vs. Angelique Vs. Kitty Granger Vs. Lacey Pierce Vs. Amara Matthews Vs. Zarita Guerrero
Stipulation: Over the top Battle Royal
Title: Bloody Vixens
Summary: The truth is now known.  Damia has been trying to hide and injury for months... Unable to hide it any longer and put on the shelf, Damia's beloved Bloody Vixen's title is up for grab... She of course will be watching, as soon as she is cleared to compete, she will get first rights to claim what she feels is hers..Which lady here will be the victor?.
Winner: Alexandra Callaway

All the ladies were in the ring, minus of course Aimee Daughtry who was taken out earlier after a fight had broke out between her and Women's Champion Jasmine Sweet... All the girls are excited to get things going, as you see Alexandra gunning right for Angelique, but she just took Blair and pushed her right to Alexandra.. Who worked to make light work of the crazy one.   As she was looking to kick her out of the ring, Harley went on the attack from behind, while Angelique went after Lacey Pierce who seemed confused with the mess going on... As she was the first one out, as Angelique turned her attention to Makayla, as there was a bit back and forth... Alexandra who had just tossed Blair Black out of the ring, was now looking to Angelique, went running for her, but was caught up by Amara Matthews who was looking to make a name for herself early on, going for the more experienced fighter in the ring, which ended back... But luckily didn't get her kicked out of the ring... Angelique was able to whip Lacey to the ropes and then clothesline her right out of there... Angelique was then grabbed by Scarlet who whipped her right to Callaway who was wanting to teach her a lesson, hitting her with a sharp spear taking her down... Of course that did no good as it was about getting them over the rope, Callaway picked her up by the hair, and was taunting her a bit, as Angelique went bring her leg up, giving Callaway a knee to the midsection, then an elbow to the side of the face... She then went to whip Callway into the ropes, but it was reversed and Angelique went, Callaway was setting up for a clothesline, only to be hit by Zarita and taken down... Zarita feeling cocky as she took down Alexandra only to be grabbed by Amara and tossed out of the ring on her butt... Zartia screaming as she wasn't happy to be out. Alexandra was back on the attack with a new victim putting her attention on Scarlet De Luca, as there was a bit of back and forth, Scarlet holding her own for the most part, until Angelique actually ended up helping Callaway as Angelique tossed Scarlet out pushing her over the ropes as she lands on the floor as well... Callaway an Angelique looking at each other, as Callaway was a bit surprised with the help but it didn't stop the fighting as Kitty and Amara decided to double team the two , trying to get one or both out of the ring.  Callaway whips Kitty into the ropes while Angelique works on Amara smacking her around a bit... A slap to the face seems to light a fire under Amara as it makes her fight back even harder and put Angelique in a corner... She climbs up a bit on the ropes... Angelique takes this as her chance to use her weight against her, sending Amara up over the turnbuckle and outside to the mat as she landed with a thud... With out waiting,  In another spot, Harley and Valissa are going rounds... as they are fighting over the ropes trying to push each other out.. Harley is able to get Valissa out... but Harley spends a bit too much time gloating over it as Angelique takes advantage and knocks her out of the ring about the same time as Alexandra knocks Kitty out of the ring...  Thinking it was just now down to, two, Alexandra starts to turn around only to get a kick to the gut and for Angelique to hit her finisher Twisted Angel(Canadian Destroyer)  She stands over Alexandra laughing a bit... She looks over at Makayla who is still standing in the ring , as just points to her, telling her to go for it.. as Angelique walks backwards to the ropes, as she does a twist with the ropes taking herself out, then jumping down on the apron... Makayla then goes and starts to pick up Alexandra and looks like she is about to toss her out, but Callaway comes to life as she powers herself out, and punches Makayla and with out any effort tosses her out of the ring as she takes claim to the Bloody Vixen's title... Holding her neck pissed at the dirty move by Angelique who is standing up on the stage as she grins and walks back, showing she never wanted the title in the first place.

Backstage Segment: After the break you see Angelique standing in the back with Diamond and Diane... With out warning Alexandra Callaway comes running up and attemps to smack Angelique with the newly won belt, but is kicked by Diamond Jackson , as the girls start to stomp her... Alexandra tries to fight out of it, but it is a three on one attack... Until new comer Ronan Morgensen gets into the mix... Taking Diane down and out as she then goes for Diamond , but Diamond proves to be more of a fight as soon like earlier , security and refs are having to break them up... this time it's Imari who is out there to break up the fight and tells them that they can fight it out on her show Neophyte... 

Pre Main Event

Gage Steele Vs. Matt Ward W/Desiree Outelett
Stipulation:  No DQ
Title:World Title
Summary:Gage has been waiting for this chance for months, and finally the Sweet's are giving him his shot.  Matt who was due to face Gage at the end of the year is getting a lucky break as he has also been awarded a chance to make history early on....

Winner: Gage Steele

This was the match that Gage had been waiting for , for so long... It was also the  match that Matt Ward was looking to take advantage of.  Knowing that Gage did the work to get the title shot, While Matt was pushing his returning member, and the fact that he missed his first chance at Gage.  Which was enough for him to get this.... 

Gage took control early on, but with it being a No DQ, Desiree was able to get involved and make it harder for Gage.  She grabbed his hair when he got to close to the ring, letting Matt get a few punches in, as he went for a German Suplex and was able to hit it... Gage didn't stay down long though as he moved getting a bit of air.  Matt went on the attack wanting to keep things going, but Gage was able to get the burst forward hitting Matt with one hell of a spear as it took him down.  Gage then gets up, feeling the fire now as he yells to Matt to get up... As soon as he does , Gage sets him up for Ragin Cajun ( Back to Belly Piledriver).  He then gets down and goes for the pin, and before Desiree can break it, he gets the 3 and the win!  

Gage gets up holding the belt when it's handed to him as he hardly can believe it...It had been a long hard fought road, but he was finally World Champion... 

Celebration didn't last long though as you could hear "Bad" By Royal Deluxe blares... Daniel Khaos comes walking out on stage but he isn't alone as the members of his stable Kingdom come running down the ramp, attacking Gage.  Matt was quick to roll out of the ring to get out of the way... Nick Gallagher, Frank Stone, and Gabriel Hunter made quick work out of the new World champion.  They held him up as the King got in the ring...Looking down at Gage who was being held up on his knees.  Giving him a hard slap across the face, he then looks to Nick nodding his head, telling him to finish it... Nick grins more than happy to do so as he with help from the others is able to set Gage up and hit Nasty End{Sit out Piledriver}.  Leaving the new World Champion laid out, as Daniel Khaos stands holding the World title... Grinning before he drops it on the face of Gage before the group takes there leave from the ring.

Backstage Segment: Backstage you see Daniel Khaos meeting up with FAB as they all look very pleased at what had just taken place.  It was clear to see that they were all set to leave...Feeling no need to stick around for the main event... As they felt the main event was done and over... Daniel put his arms around his wife as the group took there leave from the arena...

Main Event

Arnica Blane & Amari Rose Vs. Death Dealer Deranged & Pandora
Stipulation: Ladder Match
Title: FWAR Tag Championships
Summary: Amari had been able to obtain a title shot for her and her former tag partner before the close of the year...She is looking to cash in,  going forward with a new partner.  Will they be able to deal with two Plague members?

Winner: Amari Rose & Arnica Blane

Dealer and Pandora seemed all set to get this on and retain there titles, as they started out with control early on... Arnica being man handled so to speak by Dealer, while Pandora was out side of the ring, working on getting the ladder already ready...Not really for an early end, but felt it would make fun to torture them a bit, but Amari was on to this as she ran around and hit a super kick to Pandora from the outside, and grabbing the ladder.  She waited until Pandora was up, hitting her with the ladder, while Dealer was distracted, checking on Pandora, which left Arnica the chance to attack from behind, hitting him with a kick that sent him outside of the ring... Arnica climbed the ropes and waited as she then jumped diving on Dealer as there was soon a mess of bodies laying on mat outside of the ring... The ref just stood there watching, knowing there was no count outs or DQ, so had to just wait...Amari not wasting time pushed the ladder into the ring, and started to set it up... Pandora and dealer were already getting up when she started to climb.  They both went for the ring, as Arnica grabbed Pandora from the outside pulling her back down... Dealer was able to make it, as he pushed the ladder as it knocked Amari down and she hit the ropes hard , falling out of the ring and hitting the ground... She held her arm a bit as you could tell she injured a bit...Dealer was laughing seeing the damage he had cost... As he started to set up the ladder again.. He saw Arnica coming in as he then changed his mind, closing it back up and went to use it as a weapon, but Arnica kicked it into him, sending him back, as she then kicked at him again sending the ladder into his face.   That hurt...He went down for a moment as Arnica was just sitting in the corner of the ring,  taking a few breaths while she tried to get her energy back... Pandora was getting her life back as she made her way back in the ring... She hit a few kicks in on Arnica's mid section and then grabbed her by the hair tossing her across the ring by her hair.  Pandora then grabbed the ladder setting it up in the corner, she went whipping Arnica right into it as her back smashed right into it, as you could see the pain as Arnica went down to one knee... Dealer was up, hitting a kick to his own... They both then set up the ladder as the started to climb it, as Amari struggling was able to get in the ring... She got to it pushing it as she sent Pandora and Dealer out of the ring and with a loud thud to the floor... With help from Arnica , the ladder was set up again... Amari started to climb it first, as Arnica made sure it was clear as she then made the climb... Amari reached for the first title handing it to Arnica, then grabbing the other for herself as the bell ring... The  titles have switched hands tonight!  Outside of the ring Death Dealer and Pandora looked shocked and upset... Arnica and Amari were holding the belts up high as they then started to come down the ladder only to be met with aggression from the two former champs as they wouldn't let them enjoy this victory...It was clear that this wasn't the end of this , and they would get another shot to get there titles back... They left the ring with Amari and Arnica struggling to get up, but you could see the ladies leaning on the bottom rope glaring at the two Plague members. 

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