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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Date Posted:01/07/2021 5:49 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 01/08/2021 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Antonio Guerrero W/Eve Guerrero Vs  Nick Gallagher W/Angelique
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryAntonio is chomping at the bit to get more competition under his belt and Nick Gallagher is just the man to give Guerrero what he wants.

Match 2
Arnica Blaine & Amari Rose Vs  Ronan Morgenson & Mikah Castile
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryArnica and Amari are angry with the loss of their tag team championships at The Holiday Bash and are wanting to jump right back in and climb the ladder to get what they think is rightfully theirs back. However  Ronan and Mikah are standing in the way.

Match 3

Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs  Kai Lafao  W/ Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Two big guys looking for a chance to hit something. Lorcan seems to be on a high after attacking Lily at The Holiday Bash can he continue on this path or will Kai who is looking to prove himself after his loss derail the train that is Lorcan Balthazar?

Match 4
Diamond Jackson W/Frank & FAB  Vs  Juana Gonzales
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryDiamond has been a splinter in Juana's side since Halloween Hell and with Juana losing her championship at The Holiday Bash due to FAB's interference she is wanted to get some sweet sweet revenge.

Pre Main Event
Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Starr Vs  Shawn Blade
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryThis rematch stems from Kai's interference on Mayhem. Imari and Natasha have decided to let these bad asses tear down the house again.

Main Event
Spencer Carter w/ Danica Grey  Vs  Kevin Khaos w/Eden
Stipulation: Hardcore
Title: Hardcore Title
SummarySpencer lost the Hardcore Championship at the Holiday Bash and now he wants his revenge on the Sadistic Prince so our lovely GM's have decided to give it to him

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neophyte Results 1/8/2021

Date Posted:01/07/2021 5:50 PMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 01/08/2021 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Antonio Guerrero W/Eve Guerrero Vs  Nick Gallagher W/Angelique
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryAntonio is chomping at the bit to get more competition under his belt and Nick Gallagher is just the man to give Guerrero what he wants.
Winner: Antonio Guerrero
This match has aggression all over it.  As Nick out there talking with Angelique... As they are waiting for Antonio to come out... Which he does, alone at first, but then Eve comes out.  Not looking pleased that he had come out with out her.  Though he didn't seem to notice her as he just got in the ring.  He went right for Nick before Angelique was even out of the ring.  Causing her to actually fall and hit the ground a bit.  Nick didn't get the chance to check on her, as the ref was doing it.  Leaving Antonio to continue his dirty tactics in the ring.
Which even surprised Eve, as he had always been an aggressive fighter.  This was even more so than what she was use to seeing out of him.  As he did say he was tired of being over looked, and not booked enough.  Feeling disrespected as a champion, who should be on the main cards more, main eventing.   Nick is starting to fight back as he is able to get Antonio in the corner.  Eve is yelling, cheering Antonio on, as Nick just starts to hit a few punches, showing why he is Mr. Nasty.  He then is able to toss Antonio into the center of the ring.   Nick is looking to put an end to it, but as he goes up on the ropes.  Antonio is able to get up... Running to the corner, kicking as Nick falls and feels the pain.  Antonio then grabs Nick by the neck and lifting him up, then hitting something he has never done here in FWAR  A very twisted version of Kneecap Brainbuster...Which makes the big win for Antonio!
Eve gets in the ring, to hand Antionio his belt back... As Antonio just grabs it, pushing Eve from him, as he leaves the ring on his own.  Leaving everyone shocked as he walks out on Eve... It looks like Antonio is going through more than just a change of attitude. 

Match 2
Arnica Blaine & Amari Rose Vs  Ronan Morgenson & Mikah Castile
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryArnica and Amari are angry with the loss of their tag team championships at The Holiday Bash and are wanting to jump right back in and climb the ladder to get what they think is rightfully theirs back. However  Ronan and Mikah are standing in the way.
Winner: Arnica Blance & Amari Rose
Ronan and Mikah had headed to the ring first looking confident and ready to put away the former tag team champions, Arnica and Amari followed quickly not wanting to waste anytime in this bout. Arnica and Ronan starting out after Arnica took Ronan down with a spear and a flurry of lefts and rights, Ronan managed to push Arnica off her taking back some control over the crazed Arnica who ran at her but was taken down by a couple of arm drags in quick succession. This began to frustrate Arnica who was already so fragile from losing her title, Amari noticing this quickly tagged herself in and hit Ronan with a kick straight to the jaw knocking her for a loop. Ronan started crawling to her corner and tagged in Mikah who quickly got in and started trading blows with Amari eventually knocking her down with a hard clothesline before taunting Arnica who tried to run into the ring but was stopped by the Ref thus giving Ronan and Mikah a chance to double team Amari behind his back. The ref managed to get Arnica back on the apron he noticed the other 2 double teaming Amari and warned them off giving time for Amari to tag her in Arnica climbing to the top rope as Mikah ran at her in hopes to knock her off but she was to slow Arnica jumped and hit a hurricanrana on her throwing her into the ropes, running at Ronan kicking her hard in the stomach to knock her off the apron. Laughing at Ronan, Arnica turned around and hit Mikah with a "Arkham" (Shining wizard) before tagging Amari back in who connected with "Bleeding Hearts" (French Kiss DDT) as Arnica jumped out and made sure Ronan couldn't run back in like she had planned as Amari picked up the victory for her team.  Letting Ronan go Arnica ran into the ring hugging her friend before they headed backstage incase Ronan and Mikah planned anything sinister.

Match 3

Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs  Kai Lafao  W/ Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Two big guys looking for a chance to hit something. Lorcan seems to be on a high after attacking Lily at The Holiday Bash can he continue on this path or will Kai who is looking to prove himself after his loss derail the train that is Lorcan Balthazar?
Winner:  Lorcan Balthazar
Lorcan came out confident with the beautiful Belladonna by his side, he was ready to show Kai that he was a force to be reckoned with and in this match up he showed every bit of that. Kai taking control fairly early on knocking the big man down to one knee with a well placed upper cut and eventually knocking him down with a hard clothesline. Kai started building up momentum which was stopped by Lorcan punching Kai in the throat knocking him down gasping for air, Roxy looking concerned as Kai rolled out of the ring to create some separation between the two. Lorcan not giving him a chance though stalked behind them pushing Roxy out of the way and kneeing Kai in the side of the head and throwing him back first into the ring apron before dragging him back into the ring. While Kai laid in the middle of the ring Lorcan preformed a jumping leg drop and pinned 1..2 kick out, frustrated Lorcan stood up and started pulling Kai up by his hair, once he had gotten to his knees Kai started punching Lorcan in the middle as hard as he could to The Beast, managing to get to his feet Kai ran back at the ropes and suddenly the lights flickered for a few minutes and the returning Elisabeth Adams standing on the apron with Mary, putting his hands up to stop himself running into her Kai felt the sting of Elisabeth's blade on his hand drawing blood. Stumbling back in shock at what just happened Lorcan scoops him up for a "Darkness Demise" (Tombstone Piledriver) and the three count. Elisabeth disappears and The Beast and Mistress of Evil head backstage as Roxanne checks on Kai with the ref.

Match 4
Diamond Jackson W/Frank & FAB  Vs  Juana Gonzales
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryDiamond has been a splinter in Juana's side since Halloween Hell and with Juana losing her championship at The Holiday Bash due to FAB's interference she is wanted to get some sweet sweet revenge.
Winner: No Contest
After much dispute and Juana making a scene backstage.  Diamond does actually come out alone.  As most seem to be surprised as Diamond just grins walking down the ramp and getting in the ring.  As Juana makes her way down to the ring she is still trash talking.  Diamond is just telling her to come and get it...
Juana starts to get in the ring, as Diamond goes right on the attack.  Striking her from behind, causing her to hunch over. Diamond then grabs her by the hair and roughly tosses her, to the center of the ring.  The ref warns Diamond about the hair pulling as Diamond just walks past, and goes for Juana.   The delay in time by the ref was enough for Juana to get her breath, as she hit with an elbow, knocking Diamond back.   Juana then goes at her and hits a kick to the gut, sending Diamond back into the ropes.  Juana looks to go for a power left move, locking her arms around Diamond.  Diamond though is able to hold her own, and prevent the move from happening.   As she then hits a few elbows of her own.  Until Juana has no other option but to let go.   As soon as she did, Diamond turned, picking her up and hitting with a side walk slam.  leaning down, Diamond grabs her by the hair and starts trash talking... Juana, slaps Diamond across the face, which results in a headbutt from Diamond.  Which knocks her down.  Juana goes for the ropes as she is leaning on them.  
Diamond showing no mercy, goes to the ropes and holds Juana there, using the ropes to choke her.  The ref only allows it for so long, forcing Diamond to break the hold.  Diamond then walks around, taunting a bit, feeling proud of herself, as she watches and waits for Juana to get up... Though before she can... She hears Valissa's music hit as the Women's Champion walks out on stage... Grinning as she stands up on the stage, liking what she sees.  She walks down the ramp way making her way to the ring... Juana looks pissed seeing her coming down... It isn't the end of things as soon you hear the music most everyone hates as FAB is the next to come out and head down the stage.
Well this wasn't good... Juana knew she was in trouble... Though she didn't seem to realize that Diamond was still behind her.  As it was Diamond who came at her from behind, just as the others started to come in.  The attack went on for a few moments before you saw first Tara Malice come running out... with Misfits right behind.  All hell seemed to have broke loose in the ring as Tara went right for Diamond as they were fighting it out.  Kitty and Jayden went after Angelique and Jayden... 
Tara was able to knock Diamond out of the ring, as she then went and teamed with Juana as Becca and Diane were next sent out of the ring... before the ladies then went sending Jayden and Angelique out of the ring.  Aimee, Kitty, and Roxy hugging each other as they were looking at FAB who was pissed... Tara and Juana step up next to Misfits as they all stand raising each others hand showing that they were ready to take the fight to FAB.

Pre Main Event
Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Starr Vs  Shawn Blade
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryThis rematch stems from Kai's interference on Mayhem. Imari and Natasha have decided to let these bad asses tear down the house again.
Winner: Eddie McGinlay
Eddie looked to have a new focus about him.  As being on the losing side was something he was use too.  A bit of a fall from grace as Eddie not only had a loss to Blade, but also had lost his FWAR Championship.  Not a good ending to 2020 for McGinlay.  Shawn seemed to be enjoying himself though as he was waiting in the ring as Eddie was making his way out, with Lana at his side.  
Didn't take long for the match to get started as Eddie went right for Blade, trying to take him out early on.  Though if Eddie was expecting things to go easy, he was very mistaken.  As Shawn was able to reverse an attempted hold and flip Eddie right onto his back.  Going in for a few cheap shot kicks as he is looking to do some damage.  Eddie is picked up and tossed into the corner.  Shawn grinning as he continues the assault, hitting a few chops to the chest.  Lana at this time is yelling for Eddie to get his head in it, as she is pulling on the ropes... Shawn taunts a bit, as Lana then gets up on the turn buckle, grabbing Shawn as Eddie has the ref distracted.  She grabs his hand jumping off, as he bounces off the ropes.  Eddie is right there now as he grabs Shawn and then Scottish Drive(Samoan Driver), pinning Shawn and getting the victory!  Lana gets in the ring as she raises his hand as Eddie is grinning knowing this was just the start as he is ready to get back on track.

Main Event
Spencer Carter w/ Danica Grey  Vs  Kevin Khaos w/Eden
Stipulation: Hardcore
Title: Hardcore Title
SummarySpencer lost the Hardcore Championship at the Holiday Bash and now he wants his revenge on the Sadistic Prince so our lovely GM's have decided to give it to him
Winner: Kevin Khaos
Lucky for Khaos, he was able to hold onto the Hardcore title long enough for this match up. Though Spencer seems to be keen on not only winning it back, but getting some pay back on top of it.  As he doesn't waste much time as he runs down the ramp and goes right for Khaos as soon as he slides into the ring.  The bell is rung as the ref is trying to keep some control over the hardcore match up, but at the moment it looks like all hell has broke loose. Spencer hitting Khaos with whatever he could get his hands on taking control early which had made his cockiness show a little and started becoming complacent which against Kevin was a big mistake. Kevin had rolled out of the ring through Spencer's gloats and  pulls out a kendo from under the ring keeping it somewhat hidden from Spencer who leaned out to drag him back into he ring and with a sickening crack Kevin swings the kendo stick hitting Spencer in the head and busted him open instantly. Being quick to capitalize on this Kevin rolled back into the ring and continued hitting Spencer and even choking him with the stick. Satisfied with the damage he had caused Kevin let's go and throws the Kendo stick out of the ring in Danica's direction before flipping her off and yelling "Watch as I destroy him". Turning back around he is met with a half strength spear knocking him down, Spencer who is losing a fair amount of blood struggled to get up from the spear. Pulling himself up on the ropes he grabs a chair which was brought in previously and went to crack Kevin who had pulled Eden in front of him, causing Spencer to stop not wanting to hit a woman. Dropping the chair he yelled at Kevin to be a man, Danica already pissed at the disrespect climbed into the ring and pulled Eden out of the way as Kevin yells at her to her hands off of his Eden. Danica turned around and started yelling back at Kevin getting sick of hearing him mouth off, Danica picked up the chair Spencer had dropped and went to hit Kevin with it who ducked out of the way and accidentally hitting Spencer knocking him clean out. Kevin started laughing as Danica stood there in shock, pinning Spencer for the victory. Eden cheered for Kevin as she grabbed the title belt and jumped into the ring and the pair headed backstage as the scene ends with Danica checking on Spencer and glaring up the stage..

TheHarleyQuinn Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:none
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  • From:Australia
  • Register:04/23/2013 11:46 PM

Re:Neophyte Results 1/8/2021

Date Posted:01/09/2021 1:04 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 01/08/2021 @  11 P/M Est

.Match 1
Antonio Guerrero W/Eve Guerrero Vs  Nick Gallagher W/Angelique
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryAntonio is chomping at the bit to get more competition under his belt and Nick Gallagher is just the man to give Guerrero what he wants.
Winner: Antonio Guerrero

Match 2
Arnica Blaine & Amari Rose Vs  Ronan Morgenson & Mikah Castile
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryArnica and Amari are angry with the loss of their tag team championships at The Holiday Bash and are wanting to jump right back in and climb the ladder to get what they think is rightfully theirs back. However  Ronan and Mikah are standing in the way.
Winner: Arnica Blance & Amari Rose

Ronan and Mikah had headed to the ring first looking confident and ready to put away the former tag team champions, Arnica and Amari followed quickly not wanting to waste anytime in this bout. Arnica and Ronan starting out after Arnica took Ronan down with a spear and a flurry of lefts and rights, Ronan managed to push Arnica off her taking back some control over the crazed Arnica who ran at her but was taken down by a couple of arm drags in quick succession. This began to frustrate Arnica who was already so fragile from losing her title, Amari noticing this quickly tagged herself in and hit Ronan with a kick straight to the jaw knocking her for a loop. Ronan started crawling to her corner and tagged in Mikah who quickly got in and started trading blows with Amari eventually knocking her down with a hard clothesline before taunting Arnica who tried to run into the ring but was stopped by the Ref thus giving Ronan and Mikah a chance to double team Amari behind his back. The ref managed to get Arnica back on the apron he noticed the other 2 double teaming Amari and warned them off giving time for Amari to tag her in Arnica climbing to the top rope as Mikah ran at her in hopes to knock her off but she was to slow Arnica jumped and hit a hurricanrana on her throwing her into the ropes, running at Ronan kicking her hard in the stomach to knock her off the apron. Laughing at Ronan, Arnica turned around and hit Mikah with a "Arkham" (Shining wizard) before tagging Amari back in who connected with "Bleeding Hearts" (French Kiss DDT) as Arnica jumped out and made sure Ronan couldn't run back in like she had planned as Amari picked up the victory for her team.  Letting Ronan go Arnica ran into the ring hugging her friend before they headed backstage incase Ronan and Mikah planned anything sinister.

Match 3

Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs  Kai Lafao  W/ Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Two big guys looking for a chance to hit something. Lorcan seems to be on a high after attacking Lily at The Holiday Bash can he continue on this path or will Kai who is looking to prove himself after his loss derail the train that is Lorcan Balthazar?
Winner: Lorcan Balthazar

Lorcan came out confident with the beautiful Belladonna by his side, he was ready to show Kai that he was a force to be reckoned with and in this match up he showed every bit of that. Kai taking control fairly early on knocking the big man down to one knee with a well placed upper cut and eventually knocking him down with a hard clothesline. Kai started building up momentum which was stopped by Lorcan punching Kai in the throat knocking him down gasping for air, Roxy looking concerned as Kai rolled out of the ring to create some separation between the two. Lorcan not giving him a chance though stalked behind them pushing Roxy out of the way and kneeing Kai in the side of the head and throwing him back first into the ring apron before dragging him back into the ring. While Kai laid in the middle of the ring Lorcan preformed a jumping leg drop and pinned 1..2 kick out, frustrated Lorcan stood up and started pulling Kai up by his hair, once he had gotten to his knees Kai started punching Lorcan in the middle as hard as he could to The Beast, managing to get to his feet Kai ran back at the ropes and suddenly the lights flickered for a few minutes and the returning Elisabeth Adams standing on the apron with Mary, putting his hands up to stop himself running into her Kai felt the sting of Elisbeth's blade on his hand drawing blood. Stumbling back in shock at what just happened Lorcan scoops him up for a "Darkness Demise" (Tombstone Piledriver) and the three count. Elisbeth disappears and The Beast and Mistress of Evil head backstage as Roxanne checks on Kai with the ref.

Match 4
Diamond Jackson W/Frank & FAB  Vs  Juana Gonzales
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryDiamond has been a splinter in Juana's side since Halloween Hell and with Juana losing her championship at The Holiday Bash due to FAB's interference she is wanted to get some sweet sweet revenge.
Winner: No Contest
After much dispute and Juana making a scene backstage.  Diamond does actually come out alone.  As most seem to be surprised as Diamond just grins walking down the ramp and getting in the ring.  As Juana makes her way down to the ring she is still trash talking.  Diamond is just telling her to come and get it...
Juana starts to get in the ring, as Diamond goes right on the attack.  Striking her from behind, causing her to hunch over. Diamond then grabs her by the hair and roughly tosses her, to the center of the ring.  The ref warns Diamond about the hair pulling as Diamond just walks past, and goes for Juana.   The delay in time by the ref was enough for Juana to get her breath, as she hit with an elbow, knocking Diamond back.   Juana then goes at her and hits a kick to the gut, sending Diamond back into the ropes.  Juana looks to go for a power left move, locking her arms around Diamond.  Diamond though is able to hold her own, and prevent the move from happening.   As she then hits a few elbows of her own.  Until Juana has no other option but to let go.   As soon as she did, Diamond turned, picking her up and hitting with a side walk slam.  leaning down, Diamond grabs her by the hair and starts trash talking... Juana, slaps Diamond across the face, which results in a headbutt from Diamond.  Which knocks her down.  Juana goes for the ropes as she is leaning on them.  
Diamond showing no mercy, goes to the ropes and holds Juana there, using the ropes to choke her.  The ref only allows it for so long, forcing Diamond to break the hold.  Diamond then walks around, taunting a bit, feeling proud of herself, as she watches and waits for Juana to get up... Though before she can... She hears Valissa's music hit as the Women's Champion walks out on stage... Grinning as she stands up on the stage, liking what she sees.  She walks down the ramp way making her way to the ring... Juana looks pissed seeing her coming down... It isn't the end of things as soon you hear the music most everyone hates as FAB is the next to come out and head down the stage.
Well this wasn't good... Juana knew she was in trouble... Though she didn't seem to realize that Diamond was still behind her.  As it was Diamond who came at her from behind, just as the others started to come in.  The attack went on for a few moments before you saw first Tara Malice come running out... with Misfits right behind.  All hell seemed to have broke loose in the ring as Tara went right for Diamond as they were fighting it out.  Kitty and Jayden went after Angelique and Jayden... 
Tara was able to knock Diamond out of the ring, as she then went and teamed with Juana as Becca and Diane were next sent out of the ring... before the ladies then went sending Jayden and Angelique out of the ring.  Aimee, Kitty, and Roxy hugging each other as they were looking at FAB who was pissed... Tara and Juana step up next to Misfits as they all stand raising each others hand showing that they were ready to take the fight to FAB.

Pre Main Event
Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Starr Vs  Shawn Blade
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryThis rematch stems from Kai's interference on Mayhem. Imari and Natasha have decided to let these bad asses tear down the house again.
Winner: Eddie McGinlay
Eddie looked to have a new focus about him.  As being on the losing side was something he was use too.  A bit of a fall from grace as Eddie not only had a loss to Blade, but also had lost his FWAR Championship.  Not a good ending to 2020 for McGinlay.  Shawn seemed to be enjoying himself though as he was waiting in the ring as Eddie was making his way out, with Lana at his side.  
Didn't take long for the match to get started as Eddie went right for Blade, trying to take him out early on.  Though if Eddie was expecting things to go easy, he was very mistaken.  As Shawn was able to reverse an attempted hold and flip Eddie right onto his back.  Going in for a few cheap shot kicks as he is looking to do some damage.  Eddie is picked up and tossed into the corner.  Shawn grinning as he continues the assault, hitting a few chops to the chest.

Main Event
Spencer Carter w/ Danica Grey  Vs  Kevin Khaos w/Eden
Stipulation: Hardcore
Title: Hardcore Title
SummarySpencer lost the Hardcore Championship at the Holiday Bash and now he wants his revenge on the Sadistic Prince so our lovely GM's have decided to give it to him
Winner: Kevin Khaos
Lucky for Khaos, he was able to hold onto the Hardcore title long enough for this match up. Though Spencer seems to be keen on not only winning it back, but getting some pay back on top of it.  As he doesn't waste much time as he runs down the ramp and goes right for Khaos as soon as he slides into the ring.  The bell is rung as the ref is trying to keep some control over the hardcore match up, but at the moment it looks like all hell has broke loose. Spencer hitting Khaos with whatever he could get his hands on taking control early which had made his cockiness show a little and started becoming complacent which against Kevin was a big mistake. Kevin had rolled out of the ring through Spencer's gloats and  pulls out a kendo from under the ring keeping it somewhat hidden from Spencer who leaned out to drag him back into he ring and with a sickening crack Kevin swings the kendo stick hitting Spencer in the head and busted him open instantly. Being quick to capitalize on this Kevin rolled back into the ring and continued hitting Spencer and even choking him with the stick. Satisfied with the damage he had caused Kevin let's go and throws the Kendo stick out of the ring in Danica's direction before flipping her off and yelling "Watch as I destroy him". Turning back around he is met with a half strength spear knocking him down, Spencer who is losing a fair amount of blood struggled to get up from the spear. Pulling himself up on the ropes he grabs a chair which was brought in previously and went to crack Kevin who had pulled Eden in front of him, causing Spencer to stop not wanting to hit a woman. Dropping the chair he yelled at Kevin to be a man, Danica already pissed at the disrespect climbed into the ring and pulled Eden out of the way as Kevin yells at her to her hands off of his Eden. Danica turned around and started yelling back at Kevin getting sick of hearing him mouth off, Danica picked up the chair Spencer had dropped and went to hit Kevin with it who ducked out of the way and accidentally hitting Spencer knocking him clean out. Kevin started laughing as Danica stood there in shock, pinning Spencer for the victory. Eden cheered for Kevin as she grabbed the title belt and jumped into the ring and the pair headed backstage as the scene ends with Danica checking on Spencer and glaring up the stage.

CrystalSweet Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:3116
  • Posts:3116
  • From:USA
  • Register:12/15/2008 5:53 PM

Re:Neophyte Results 1/8/2021

Date Posted:01/09/2021 1:55 AMCopy HTML

Show Info:  
General Manager:  Imari Vale & Natasha Ivanov
Theme Song:  "Psychosocial by Slipknot"
Date: 01/08/2021 @  11 P/M Est

Match 1
Antonio Guerrero W/Eve Guerrero Vs  Nick Gallagher W/Angelique
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryAntonio is chomping at the bit to get more competition under his belt and Nick Gallagher is just the man to give Guerrero what he wants.
Winner: Antonio Guerrero
This match has aggression all over it.  As Nick out there talking with Angelique... As they are waiting for Antonio to come out... Which he does, alone at first, but then Eve comes out.  Not looking pleased that he had come out with out her.  Though he didn't seem to notice her as he just got in the ring.  He went right for Nick before Angelique was even out of the ring.  Causing her to actually fall and hit the ground a bit.  Nick didn't get the chance to check on her, as the ref was doing it.  Leaving Antonio to continue his dirty tactics in the ring.
Which even surprised Eve, as he had always been an aggressive fighter.  This was even more so than what she was use to seeing out of him.  As he did say he was tired of being over looked, and not booked enough.  Feeling disrespected as a champion, who should be on the main cards more, main eventing.   Nick is starting to fight back as he is able to get Antonio in the corner.  Eve is yelling, cheering Antonio on, as Nick just starts to hit a few punches, showing why he is Mr. Nasty.  He then is able to toss Antonio into the center of the ring.   Nick is looking to put an end to it, but as he goes up on the ropes.  Antonio is able to get up... Running to the corner, kicking as Nick falls and feels the pain.  Antonio then grabs Nick by the neck and lifting him up, then hitting something he has never done here in FWAR  A very twisted version of Kneecap Brainbuster...Which makes the big win for Antonio!
Eve gets in the ring, to hand Antionio his belt back... As Antonio just grabs it, pushing Eve from him, as he leaves the ring on his own.  Leaving everyone shocked as he walks out on Eve... It looks like Antonio is going through more than just a change of attitude. 

Match 2
Arnica Blaine & Amari Rose Vs  Ronan Morgenson & Mikah Castile
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryArnica and Amari are angry with the loss of their tag team championships at The Holiday Bash and are wanting to jump right back in and climb the ladder to get what they think is rightfully theirs back. However  Ronan and Mikah are standing in the way.
Winner: Arnica Blance & Amari Rose
Ronan and Mikah had headed to the ring first looking confident and ready to put away the former tag team champions, Arnica and Amari followed quickly not wanting to waste anytime in this bout. Arnica and Ronan starting out after Arnica took Ronan down with a spear and a flurry of lefts and rights, Ronan managed to push Arnica off her taking back some control over the crazed Arnica who ran at her but was taken down by a couple of arm drags in quick succession. This began to frustrate Arnica who was already so fragile from losing her title, Amari noticing this quickly tagged herself in and hit Ronan with a kick straight to the jaw knocking her for a loop. Ronan started crawling to her corner and tagged in Mikah who quickly got in and started trading blows with Amari eventually knocking her down with a hard clothesline before taunting Arnica who tried to run into the ring but was stopped by the Ref thus giving Ronan and Mikah a chance to double team Amari behind his back. The ref managed to get Arnica back on the apron he noticed the other 2 double teaming Amari and warned them off giving time for Amari to tag her in Arnica climbing to the top rope as Mikah ran at her in hopes to knock her off but she was to slow Arnica jumped and hit a hurricanrana on her throwing her into the ropes, running at Ronan kicking her hard in the stomach to knock her off the apron. Laughing at Ronan, Arnica turned around and hit Mikah with a "Arkham" (Shining wizard) before tagging Amari back in who connected with "Bleeding Hearts" (French Kiss DDT) as Arnica jumped out and made sure Ronan couldn't run back in like she had planned as Amari picked up the victory for her team.  Letting Ronan go Arnica ran into the ring hugging her friend before they headed backstage incase Ronan and Mikah planned anything sinister.

Match 3

Lorcan Balthazar W/Belladonna  Vs  Kai Lafao  W/ Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
Summary: Two big guys looking for a chance to hit something. Lorcan seems to be on a high after attacking Lily at The Holiday Bash can he continue on this path or will Kai who is looking to prove himself after his loss derail the train that is Lorcan Balthazar?
Winner:  Lorcan Balthazar
Lorcan came out confident with the beautiful Belladonna by his side, he was ready to show Kai that he was a force to be reckoned with and in this match up he showed every bit of that. Kai taking control fairly early on knocking the big man down to one knee with a well placed upper cut and eventually knocking him down with a hard clothesline. Kai started building up momentum which was stopped by Lorcan punching Kai in the throat knocking him down gasping for air, Roxy looking concerned as Kai rolled out of the ring to create some separation between the two. Lorcan not giving him a chance though stalked behind them pushing Roxy out of the way and kneeing Kai in the side of the head and throwing him back first into the ring apron before dragging him back into the ring. While Kai laid in the middle of the ring Lorcan preformed a jumping leg drop and pinned 1..2 kick out, frustrated Lorcan stood up and started pulling Kai up by his hair, once he had gotten to his knees Kai started punching Lorcan in the middle as hard as he could to The Beast, managing to get to his feet Kai ran back at the ropes and suddenly the lights flickered for a few minutes and the returning Elisabeth Adams standing on the apron with Mary, putting his hands up to stop himself running into her Kai felt the sting of Elisabeth's blade on his hand drawing blood. Stumbling back in shock at what just happened Lorcan scoops him up for a "Darkness Demise" (Tombstone Piledriver) and the three count. Elisabeth disappears and The Beast and Mistress of Evil head backstage as Roxanne checks on Kai with the ref.

Match 4
Diamond Jackson W/Frank & FAB  Vs  Juana Gonzales
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryDiamond has been a splinter in Juana's side since Halloween Hell and with Juana losing her championship at The Holiday Bash due to FAB's interference she is wanted to get some sweet sweet revenge.
Winner: No Contest
After much dispute and Juana making a scene backstage.  Diamond does actually come out alone.  As most seem to be surprised as Diamond just grins walking down the ramp and getting in the ring.  As Juana makes her way down to the ring she is still trash talking.  Diamond is just telling her to come and get it...
Juana starts to get in the ring, as Diamond goes right on the attack.  Striking her from behind, causing her to hunch over. Diamond then grabs her by the hair and roughly tosses her, to the center of the ring.  The ref warns Diamond about the hair pulling as Diamond just walks past, and goes for Juana.   The delay in time by the ref was enough for Juana to get her breath, as she hit with an elbow, knocking Diamond back.   Juana then goes at her and hits a kick to the gut, sending Diamond back into the ropes.  Juana looks to go for a power left move, locking her arms around Diamond.  Diamond though is able to hold her own, and prevent the move from happening.   As she then hits a few elbows of her own.  Until Juana has no other option but to let go.   As soon as she did, Diamond turned, picking her up and hitting with a side walk slam.  leaning down, Diamond grabs her by the hair and starts trash talking... Juana, slaps Diamond across the face, which results in a headbutt from Diamond.  Which knocks her down.  Juana goes for the ropes as she is leaning on them.  
Diamond showing no mercy, goes to the ropes and holds Juana there, using the ropes to choke her.  The ref only allows it for so long, forcing Diamond to break the hold.  Diamond then walks around, taunting a bit, feeling proud of herself, as she watches and waits for Juana to get up... Though before she can... She hears Valissa's music hit as the Women's Champion walks out on stage... Grinning as she stands up on the stage, liking what she sees.  She walks down the ramp way making her way to the ring... Juana looks pissed seeing her coming down... It isn't the end of things as soon you hear the music most everyone hates as FAB is the next to come out and head down the stage.
Well this wasn't good... Juana knew she was in trouble... Though she didn't seem to realize that Diamond was still behind her.  As it was Diamond who came at her from behind, just as the others started to come in.  The attack went on for a few moments before you saw first Tara Malice come running out... with Misfits right behind.  All hell seemed to have broke loose in the ring as Tara went right for Diamond as they were fighting it out.  Kitty and Jayden went after Angelique and Jayden... 
Tara was able to knock Diamond out of the ring, as she then went and teamed with Juana as Becca and Diane were next sent out of the ring... before the ladies then went sending Jayden and Angelique out of the ring.  Aimee, Kitty, and Roxy hugging each other as they were looking at FAB who was pissed... Tara and Juana step up next to Misfits as they all stand raising each others hand showing that they were ready to take the fight to FAB.

Pre Main Event
Eddie McGinlay W/Lana Starr Vs  Shawn Blade
Stipulation: Singles
Title: Non Title
SummaryThis rematch stems from Kai's interference on Mayhem. Imari and Natasha have decided to let these bad asses tear down the house again.
Winner: Eddie McGinlay
Eddie looked to have a new focus about him.  As being on the losing side was something he was use too.  A bit of a fall from grace as Eddie not only had a loss to Blade, but also had lost his FWAR Championship.  Not a good ending to 2020 for McGinlay.  Shawn seemed to be enjoying himself though as he was waiting in the ring as Eddie was making his way out, with Lana at his side.  
Didn't take long for the match to get started as Eddie went right for Blade, trying to take him out early on.  Though if Eddie was expecting things to go easy, he was very mistaken.  As Shawn was able to reverse an attempted hold and flip Eddie right onto his back.  Going in for a few cheap shot kicks as he is looking to do some damage.  Eddie is picked up and tossed into the corner.  Shawn grinning as he continues the assault, hitting a few chops to the chest.  Lana at this time is yelling for Eddie to get his head in it, as she is pulling on the ropes... Shawn taunts a bit, as Lana then gets up on the turn buckle, grabbing Shawn as Eddie has the ref distracted.  She grabs his hand jumping off, as he bounces off the ropes.  Eddie is right there now as he grabs Shawn and then Scottish Drive(Samoan Driver), pinning Shawn and getting the victory!  Lana gets in the ring as she raises his hand as Eddie is grinning knowing this was just the start as he is ready to get back on track.

Main Event
Spencer Carter w/ Danica Grey  Vs  Kevin Khaos w/Eden
Stipulation: Hardcore
Title: Hardcore Title
SummarySpencer lost the Hardcore Championship at the Holiday Bash and now he wants his revenge on the Sadistic Prince so our lovely GM's have decided to give it to him
Winner: Kevin Khaos
Lucky for Khaos, he was able to hold onto the Hardcore title long enough for this match up. Though Spencer seems to be keen on not only winning it back, but getting some pay back on top of it.  As he doesn't waste much time as he runs down the ramp and goes right for Khaos as soon as he slides into the ring.  The bell is rung as the ref is trying to keep some control over the hardcore match up, but at the moment it looks like all hell has broke loose. Spencer hitting Khaos with whatever he could get his hands on taking control early which had made his cockiness show a little and started becoming complacent which against Kevin was a big mistake. Kevin had rolled out of the ring through Spencer's gloats and  pulls out a kendo from under the ring keeping it somewhat hidden from Spencer who leaned out to drag him back into he ring and with a sickening crack Kevin swings the kendo stick hitting Spencer in the head and busted him open instantly. Being quick to capitalize on this Kevin rolled back into the ring and continued hitting Spencer and even choking him with the stick. Satisfied with the damage he had caused Kevin let's go and throws the Kendo stick out of the ring in Danica's direction before flipping her off and yelling "Watch as I destroy him". Turning back around he is met with a half strength spear knocking him down, Spencer who is losing a fair amount of blood struggled to get up from the spear. Pulling himself up on the ropes he grabs a chair which was brought in previously and went to crack Kevin who had pulled Eden in front of him, causing Spencer to stop not wanting to hit a woman. Dropping the chair he yelled at Kevin to be a man, Danica already pissed at the disrespect climbed into the ring and pulled Eden out of the way as Kevin yells at her to her hands off of his Eden. Danica turned around and started yelling back at Kevin getting sick of hearing him mouth off, Danica picked up the chair Spencer had dropped and went to hit Kevin with it who ducked out of the way and accidentally hitting Spencer knocking him clean out. Kevin started laughing as Danica stood there in shock, pinning Spencer for the victory. Eden cheered for Kevin as she grabbed the title belt and jumped into the ring and the pair headed backstage as the scene ends with Danica checking on Spencer and glaring up the stage..

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